Monthly archives: December, 2015

The Final Boss

Hel & Valeria -Adj (Color)

EDIT: The answer to “Will [Piece of Content That Isn’t The Final Dungeon] Ever Get Finished?” is “No.” Please stop asking. Contrary to popular opinion I don’t like being Dreamcrusher McHitler, but you deserve to have the question answered. Working on OG CoC simply isn’t viable (for several reasons) — as evidenced by how much time it’s taken to get this far, or just the time between patches in general. So Dungeon 3 is the last content expansion you can expect for CoCWe know there are definitely loose ends left dangling in CoC; some of them will probably be retroactively removed (the dead-end Helspawn Incest path for example) or edited to sound more complete with the content they have. Others will probably be left the way they are.

So after a mighty 7+ hour long stream and some 6,600 words smashed out, Lethice is *basically* done. Fen wants to write another bad end for her at the least, and for the sake of actually doing a whole week on CoC-week I might jam out a fem-focused win scene if time permits, but… we’re gonna be looking at a placeholder epilogue damn soon (with intent to replace with a full epilogue on the next and probably final CoC week). Unless one of us gets kidnapped by aliens or something today, pretty sure we’ll be able to pass a finished D3 on to the code-dragon department by week’s end.

Lethice’s current scene catalog basically breaks down as

  • Breast-focused win-scene for all genders
  • Cock-focused win scene
  • Corrupt PC voluntary end
  • Pure PC good end (for Lethice anyway)
  • Petplay-themed bad end

I don’t have any art of Lethice on hand, so have some classic Helia by Adjatha.


I tried doing some streaming this afternoon with middling success. Watching me plink out a few thousand words isn’t quite as entertaining without Shou there drawing boobs to the side. I did finish up the Minotaur King bad-end and start setting up the combat text for the third phase of Lethice’s fight, even though my flaky internet did its darnedest to put the kibosh on the whole thing.

The goal for tomorrow is going to be to finish stage three and write up the crazy parasite bad-end I had an idea for. Savin is still plinking at a rather involved victory choice, one that should make a few players smile. That should put us pretty close to done with the fight content. There may be a few odds and ends I need to dig into before we can pass the mess off to Gedan to code, though – placeholder ending dialogue and maybe some more win scenes for Lethice.

As always, I’ll keep you posted as things develop.

Misc Updates

dsan_kiro_annoCoC week 2 has started for those that are unaware. We’re hoping we can have all the writing we need to have Lethice fightable and beatable done by the end of the week, along with a simplified ending. Something along that leaves you with an extremely broad sense of victory. Later on, I want to spend some time bashing out a literal fuckton of epilogue forks based on the major events of the game (like if Marae is corrupted or not), but that’ll come later.

The Minotaur King fight has all the combat text and win scenes completed. I’ve got to polish off a bad-end or two for him, then he’ll be complete. Likely it’ll just be a single bad-end that involves forceful oral & cum addiction followed by being worn on his cock like an article of clothing.

Savin’s been chipping away at victory scenes for Lethice (and one loss). I did a little bit of work on her combat text for the first phase. At the moment, it looks like it’s going to be a three phase fight. I’ve got a crazy idea for a parasitic creature bad end vaguely reminiscent of the Omnibus bad ends from the factory. Hopefully it’ll come out pretty well.

In other news, Gedan worked on the website quite a bit today, making a bunch of tweaks and changes under the hood in order to supercharge the site’s performance. The downside of this is that we broke a couple of things. More than a couple things, actually. Fenchat looks like it’s gone screwy, and the embedded pop-ups on the play page died as a consequence. Most of the other issues have already been cleaned up.

Geddy hated those embedded pop-ups, so we’ll probably have to swap back to just feeding your browser the pure .swf and hoping it’s smart enough to open it instead of auto-downloading it. But, we did discuss a potential way to bake a preloader into the game that will give you something better to look at than a white screen while the game loads. I’ll keep you posted if we can get that up and going.

Lastly, we’ve made ourselves and official Picarto channel. Livestream is kind of a shit, and since Picarto is apparently okay with game development streams, we’re going to make use of that. The multistreaming functionality is pretty great as well. With that, we can show Shou’s art streaming while Savin or I try to hammer out some text.

Kiro & Anno being adorable drawn by Dsan. I swear, Kiro gets bigger every time she’s drawn.

[PUBLIC/FREE] Tainted Space 0.6.19

doxy_110lorezIt’s finally here! Sorry for the hold-up. I’m getting word that the combat overhaul is coming along well too, so maybe we can see a party combat dungeon in time for January (no promises). Check out the new hotness:

0.6.20 Changelog:

  • Resolves a crash in a Zephyr scene, issues with the gooey balls submenus, and various other annoying details.

0.6.19 Changelog:

  • Placeholder scene for meeting Zo’dee a second time has been replaced with a proper encounter. Moderate lewdness possible.
  • After encountering GaloMax for the first time, Gene and Sera will each sell one dose.
  • The third level of GaloMax transformation is more or less complete, with a bevy of options for vaginas, testes, and penises.
  • Please note that GaloMax is still unfinished content – the fourth (full-body gooey-ness) and fifth doses (legs become a gooey mound – fullgoo PC) are not yet in the game.
  • Zo’dee has a bust from one of Doxy’s original design picture (Doxy approved!)
  • Codex Entries have been broken up to make the “Races” section less overwhelming.
  • Arbetz travel agency has been added to Tarkus, courtesy of Nonesuch and Jacques00.
  • MinoCharge has been added to Gene’s shop courtesy of Couch and Jacques00.
  • A bigass pile of changes, fixes, and tweaks that probably also broke some new things. Keep the bug reports coming!
  • Some work to allow you to be naked/exhibitionist when wearing clothes that don’t actually cover the funbits.

The weekend is hitting, so I’ll be MOSTLY scarce till monday, but I’m hoping I can spend some time cleaning up any major bugs tonight in order to put a less-buggy public build up. If it doesn’t hit tonight, expect it Saturday night.

Odds are pretty good for Savin and I digging into CoC some next week, though I might not put a whole week into it. CIAO!

Original Zo’dee bust by Doxy!

Public Patch ETA: Friday Noonish, America-Time

I don’t have a more specific time-frame than that. I’ll be poking at some more goo stuff and testing some stuff Jacques00 was kind enough to code in on the side. Someday Gedan will finish rejiggering combat to support Savin’s madness and come back to adding content with us. Someday!

I added a small Zo’dee scene to replace the placeholder event, and fleshed out most of the menus. Ball growth/expansion/shrinking still needs done, though. Also, I’ve set up Sera and Gene to each sell one dose of GaloMax after Zo’dee introduces it, meaning you can get four units of it at present. I doubt I can get the fourth transformation and menu up and running, but such is how it works with progress.

I’m out!

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