Monthly archives: January, 2025

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Streaming Trials in Tainted Space busts and movies

Today’s bust: the stealthy shalin hunter of Phaedra’s RadWoods

Today’s movies: “AfrAId,” “The Watchers,” “Secrets in the Hot Spring,” and “Hereditary”

Come watch and chat at:

[TiTS] Behemoths Slavebreaking Slavebreakers

Qailla sends her regards. (By Adjatha)

New week, new patch! This time we have a whole new follower recruitment, though it is sadly limited to hard personality types only at this time due to the way the PC is written within the events. We also have a new transformation item, freshly worked up and ready to go, and I even went ahead and integrated it into the weapon crafting system to boot!

Stay tuned as we push deeper into Phaedra’s wilds in the months to come!

0.9.119 Changelog:

  • [Backers] New Follower – capture a slavebreaker and take them aboard in a delightful reversal of fortunes. Because this expansion pack is written with a harsher tone and more into BDSM/punishment without variance for personality type, it wouldn’t make much sense for personality types other than “hard,” and is thus restricted to that personality type only. (Written by Doots, coded by Leek)
  • [Backers] New Transformation – Glowing Behemoth Crystals. Right now the mob that drops them isn’t coded yet, so you’ll have to cheat one into your inventory if you want to experience them. Simply carry one on your person, and you’ll experience transformations every other hour or so, starting after you’ve carried one for four hours or so. After four transformations, the crystal will become dull. (Written by Skom/QuestyRobo, coded by Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] Added Dull and Glowing Behemoth Crystals to the weapon crafting system. Both allow a previously unavailable proc chance: stun chance and burn chance. (Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] Charge a Message Drone! The warning drone on Mhen’ga that got its bust updated has a new scene for recharging its bouncy gel-batteries! (Written by Adjatha, coded by Fen)
  • [Public] Paulette’s Expansion
  • New Busts: Qailla, Qailla with Apron (full rez on Patreon & SubscriberStar!), Steelesuit Slavebreaker, Slavebreaker with Collar (+1 variant).
  • Spam emails were apparently broken, and are now fixed. (Thank lowercase donkey for this one.)
  • Crafting a weapon with trip chance no longer creates a weapon with stun chance, and properly applies trip chance.
  • Numerous Jumper Interceptor fixes. A TON of bugs got cleaned up. (Gedan / lowercase donkey)
  • Fix ship stealth fields lasting more than 5 turns. (Check with your doctor if this happens to you!) (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed up some improperly formatted attack texts for Feruze. (Gedan)
  • Fixed some pronoun issues in the train dungeon. (Gedan)
  • Fixed “tremdously large” descriptor. (Gedan)
  • Donkey reworked all the systems underpinning the tease system while fixing some minor bugs.
  • Horse PIlls can now remove horn bumps. (Gedan)
  • You can no longer craft “a Knuckles” when crafting weapons. (Fenoxo)
  • And so many other typos, tweaks, and adjustments!

[Public | CoC2] Over Troubled Waters

Varena’s got some more relationship building (and even some PLOT to go with those vast plots of land), which sets up a quite substantial second quest getting ready to hit the code queue. Also, KnotQuest and the new character creation bits are all public with this update, so enjoy!

Hotfix: A hotfix has been released to fix an issue that could cause all tiles in Varena’s quest to fail.

0.7.34 Patch Notes:

  • The first of Varena’s two personal quests is now implemented — a small romp to find someone who’s been stalking the princess.
  • Varena’s Trust scores have been adjusted slightly now that the quest is in, so if you haven’t already banged her, she’ll require a little more buttering-up to get into bed.
  • Various den foxes have new talks reacting to your having shagged Komari. Some of these are really quite funny. (By Aury)
  • New sleep event after fully upgrading the Wayfort and having purified the Hornet Hive — Queenie comes and gives you a private dance. (By Skow)
  • New Busts: Atugia’s mom and dad from the flashback, the Head-Slicing Wraith, Genova updated bust, and NinaQuest 2 busts (all by Moira)
  • New CGs: Varena Cowgirl sex (Akira), Ivaze (ToonNik — that guy what works on TiTS a bunch!), Queen Nyzerrah’s Dance
  • New code and text fixes by Tea and Zag.

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[TiTS] Tainted Divrani, Jumping in Space Battles, and Custom Psi Weapons

My sinuses couldn’t kill me. My ears infections couldn’t kill me. Having to make my holiday trip with an ear infection that wouldn’t pop on the plane didn’t get me either (ow).

So I slogged through and built up a system that had been concepted when we were adding the Kineticist class – a build your own hardlight weapon system. It’s not fully complete (and may indeed be buggy in unknown ways~) but it’s an excellent proof of concept and for the moment, fairly exploitable. Stacking a critBonus-aligned weapon with a critBonus-aligned resonance gem let me roll like +47% critical… which might catch a nerf soon. Abuse it while you can, I guess! There’s also several other gems that are intended to be added to the game in order to make sure we have reasonable coverage of the main attributes, damage types, and proc chances.

She could jump me…

And after settling in back at home, I resumed work on a transformation item for an upcoming enemy: The Behemoths of Phaedra. The transformation item is about 85% done. I just need to finish up the double-vagina transformation and the special perks (heat/rut & radiation resistance). Those will be coming soon.

But wait, there’s more! Two other fully fledged encounters are finalized and ready to go thanks to Gedan and Leek’s tireless efforts – more on that below!

0.9.118 Changelog:
  • [Backers] Custom Hardlight Weapon Crafting! Visit Qailla in Gabtown on Dhaal to make a hardlight weapon to your own specifications. You’ll need three different gems for the process – one for damage type, one for a bonus stat attribute, and one for any special status proc abilities. Of course, Kineticists will benefit from the most from this, as the weapons have psychic affinities and a higher stat budget for the lucky space wizards! (Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] Jumper Interceptors – William’s final TiTS project is a space battle with everyone’s favorite Zheng Shi gang: the Jumpers!  Best found around Uveto, Zheng Shi, and Dhaal, these fearsome bunnies can pack a lot of heat! (Coded by Gedan)
  • [Backers] Tainted Divrani Cultist – This hostile Phaedra mob is the first to be coded for Phaedra’s second explorable zone! Since that zone isn’t laid out yet, you can press a button at Shieldrock Station (that’s the station AFTER the dungeon) to automatically encounter one for testing. (Written by Fr0sty, Coded by Leek)
  • [Public] Cum Withdrawal is active for everyone~!
  • New Bust: Tainted Divrani Cultist (Adjatha), Jumper Interceptor (Adjatha)
  • New Art: Emmy Panties CG (ToonNik)
  • Increased zaika pregnancy odds. Those purple space-elves got a little bit more fertile… (DrunkZombie)
  • Lots of bugs fixed and new bugs created.

[Backers | CoC2] What a Charmer…

Okay, so after a WHOLE LOT more work, Balak has finished his grand opus on the combat system update with a rework of the Charmer class. Plus, to go along with it, we have chosen to update the Character Creation pipeline at the same time, since I reckon a bunch of you are going to be making new Charmers to check it out. This is the end of Balak’s great work, and now he can peacefully return to the writing mines with the rest of us. Big round of applause for the guy.

Oh, and just so it doesn’t get lost in the weight of all the other changes in the patch: Cait and Katya have a threesome together now! (Thanks Aury!)

Hotfix: A hotfix has been released to fix issues with pupperidge combat infinitely proccing, character creation not giving balls, Caranbrot causing NaN HP, and slider text being near-invisible in dark mode.

0.7.33 Patch Notes:

  • Character Creation has seen a major update. While the core 5 Classes and 5 Races remain unchanged, as does the total list of 10 available Backgrounds, many new options have been added for starting cosmetic appearance. In addition, you can now choose any Background regardless of Class.
  • Most races have new eye, hair, and/or skin color options to start with.
  • Maximum starting breast size has been increased.
  • New sliders have been added for most physical properties of the character in CharGen, such as thickness, muscle tone, butt size, and more.
  • In addition to weapon and spell powers, we now have Charm powers. These function like spells, but for… Charmers! Charms scale off of Sexiness instead of Spellpower, and use Temptation instead of Spell Pen. Most Charmer abilities are now Charms rather than a slapdash mix of spells and untyped tease attacks.
  • List of Charms: Flametongue, Hymn to Light (NEW, Cantrix Viv exclusive for now), Scaldic Cadence (NEW), Bardic Cadence (NEW), Cadence of Power (NEW), Bolstering Dance, Song of Storms, War Song, Song of Splendor, Sunblade, Charm Spell, Charming Glance (NEW), Thunder Chord (NEW), Holy Reverberation (NEW, Cantrix Viv), Dischord, Grand Finale, Notation Revelation (NEW, Cantrix Viv), Flare, Sacred Chord (NEW, Cantrix Viv)
  • A bunch of healing powers now scale off of your tease boost: Flametongue, Hymn to Light, Bolstering Dance, Song of Courage, Soothing Dance.
  • Bardic Cadence, Cadence of Power, Scaldic Cadence, Charming Glance, Thunder Chord have all been added to regular ol’ charmer lists.
  • Song of Splendor is now a tease that applies 3 stacks of resonance
  • Vestal’s Embrace now can be used even if allies are at full health so as to enable threat generation.
  • Holy Ward now works as intended.
  • Toughness now provides more additional Health per point (7.5 as opposed to 5).
  • Base Threat is now increased by Toughness and reduced by Cunning.
  • Presence no longer increases Health.
  • The Leadership bonus from Presence has been reduced by half. To compensate, the scaling on Summons has been increased to Leadership + Presence instead of JUST Leadership.
  • The Accuracy bonus from Agility has been reduced by half. To compensate, all characters now have a level-based passive Accuracy boost: this should equal out to about the same for max-Agility characters and provide a nice boost to low-Agility characters’ hit rates. Poor Arona can finally swing straight!
  • Tease base damage nerfed from 30 to 27
  • Terrified now reduces magic resist instead of mental resist
  • Aroused reduces mental resist instead of magic resist
  • The Charmer’s Stylish perk is now “isn’t wearing heavy armor” and gives 4*level Sexiness OR “is wearing heavy armor” and thus gives a Threat bonus equal to your Sexiness. Bard tanks!
  • Catalysts now directly give their bonuses to Spell and Charm-tagged powers, rather than obliquely benefitting things using the magicalHit formula. This doesn’t REALLY change much but is a slight buff to catalysts overall, making them apply to more powers.
  • Caranbrot now heals the player if they are already shielded.
  • Wooden Pipes no longer grant spellpower and spell pen, instead giving ward and temptation
  • Viviane has two news sets! Elemental, themed around debuffs and setting up combos, which is always unlocked; Cantrix, a holy-themed bard, which is currently unlocked by default pending some upcoming content for the witch. The latter set is exclusive to human Viv, while Demon Viv will have an exclusive set of her own soon as well.
  • Skin/Fur/Scale plurality should now be properly accommodated in the game’s text.
  • Roughly one assload of text cleanup, typo corrections, and other edits submitted by community members. (Thanks Tea and Zag!)
  • AS FOR ACTUAL CONTENT: Cait and Katya have a 3way together with some high-impact kitty-on-kitty-on-PC squish. (By Aury)
  • New CGs: Cats Double Blowjob (Yuulis), Character Creation Races (Moira)

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

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