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Yo yo! It’s been a couple weeks, and that means we’ve got some new encounters and a lot of under-the-hood work and polish and show off.
Hotfixes (Download players will need to redownload):
- Fixed crashes in the behemoth transformation related to penises and vaginas. (Fenoxo)
- Fixed a softlock in Penny’s recruitment quest.
- Fixed several more issues with the eventQueue.
0.9.120 Changelog:
- [Backer Content] Vivi, a skunky drug dealer, is now available to be encountered on Zheng Shi station. Written by Asteroth and coded by Leek.
- [Backer Content] The Futa Naleen (a higher level “tainted” encounter found on Mhen’ga) got an expansion pack to have some less combative fun with her! You just need to defeat her in combat three times and have some victory sex with her first… Written by Doots and coded by Leek.
- [Now Public] Velta Hardlight Blowjob
- New Adjatha Art: Sam Steelesuit Bust (This was meant to be active ages and ages ago but finally got fixed up thanks to Donkey clearing out old bugs), Qailla nude (She doesn’t have scenes that use it yet, but I doubt she’ll stay that way very long.)
- New ToonNik Art: Zephyr Busts (x2: These are a bit more lore accurate to Zephyr’s height. Her previous art made her seem like something of a shortstack instead of a nine foot tall amazon)
- New CG Art: Suzereigne’s 4th email should include an attachment with an image, but when she was coded our email systems did not actually allow us to embed images within them. Now that this is fixed, the intended art has been added. (lowercase donkey)
- The map for the Radwoods, on the far side of Shineglass Station’s Train Ride (Phaedra content) has been deployed. For now, the Behemoth Crystals and Tainted Cultists are the only attractions, but this will be changing soon… (Fenoxo)
- Mhen’ga and Myrellion’s Deep Caves got some reworking to their encounter proccing systems in order to support events proccing that don’t lock you out of movement in a more robust way. This change touched almost every encounter those systems could initiate, so be sure to let us know if there’s a new bug where you can walk away from a fight without starting it or other weirdness. (Fenoxo coded this.)
- Strange Eggs and Mhen’gan Mangos are now rolled for as encounters with the enemies in their particular area. This should prevent them proccing in the immediate aftermath of a fight or annoying the player with incessant amount of navigation interruptions. (Fenoxo)
- Oxonium Crystals can now be discovered on Mhen’ga while exploring. They’re worth about 600 credits a piece and should help early game players refill their depleted bank accounts. They may also be used in custom psi weapon crafting. (Fenoxo)
- When finding Strange Eggs, Mangos, or Oxonium crystals, the game will remember that item’s location for up 2 hours of in-game time (longer for the egg), allowing you to path back and grab something you breezed by in a hurry. Note that you will not encounter that item anywhere else until that cooldown ends. Picking up the item shortens the cooldown to 20 minutes. (Fenoxo)
- Our eventQueue system served us well, but could also introduce some weirdness when used improperly. Gedan decided to rip it out and rebuild it better… stronger… faster… and sexier. Turns out it was one of the main things holding back the experimental undo/redo feature. If all is going as intended you shouldn’t notice any differences at all… (Gedan)
- Fixed a narc crash. (lowercase donkey)
- Fixed crashes for Suzeraigne related to vaginal filling. (lowercase donkey)
- Fixed an issue where you could choose to DP both insertables into your ass during Dhaal’s Farrow Quest and crash the game. (lowercase donkey)
- Fixed a crash when fucking Neil with a strap-on. (lowercase donkey)
- Fixed a Maja handjob crash. (lowercase donkey)
- Fixed an Embry strap-on crash. (lowercase donkey)
- Fixed Carmelita’s bust not showing the appropriate variant. (lowercase donkey)
- Many spelling and punctuation fixes (even for variable names that don’t need to be grammatically correct!) (lowercase donkey)
Keen-eyed observers may notice that Jacques00 hasn’t touched much of the code in a little while, but that’s because he’s been doing busts for the Tainted Rusher – a highly variable NPC that changes quite a lot across the course of the game. I got to see some early flat color previews, and she’s looking niiiice. Look forward to it!
time to see if skunk is literal or not.
How rare is Oxonium supposed to be? It doesn’t seem to appear very often. For that matter, Mhen’gan Mangoes and Strange Eggs seem extremely rare, too.
Rarish. It’s supposed to be a nice little find without being obnoxious.
So question: How rare is Jasvalla encounter now? I know I didn’t have her arrested. I looked up her wiki and got my level she’s supposed to be on Zheng-Shi and the area where she used to be I’ve not encountered her in a WHILE. Am I in the wrong place or..?
if you lose to her enough she moves to her flat on Tarvos and you can meet her there, its in the living quarters far right
might also apply to getting addicted to her enough
That’s just the thing as far as I remember it, I always (at least from the last time I got to fight her) won.
Might have an internal cooldown. Try waiting a day or two before returning to the mining area for her. Also, you can become addicted even while winning if you sex her up in any way that gets you in contact with her jizz
I haven’t touched her odds, aside from the new Oxonium/Egg/etc drops taking up a tiny slice of the encounter table.
Who the fuck is Suzereigne?
I do believe that’s Suze’ full name IIRC? You can find her on Canadia between 5 and 7 pm
BUG: Just updated to the newest release. After intiating the oxo quest with Penny I decided to check on her and got stuck after trying to drop loot from my inventory.
Restarted day and made sure inventory was clear. Ran into same bug. Web browser version if that helps.
You should post this information on the appropriate Forum that you can get to from the link at the top of the webpage. Once there, click Trials in Tainted Space and then Bug Reports and post your findings there
1. Bug report forum
2. Attach a copy of the save.
3. What is an oxo quest?
Oxonium quest, figured it out. We’re lookin into it.
Found the bug and crushed it. Winning the combat queues up two events. Checking Penny removes one of them.
The new function to remove an event from the queue was accidentally removing both queued events, which would leave you in the void instead of initializing the dungeon.
Who is sam ?
Black void techie that became a recruitable crewmate.
You encounter her by following Saendra’s quest, which starts by answering a distress call in space and continues from there with another distress call on Tavros
why did her other two pfp’s dissappear? only ones you can see now are the ones when Sam first came out and the old one of her in the steele suit that just came out
I’m glad that my comment about the undo feature being wonky wasn’t unheard, supposedly.
When you say we shouldn’t notice a difference with it though, that’s a little confusing unless you mean specifically the event encounter software. Because having a working Undo button to quickly see other options would be wonderful.
I mean you should not notice a difference in how the eventQueue functions, which is a different system than undo/redo.
huh…was the slyveran crew mate’s appreciation points thing fixed? Cause having to do that with every loading in is getting quite irritating, to say the least. ya know, when you would load and her appreciation points would reset..
that and the loss the cum bubble? cause if you do that scene you lose that.
The obedience resetting on load should’ve been hotfixed ages ago.
The value should be visible in Codex stuff now to check for yourself.
it’s not unless it’s fixed on new saves only?
nevermind it seems the i didn’t extract the game into the folder properly.
ngl I used to love Syri but after getting ahold of Sam she’s my new favorite bar none. btw will we be able to tit fuck anno in the future? because it seems sinful to have those beautiful mounds go unmolested
Hey I just wanted to check if the Cum Withdrawal content has been correctly flagged to be available for non-backers? Idk if I’ve missed some hidden flags or something or I’m doing it wrong, but for the past couple of patches I’ve tried to trigger the content by moving between tiles in a couple different areas that you’re supposed to be able to trigger it, and gotten nothing, even after two or three in-game days of tile hopping.
The requirements are something like (Cum Thirsty or Dumb4Cum) and 80%+ Libido. They have a 14 day cooldown.
Tavros seems to only be on the Merchant Deck.
Myrellion’s can only be seen when getting off your ship, as far as I can tell.
Dhaal’s is often crowded out by the combat encounters.
Thanks for the information! I was aware of most of it, so to clarify, here’s specifically what I was doing:
I waited until I got the ‘cum thirsty’ status affect, then waited another 14 days (just in case) before beginning to really hunt for an encounter, I was also specifically looking on the bottom row of the Tavros Merchant Deck, as another user had reported that to be an area where they had successfully triggered an encounter.
So, theoretically, I SHOULD have met all the requirements. I do suspect user error on my end, but figured it was worth mentioning somewhere just in case it wasn’t.
Futa Anno one day too, hopefully :3
Does Viv have sex content? or is she like the mouse who deals from Kally’s bar?
She does have sex content, yes.
Will we ever get to recruit Sam if our Steele doesn’t have a dick?
Also is Velta still fking male Steeles only? I’m just confused by the highlight panties part.
She still only fucks male Steeles. You can give her hardlight panties and she’ll peg you with the hardlight instead of a plain dildo.
A prerequisite for recruiting Sam is to have her get pregnant in Gastigoth. So you must have a dick there, at least. I think you can remove the dong after she’s on your ship.
Thank you for answering my questions. Shame Velta is still straight.
I encountered the skunk drug dealer, but haven’t encountered her again. Is she currently a one-off encounter?
I think you meet them lower down, and then can encounter them in the Rec Deck.
Not 100% sure as I haven’t played through it, but I glanced at the code when making the patch notes and saw those bits.
this is correct, she will be on the square north of the wall sluts.
I havent found the tainted naleen on mhenga, is there a prerequisite i must meet?
It’s actually quite nice here, you know?
The hollows don’t care for a skinny old twig like me.
I’ve got Yulia… And nobody pelts me with stones anymore.
You’re Undead, you know how it is.
I was treated worse back at home.
Hmm, if the option to embed images in emails are a thing now, I would hope this opens the door for a certain dommy childhood friend on Uveto to have some great pics added there considering all the smut she seems to casually send us
In fact, this opens the door a LOT more art to be added across all the messages we get. I hope lots more get implemented from you all! ^^
Heads up, theres a bug at somepoint in the game where you can’t move after sleeping.
How do I trigger Paulette’s Zheng Shi date?
gotta go to operations
The way I actually jumped up in my seat when I saw Zephyr being mentioned, thinking it finally meant additional content for her – and the way I deflated, hopes and dreams crushed when I realised that wasn’t the case ;_;
Wait, I’m confused, are zephyrs eyes green or yellow in her description in the game?
I restarted Bizzy quest and seems to make Dizzy disappear, i searched my ship, the nursery and Bizzy’s place even Dhaal. Is there any way to make her reappear or is this a bug.
That’s not a bug, you restarted the quest the introduces Dizzy into the game. Now you have to re-progress to her introduction again.
Are the Radwoods Backer content or public?
Because I can access it, but I only run into the plants, not Behemoth Crystals and Tainted Cultists.
Running into some kind of bug where I’m locked out from finishing sleep when I have a Mimbrane face at lvl 4 trust and max feedings. Unless it’s something else that’s probably it since that’s the only thing different in my version of Steele lately