Hey guys! Fen here with another update on progress for various things in the TiTSworld. Before I get into showing off some rad new stuff in the javascript build (banged out by the ever-lovely Gedan, Leek, and Jacques00), I have a nice little bugfix patch that I’ve thrown together from my efforts to wade through the latest backlogged bugs.

0.8.155 Changelog:
- If you’ve asked Kiro to keep her nuts all plush and squishy for you, good news: she’ll wait a few more hours before getting annoyed by the size and “resetting.”
- You can no longer start Paige & Kiro threesomes while lacking in genitals.
- Some scenes for parasitic tailcocks were able to be accessed by those with non-parasitic tailcocks. This has been fixed.
- Bhakar now shows in the bust window for his race’s Codex entry.
- The PC will no longer get a drink with Kally’s special ingredient if they are kui-tan or have the “‘Nuki Nuts” perk. This will now be tracked to be appropriately mentioned when discussing the secret ingredient with Kiro.
- The male naleen can no longer somehow put both his dicks in your ass while also somehow putting one in your tail. The poor guy only has two to work with!
- Getting sucked off by a slyveren slavebreaker was skipping the follow-up and actual dick growth the scene was supposed to impart. This has been fixed.
- Po’s drone has regained its aphrosting attack.
- Lola’s pool scenes should now properly prioritize penises over hardlight phalluses. Always go for the real deal!
- A new scene was added to the image pack for sleeping with Anno & Shekka, drawn by the lovely SugarBugTrash and graciously allowed to be included in the game.
- You can no longer have a threesome with Anno and Kase before Kase heals.
- Syri will now wait at least 48 hours from when she gives you her panties before skipping town for Uveto. It was pretty weird to run into her, screw, get a gift, and then walk to the bar to discover she somehow snuck off planet… Maybe ausar get a class level in rogue or something?
- The Holotrap event in KiroQuest has had some of its if-checks cleaned up and corrected.
- SirensBounty should now assign correct tail flags when TFing a tailgina.
- The ballSizeMod stat should no longer be initialized at 0. That means saves created before now got to be a lil bit bigger off the hop. I might need to give ballSizeRaw a nudge up…
- The Easter Jumper’s sexual likes & dislikes should now represent a unanimously positive regard for cum-covered PCs.
- VKo no longer instantly vaccinates you against all SSTDs when you get one cured, and instead now offers an optional choice after doing so – the price scales up with level.
- Kaede’s encounters should check more thoroughly to make sure she is available before proccing themselves.
- Kaede’s “Ride Rocket” scene should now use allow for more in-depth hole selection.
- The Casstech Z14’s description has been updated to match the tutorial text.
- Hips will no longer be described as slender just because your character has high muscle tone.
- Assorted tiny typo fixes, broken parser fixes, and the like.
- I’m sure one new bug crawled back in before I could close the door… if you spot him, you can post about him on the bug report forums!
Javascript update images below the break, so stick around if you wanna see some absolutely juicy goodness!