New week, new TiTS patch! This time I don’t have a bunch of juicy stuff from the JS port to spice up the post with, but it’s still coming together. Geddy has been busy tangling with the deployment and loading systems such that I couldn’t even putter around in the dev version of it at meeting time. The progress from the rest of the coding team was similarly low-vis though significant. It’s something of a change-up to be the one who did things that are more visible this week – namely coding some lovely content Savin left me on the backlog!
0.8.157 Changelog:
- Ardia will now request a better jumpsuit a week or so after recruiting her, and you can give her a SteeleTech jumpsuit to fill that need. Along with the Jumpsuit, she gets a new scene (if she’s dommy enough), and a lot of busts to go with it – 16 different variants to handle things like domminess, ‘nuki nuts, penis type, and the always classic nudity.
- If you stole the Sidewinder, defeated Teyaal during your return trips to Zheng Shi, and saved her during the final confrontation, you can now encounter her along with her daughter on the recreation deck. This tidy little content bundle offers a smidgen of familial exposition as well as an opportunity to nip back to Teyaal’s office for an in-person check-up with the good doctor. (So what if her doctorate is in engineering?) I just hope to wake up with some Sela scenes to slide in there as well, to provide a nice little capstone for that event.
- Teyaal can now impregnate the PC using the Gryvain Pregnancy type that was added with FIRST-14.
- New Ardia art for getting missionary from her, drawn by Rama.
- New art for losing to Gryvain Techie in FIRST-14 and having your face sat upon. Again, drawn by Rama.
- Other new busts: Geoff, Daerworm, Daer Wormlings, and the Pumpking

Savin has been working on more main plot stuff for Dhaal in the meantime, and Will assures me that a metric fuckload of writing has gone into a project code-named “Evilbun.” I could tell you more, but then I’d have to jill you.