New week, new TiTS patch! This time I don’t have a bunch of juicy stuff from the JS port to spice up the post with, but it’s still coming together. Geddy has been busy tangling with the deployment and loading systems such that I couldn’t even putter around in the dev version of it at meeting time. The progress from the rest of the coding team was similarly low-vis though significant. It’s something of a change-up to be the one who did things that are more visible this week – namely coding some lovely content Savin left me on the backlog!
0.8.157 Changelog:
- Ardia will now request a better jumpsuit a week or so after recruiting her, and you can give her a SteeleTech jumpsuit to fill that need. Along with the Jumpsuit, she gets a new scene (if she’s dommy enough), and a lot of busts to go with it – 16 different variants to handle things like domminess, ‘nuki nuts, penis type, and the always classic nudity.
- If you stole the Sidewinder, defeated Teyaal during your return trips to Zheng Shi, and saved her during the final confrontation, you can now encounter her along with her daughter on the recreation deck. This tidy little content bundle offers a smidgen of familial exposition as well as an opportunity to nip back to Teyaal’s office for an in-person check-up with the good doctor. (So what if her doctorate is in engineering?) I just hope to wake up with some Sela scenes to slide in there as well, to provide a nice little capstone for that event.
- Teyaal can now impregnate the PC using the Gryvain Pregnancy type that was added with FIRST-14.
- New Ardia art for getting missionary from her, drawn by Rama.
- New art for losing to Gryvain Techie in FIRST-14 and having your face sat upon. Again, drawn by Rama.
- Other new busts: Geoff, Daerworm, Daer Wormlings, and the Pumpking

Savin has been working on more main plot stuff for Dhaal in the meantime, and Will assures me that a metric fuckload of writing has gone into a project code-named “Evilbun.” I could tell you more, but then I’d have to jill you.
First time I ever stumbled on an update the second it was released! Props for the good work!
Is there any way to see the full busts in game? I can only see the top half
Most busts are only thigh-up when drawn; there’s nothing you aren’t seeing.
Wondering if we could impregnate Dr. Teyaal as well?
That would be ACES she cant have all the fun to herself ^
So much for that idea
Hooray for content!
If you had to guess, what is the estimate date for the JavaScript port?
Soon. ™
Hooray! Lots of update goodies this time around and with Teyaal and Ardia? Tis a good day!
Hey weird question but I love the spaceship art in TiTS but when I glanced around I haven’t been able to find out who did it. Sorry if I missed it but was just wondering who does the space ship art? did most of it.
Loved Ardia as usual.. will we get any more of her Sire or her home planet?
Doubtful, but not impossible.
That chibi Kiro(?)…my brain fried from the adorkableness of it!
all applause chibi kiro dab !
Teyall may not be able to beat me in a fight, but she can easily beat me in the sack. I given the choice she & her daughter can and will always dominate my Steele
Speaking of domimant Teyal, is there the choice to let her be dominant?
Also is more Ardia content in the works?
Yeah, Teyaal has a repeat scene for letting her top.
No more Ardia in the works at the moment. All my attention is focused on plot development for the foreseeable future.
Ardia, fair enough, (hope more comes out someday)
Thanks for the answers mate, keep up the awesome work.
Ha yes Dr.T my favourite waifu a shame i am not good at writing or i would submit content for her a long ago many thanks to the author you just made my day for wathever it’s worth to you you have my gratitude dont know if it’s will happen or not but i would for us to empreg dr.t i hope it happens one day.
farewell and keepup the great work people❤️
Is the image embedded version up or nah?
Yep, linked in the Patreon & SS posts.
is it me or I cannot download the new update ? (it said that im downloading the 0.8.156 instead of the 0.8.157 )
Are you logged into a backer account? 😛
yeah i am ^-^
ive fixed it ^^
Every time I beat Teyaal it says defeat. I then get bad ended. What am I doing wrong?
Will there be a public patch at the start of next month with this content? Or will we be waiting for a bit more to be added until the next public patch? Ardia and Teyaal are top tier I’m so hyped!
I’m not well-versed enough Ardia’s scenes so I’m not sure which scene is actually new, on the bright side that means I get to experience the scenes all over again lol.
I think it’s the tongue bath, sadly my Steele took the medicine to remove the addition effect a long time ago so I’m stuck at a certain level of submission with her.
oh I got that scene… All my Steele’s are at level 10 submission.
Ardia’s missionary scene has the space for the image, but it is an empty space
I know that it was mentioned in the post, but I couldn’t get a clear yes or no from that. Will we get some Sela scenes in the future? Or is almost all of the focus on the JS port at this point?
So question and sorry if this has been asked alot or is obvious i dont know how these things work but how come TiTs needs a separate version to have art ingame while CoC2 doesn’t?
TiTS is coded in flash. Coconut is coded in javascript and wrapped in Electron.
Flash and Jascript is different platforms. This is why the Javascript Port of TiTS is in development.
I see thanks for the explanation.
Quick question. Are you guys toning down bad ends to avoid patreon issues? Just curious.