aka the Gardeford Patch!
Hotfix: A hotfix has been released to fix an issue that would make Yoli’s new egg help scene inaccessible.
0.7.35 Patch Notes:
- A recently-corrupted Ahmri can now be found by those who corrupted the centaur village. Rescue her from Tollus’ clutches and take her home! Show off your newly corrupted pone to some of your friends! She promises she’ll behave.
- There’s a new foreign visitor at the passion pasture! Partake in the delights of Yashiko, the foreign minotauress with a foxy secret.
- You can now help Atugia’s body provide a sexy show for her head.
- Thrud can now give you a titjob.
- You can now help a heavily pregnant Yolihuali lay her egg.
- Eira has a new zero gravity sex scene.
- Kalysea has new Tease text.
- Combat text coloring should work after an enemy is defeated or despawns.
- Enemy lettering now loops back to “A” after running out of characters in infinite-wave fights…. Remember to hit [Defend] or [Flee] before that point!
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I love Gardeford’s work but I can’t finish a renegade playthrough of Mass Effect let alone corrupt Ahmri. Living proof that video games don’t make people violent but might make me at least a giant wuss.
Well, that’s a toss-up…can’t do Genocide routes in games that allow sparing, but I willingly attained the bad ends of a certain remade JRPG released on 2022.
hell yer more corrupted stuff lets gooo
I’m not sure where to go to find Corrupted Ahmri. Is she near the centaur village?
I didn’t even know we could corrupt Ahmri
Yeah we can corrupt the whole village but I personally never bothered figuring out how so I just went with it lol
You just have to attack her father at the end of the Centaur Village quest, she will run off and get captured by the cult.
Unrelated. How do you get the Milking Barn Kas encounter? I see on her Wiki that she has a look for the milking barn that looks amazing. How do you get it?
oh that one, it’s a chance event, you really need to spam the milk barn visits like a lot, I can’t even give a number, so good luck there with the spams
Do I need to be the one being milked or doing the milking?
you have to do the milking, kas would be at the start of the scene so dont skip too fast.
Ah thanks. I appreciate it.
I just got it. That’s the best-looking Kas holy shit. I love every bit of that design and if there’s ever an option to repeat that scene easier I’ll take it. That’s a fantastic Kas design that I hope to see more of.
For those looking for Ahmri, the new quest seems to trigger as soon as you enter the Frosthound tavern
how far have you progressed on the cult questline?
the save i did it on was current end of content
That’s my horse!
the kalysea might need a bit more elaboration.
is it just modification to her already existing lines, or is it additional content
Her original tease texts used some invalid writing (stuff like touching her own dick) so I took the opportunity to write bespoke stuff for her specifically.
Is there some requirement to rescue corrupted Ahmri? I started a new save and rushed Harboring a Fugitive, and after leaving the village corrupted it seems to be stuck on “This is as far as this quest progresses for now”.
You do realize this is backers’s content, right?
Yes, I’m playing the backer’s build.
This is another unrelated quest, it will trigger when you enter the frosthound after clearing the Winter City.
i finish the winter city dungeon where Alissa become a demon and go to the frost hound but it’s still say “This is as far as this quest progresses for now”. Maybe there is another condition or do you need to do a new save.
Meldan replying here since I can’t reply to your comment due to page limitations:
I got the quest to rescue her, called Ill Fated Rescue, after finishing winter city, on the way back I also received the wayfort, which, given that’s one of the places you can send her, might also be a requirement.
I didn’t have a save where I corrupted the village, so I did this from a new game since I lacked an old save, so I have no idea if you need to start a new one.
thank you, i just needed to unlock the wayfort
am also wondering this, did similar thing, and also on backer build
figured it out you need to have progressed through at least Winter Wolf, or at least that is what unlocked it for me
where do you find corrupted ahmri? is there a prerequisite quest?
Need to clear Winter City
Is corrupted Ahmri supposed to look different? I see she has a bunch of locked CG’s but she looks the same when I did the ill fated rescue quest.
On that note does Drifa have a corrupted form? I picked every option I could find with her that said it would corrupt her but her portrait never changed
I apologize idk why this was posted as a reply to the original comment i was trying to ask the devs lol
And here I was hoping to eliminate the entire army. Anyway, good to know.
what’s the flags on the SE to change things?
Demon Ahmri bust coming up?
i hope so, this game has spoiled me so much I need the busts to wank now
Missed opportunity to title it ”Dude, where’s my horse?”
who is Yolihuali?
harpy valk in lumia’s palace on the square below annika
whats funny is that the public/steam releases are usually around the same time new games come to to the PS plus store so i get a double whammy of goodies to play…just figured i’d mention this as its helped me a bit
Any chance of a Kobold TF in tne near future? I’d like to match Lyric :3
what flags would I need to change to corrupt ahmri?
Yea, im struggling to find those flags aswell let me know if you find it please
So i found the flags, but its doesnt exist on the the route taken when you don’t corrupt her, I only found it after doing the corruption root
which flags? just for reference
So unlocking the quest to go find corrupted Ahmri seems to be locked behind completing Winter Wolf…I guess. I’ve got a one sentence quest in my journal telling me that Tollus has challenge me to find Ahmri in the Undermountain. Well, I’ve been all over the Undermountain, and I sure as hell can’t find her. Super super frustrating.
Somewhere in Zone 2, though you can also involve Calise if you need some assistance. My question is if there’s anything like with Dr. Po and TiTs where the longer you wait does she get more corrupted?
I’ve been all over Zone 2, even after completing the Calise section of Siege. Is it just a random encounter? Or should there be a specific event square?
if you dont have the quest at all you need to go to the frost hound first
things needed:
1. For the quest to pop, you need to control the Wayfort.
2. Go to the Frosthound and get the quest, Ill Fated Rescue.
3. Head to the Minotaur city and talk to Calise.
4. Wait for a while for info on her location.
5. Go to Ahrmi’s location.
6. ????
7. Profit
Your horse is in another castle
How do I access Yolihuali? I did the mail thing.
you need to agree to maternity duty with lumia then she will be in the area below annika
So only herms and girls can see her?
my kingdom for a horse
I read on the Corruption of Champions 2 wiki that if you lose to the Godfeaster in the Shadow Over the Sun quest it will mean that the Godfeaster will devour Lumia and become Dark Lumia. What I want to know is what Dark Lumia looks like and if there is an image of what Dark Lumia looks like.
When will we finally have anal access to a non-corrupted Ahmri?
with save edit what do i have to change to have Ahmri corrupted ?