Okay, so after a WHOLE LOT more work, Balak has finished his grand opus on the combat system update with a rework of the Charmer class. Plus, to go along with it, we have chosen to update the Character Creation pipeline at the same time, since I reckon a bunch of you are going to be making new Charmers to check it out. This is the end of Balak’s great work, and now he can peacefully return to the writing mines with the rest of us. Big round of applause for the guy.
Oh, and just so it doesn’t get lost in the weight of all the other changes in the patch: Cait and Katya have a threesome together now! (Thanks Aury!)
Hotfix: A hotfix has been released to fix issues with pupperidge combat infinitely proccing, character creation not giving balls, Caranbrot causing NaN HP, and slider text being near-invisible in dark mode.
0.7.33 Patch Notes:
- Character Creation has seen a major update. While the core 5 Classes and 5 Races remain unchanged, as does the total list of 10 available Backgrounds, many new options have been added for starting cosmetic appearance. In addition, you can now choose any Background regardless of Class.
- Most races have new eye, hair, and/or skin color options to start with.
- Maximum starting breast size has been increased.
- New sliders have been added for most physical properties of the character in CharGen, such as thickness, muscle tone, butt size, and more.
- In addition to weapon and spell powers, we now have Charm powers. These function like spells, but for… Charmers! Charms scale off of Sexiness instead of Spellpower, and use Temptation instead of Spell Pen. Most Charmer abilities are now Charms rather than a slapdash mix of spells and untyped tease attacks.
- List of Charms: Flametongue, Hymn to Light (NEW, Cantrix Viv exclusive for now), Scaldic Cadence (NEW), Bardic Cadence (NEW), Cadence of Power (NEW), Bolstering Dance, Song of Storms, War Song, Song of Splendor, Sunblade, Charm Spell, Charming Glance (NEW), Thunder Chord (NEW), Holy Reverberation (NEW, Cantrix Viv), Dischord, Grand Finale, Notation Revelation (NEW, Cantrix Viv), Flare, Sacred Chord (NEW, Cantrix Viv)
- A bunch of healing powers now scale off of your tease boost: Flametongue, Hymn to Light, Bolstering Dance, Song of Courage, Soothing Dance.
- Bardic Cadence, Cadence of Power, Scaldic Cadence, Charming Glance, Thunder Chord have all been added to regular ol’ charmer lists.
- Song of Splendor is now a tease that applies 3 stacks of resonance
- Vestal’s Embrace now can be used even if allies are at full health so as to enable threat generation.
- Holy Ward now works as intended.
- Toughness now provides more additional Health per point (7.5 as opposed to 5).
- Base Threat is now increased by Toughness and reduced by Cunning.
- Presence no longer increases Health.
- The Leadership bonus from Presence has been reduced by half. To compensate, the scaling on Summons has been increased to Leadership + Presence instead of JUST Leadership.
- The Accuracy bonus from Agility has been reduced by half. To compensate, all characters now have a level-based passive Accuracy boost: this should equal out to about the same for max-Agility characters and provide a nice boost to low-Agility characters’ hit rates. Poor Arona can finally swing straight!
- Tease base damage nerfed from 30 to 27
- Terrified now reduces magic resist instead of mental resist
- Aroused reduces mental resist instead of magic resist
- The Charmer’s Stylish perk is now “isn’t wearing heavy armor” and gives 4*level Sexiness OR “is wearing heavy armor” and thus gives a Threat bonus equal to your Sexiness. Bard tanks!
- Catalysts now directly give their bonuses to Spell and Charm-tagged powers, rather than obliquely benefitting things using the magicalHit formula. This doesn’t REALLY change much but is a slight buff to catalysts overall, making them apply to more powers.
- Caranbrot now heals the player if they are already shielded.
- Wooden Pipes no longer grant spellpower and spell pen, instead giving ward and temptation
- Viviane has two news sets! Elemental, themed around debuffs and setting up combos, which is always unlocked; Cantrix, a holy-themed bard, which is currently unlocked by default pending some upcoming content for the witch. The latter set is exclusive to human Viv, while Demon Viv will have an exclusive set of her own soon as well.
- Skin/Fur/Scale plurality should now be properly accommodated in the game’s text.
- Roughly one assload of text cleanup, typo corrections, and other edits submitted by community members. (Thanks Tea and Zag!)
- AS FOR ACTUAL CONTENT: Cait and Katya have a 3way together with some high-impact kitty-on-kitty-on-PC squish. (By Aury)
- New CGs: Cats Double Blowjob (Yuulis), Character Creation Races (Moira)
If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!
You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!
Damn that’s good art
I’m excited to take a look at the new charmer class, since the only reason I abandoned it was the lack of distinct character.
I don’t see a credit for the art here though? Where is it coming from?….
if you hover over the art on PC you can see that its by Nyah.
Thank you. This has been pointed out elsewhere.
Was just going to comment the same thing!
this patch cover pic is dope as fuck!
also, the charmer class, and the revamping of tease system looks amazing
text in the slider box while using dark mode is near unreadable on android when creating a new character.
Will be fixed for next release.
As someone who loved playing as a Charmer this is by far my favorite update! Trying to balance a handful of different stats was way too difficult until the Pyromancer’s garb got added to the game, but now I’m fully ready to create a new character from scratch. Thank you devs so much for doing this!
Getting some… Ai vibes from this art. Who is the artist credit?
If you just hover over the image, you’d see it’s Nyah, an artist who’s been drawing since well before the advent of AI art. It’s pretty weird that you’d claim to get “AI vibes” from this art given that there’s none of the signs of it being AI art aside from being Japanese/Anime inspired.
I’m not too familiar with Nyah. It’s the strange shape between the pinky and ring finger on the left hand (our left), and the inconsistency of the headband including the unfinished line and inconsistent color of the jewels that made me worry.
Most of the ai generators have been fed an enormous amount of anime as the basis for their models. The entire style has been thoroughly disrespected by the models. Unfortunately it’s not as weird as you’d think.
There’s no hostility on my part. Just worry. Be cool.
You don’t really have to be familiar with Nyah, I wasn’t either until I took about a second to look them up. Artist name’s have been viewable by hovering over or clicking on the image and then reading the file name for years now.
Look man. When I see a picture and check the credits, the name jumps out at me specifically when I’m familiar with the artist. I know to look for Moira, or Adjatha or DCL, but I don’t know Nyah, so I didn’t make the connection. And even if I made the connection and knew Nyah, ai artifacting looks like ai artifacting regardless of whose name is on the picture. I have seen artists I know have their styles stolen by models and pieces trying to skirt by with their names. I don’t know what else to tell you. We can do what I tried to do above and drop it – because there is nothing left to say, or we can keep pissing in the comments section.
I do not know how to make it any more clear that I’m not out to get this specific artist. Be. Cool.
I certainly know how to be an aggressive a-hole when prodded too much. I do not want to be. I have no negative intention against this artist and am glad to be introduced to someone new. Leave it at that.
You asked some questions and got some direct answers, the only one not being cool here is you. Calm down and maybe take a second to look it up before making assertions.
Just because the hands aren’t “anatomically correct”, it doesn’t mean the art is automatically AI. The stray pencil sketch line going off the tail indicates this. And the “inconsistent color” of the jewels is just the light source coming from the left of the scene.
It must frustrating and insulting for artists to see comments questioning if their art is AI generated, that no matter how many hours they spend working on their art, there’s always egregious comments such as yours.
The full name of the artist is nyahp20. You can find them on pixiv, twitter, and instagram.
A gallery of their art in COC2:
Alright. I’ll bite at both of you. Before I do though, I would love to reiterate that I was eager to drop this. Like done posting about it. Happy to learn of a new artist and move on. Even happier that AI was not involved in the prodoction of a very good piece.
Firstly @Anonymous. I’m done being cool, because that’s exactly what I was being. The person without chill is the one who keeps posting after the other party has let the sleeping dog lie. Which I tried to do twice. When someone walks away from a conversation and is trying to let it go, the appropriate thing to do is accept it and walk in the other direction. That is where peace out of a potentially ugly situation comes from. Two parties, walking away from a bad situation. Having tried twice, I find myself nipped once two often and fully out of patience. The log of that conversation is right above us. F*ck you and the mental deficiency that leads you to believe someone asking a question about the source of a piece of work is deserving of harassment because they don’t know every artist online. You know what I think when I see “Nyah”? The meme sound cats make. Absent very explicit attribution like a link or a callout in the post, I don’t automatically know its an artist I can look up – I think its a tag for an image of a cat. I don’t pretend to be a genius; I’m not. But my IQ has dropped by 20 points for engaging with someone so stupid they think ignorance of an artist credit is the same thing as malice. but my blood pressure has most certainly come up. The next time you think to harass someone who means no ill will to either you or the artist, rather than typing anything on the keyboard, clench your fingers into a fist as hard as possible and just shove em up your a$$ until you can can grab your own brain stem and stangle the instinctual stupidity that makes you urges you to natter incessently where there is no battle to be fought. Smartest thing you will have done in I will assume the last 10 years. The universe will be indifferent at both of our deaths, but its fundamental fabric will be healed in the most miniscule of meaningful ways if it does not have to struggle under weight of someone so inanely stupid that they let the most meaninglessly pedantic of their intrusive thoughts win.
@Trueno You’re absolutely right. I’m sure its frustrating for artists to see comments questioning whether or not their work was AI generated. And I don’t mean to cause this frustration. Which is why I was willing to drop it. I am fine being corrected and happy that a genuine artist is behind this piece. But I am an art enthusiast. I adore art and artists and it has been painful to watch platform after platform degraded by the deluge of slop since 2022 and not only silence but acceptance by platform owners who are often happy to see high traffic even if they betray the people who built their platforms. It’s even popped up on othe forums here, to no clear condemnation from anyone. So I will ask you to both excuse and understand my paranoia. It is almost impossible to tell where some of the work I’m seeing now comes from, not just on Fenco. I have watched users gleefully rip artists styles using these machines and delight in the idea of replacing people who made the work possible. It has been painful to watch the damage done to the artists and the lack of solidarity with artists who have been affected and it has been infuriating to see website owners embrace the betrayal of their artists.
I do not post my question here or anywhere out of malice for an artist. I post out of a desire to protect the integrity of spaces where there should be solidarity with them. I am myself an artist though I do not post online. I do not need a lecture on how many hours someone spends on a work. Not only could I give that lecture myself – I can teach the drawing classes. The last few years have been profoundly discouraging. These “tools” have not just harmed the people creating art, they have wounded the spaces that they have traditionally gone to share amongst themselves.
If anyone else is thinking about speaking up here to question why someone is worried about the source of a piece of art, after that person has already been willing to accept the answer and move on – don’t. I heard it the first 20 times. Don’t be like Anonymous – he has a journey down the yellow brick road to take so he can ask the wizard for a brain.
In case its not clear enough @Anonymous – I tried to leave this alone several times. Fuck you
And I challenge everyone here to go to one of the other sites where people post NSFW or rule34 art and tell me with a straight face that paranoia is unwarranted. There are entire tags on rule34 dedicated to styles ripped from artists with AI.
Even idea that I could be asking this question out of malice when some of the users here are posting ai images on the forum is almost hostile in its willful ignorance. I am fully in support of every artist that Fenco uses and happy to learn about Nyah. This conversation does not need to extend beyond that. Save your corrections to people that mean actual harm – not someone genuinely worried for solidarity with real artists.
And Nyah, if you find yourself reading these comments. My questioning was not personal. It just comes from watching two years of tom-dickery on every website where I used to see good genuine art.
Everybody else. Shut up.
@Trueno and since the chill is gone – I’m going to indulge in a bit of pettiness myself, given that I’m being lectured on light sources by a chat eager to read my questioning as hostile. That’s not how they work. A blue light on a piece of jewelry is not going to completely override the volume of the gem and make it look flat. Additionally, you would see that same light color as a thin band on the whole of the side that the light is coming from. Not exclusively on the jewel. You would see blue on the hair, ears, tail, etc on that side of the figure. Especially on the metal band around her tail – since metal is very reflective. And you would still be able to make out the volume of the jewel.
I do not mean this as a critique of Nyah’s piece. As an artistic choice it is a perfectly valid one and this is clearly more sketch than full polished piece. No shade, its still gorgeous. Fine artistic choice, terrible defense of that choice since knowing anything about light causes it to fall to shambles.
TL;DR. Leave me alone. I’ve got nothing against Nyah, am not here because I want to throw shade on them, and I know more about this than you.
@mEdge this is hilarious, I did not expect to see such unnecessary rage in the comments here. They weren’t even that aggressive towards you
@Lurk to be frank, I’m partly taking out other frustrations of the week here. Been a bad time. That said, I don’t apologize for aiming unnecessary rage at unnecessary corrections. Like taking the time to tone police me when I made every effort to avoid the whole thing altogether. Like several people making unnecessary corrections when I’ve let something go but sure. I’m the asshole. And if that’s the case. I’m fine with that.
Like no amount of me accepting the answer is enough. I can’t just say that I’m happy to be introduced to a new artist and accept it’s not AI. I’m supposed to what? Beg for forgiveness? Have someone lecture me about something I know better than they do? Accept the dogpile? Fuck them and fuck you.
And when you come back to wag your finger at me for being an ass, just remember. This whole thread should have ended when I asked to “Leave it at that”. And it could have ended even earlier.
I won’t be back to this comments section. I’m actually going to leave it alone. People act how you treat them. And if you want me to be the dick – I’ll be the dick. Fuck off with your correction and your tone policing after the fact. Because you all asked for it.
definitely not AI art work.. doesn’t that have creepy smile.
I can’t speak for Fen but *I* will never knowingly feature AI slop on this platform or my games.
Very heartening to hear. I will drop my paranoia.
I can’t tell if your inability to tell apart real art from AI art is a compliment towards AI or a catastrophic self-own.
In any case, thanks for the entertainment.
Personally, I think the art looks fantastic.
I personally didn’t read you as the aggressor. I saw three users here reacting to even the thought of criticism in an unnecessary and vitriolic way. Maybe if this community wasn’t so full of sycophants we’d get an ok update more than once a year
1. OP asked a question and replied back with an essay defending himself for no reason.
2. There was no criticism. It was OP’s naiveness thinking that this art was AI.
3. The community doesn’t make this game.
4. Wipe your mouth after you’re done.
1.) op asked a question and got a response that was condescending, op replied saying why they made said comment and meant no harm, only to get replied to with more condescension
2.) op defended themself as anyone would and got called aggressive and told they were being too defensive. (I’m sure if you made a claim and I said you were wrong and silly for making said claim you would probably just apologize and go away right?)
3.) I never said the community makes the game. I said the community is the reason these lackluster updates have been acceptable because everybody’s mouths are too full to provide actual criticism.
4.) I’m done with this towel, your knee pads could use some polishing though. I know it’s hard to see with with all of the devs nuts on your face
out of curiousity, what do you consider a good or bad update? examples would be helpful
@valk there wasn’t a reply button next to your name so I’m replying to myself.
Knot cave backer update was incredible. A whole dungeon in one update with promises of future content but enough content implemented to whet the whistle till then.
the litany of updates consisting of one off scenes and half implemented content feel like they are just being posted to say that they maintain their update schedule. I would rather one quality post a month or even every two to three months than to continuously come back to see one to two scenes or part of a quest added every so often.
A monster update with tons to do every three months would be incredible. Guarantee you won’t lose Patreon subscribers either
“The Leadership bonus from Presence has been reduced by half.”
Looks like I can finally make low Presence characters without feeling like I’m gimping myself by missing out on a significant boost to the most blatantly overpowered stat in the game! That said, I’ll have to do a bit of math to confirm, but I suspect maximizing Presence is still going to be optimal for any build outside of solo challenge runs—Leadership is just *that* good.
Especially since the scaling for the bonuses from Leadership is now Leadership+Presence.
For summons only, and it adds up to the same result as the old formula. These changes nerf the influence your Presence stat has on companions while keeping summons the same.
On a side note, I ran the numbers and it is indeed still optimal to maximize Presence no matter what build you’re using.
I wonder if Powerful Binding will be changed/tweaked to compensate this as this feels like a heavy nerf considering it relies on Leadership, which we’ll now get half the amount of than we used to from Presence.
On the positive side, the changes to the character creation screen are fantastic. BIg credit to the team.
“This is the end of Balak’s great work, and now he can peacefully return to the writing mines with the rest of us.”
Holy shit, does this mean we can actually get more goblin content in the future, and maybe even some Viviane scenes?
If so that’d be awesome!
at least more content in general it seems, which is going to be awesome if that is the case.
Okay…Caranbolt is my favorite weapon so I’ve been waiting for a buff like this or giving it the crazy amount of shields it gave before, but there’s a problem with it and wide sweep. If you use it at full health you get so much health that you become untargetable and the enemies would just constantly defend and buff themselves without attacking you. It also gave you a NaN status with health and all of the threat meters turn black. This needs a hotfix so I can use my baby again.
Fix should be out shortly.
asking since Vivian’s TF was mentioned but once the game is further along and we learn how to turn demons back into humans safely like eventually kassyra will other characters if demonized have the ability to change back as well like Viviane? or are all corruption/demon TFs going to be permanent decisions?
Isn’t Backer Version = Steam Version?
Because the Steam Version seems not to want to update.
steam is public unless you put in the supporter code
No. The steam version gets backer updates by using the beta code from subscribing to the patreon. Without that it’s public release.
Since When?
I am 100% certain it was the backer version at some point.
That’s specifically why I bought it.
since always?
Steam’s always been public with some added benefits (cloud saves, cheevos, etc.); once every month or two we do push a backer build to Steam though.
Are courtesans supposed to be able to select a power on the second level up? Tells me I get a perk but doesn’t give me an option of another power.
Is Aria of Waves going to remain as a spell?
Are there any planned changes to the Guldring?
Is there any ballpark for when Sif and I’ava get their wayfort stuff put in?
I believe Skow’s very nearly done with them, but she’s also gotten herself VERY sick immediately before she’s popping out of the country for a couple weeks. Hopefully they’ll be in the code queue in February.
The patch notes mention “Most races have new eye, hair, and/or skin color options to start with.”
So, could someone tell me, pretty please, if gray and/or silver eyes are now available for any of the starting races?
Humans, Elves, and Catfolk have gray as an option.
So, i’ve been playing a new Charmer, trying the new Tanking thing out. Worked okish, but i find myself having a lot of trouble actually holding aggro. Had to skill Archer-Suppressive Fire to remedy that. I am in full heavy armor and using Scaldic Cadence, and of course Presence is as high as i can have it (i’m lvl 4 now). And speaking of heavy armor, would be nice if i could see somewhere if i count as wearing heavy armor or not, so i can be sure perks like “Stylish!” are active (and the same of course for other perks that require certain armor types).
Usually tanks start combat with some strong AoE to make sure they have the Aggro, but War Song doesn’t seem to have much impact in that vein.
when will the hyena girl quest line be updated; the one you send to the church after fighting off the corrupt centaurs.
Not any time soon.
The new character creation setup is great- I love the sliders with example descriptors instead of having to guess what the difference between “thick” and “plush” or “slender”, “thin”, and “lean” are. It was also a pleasant surprise to see “shemale” in the wyld elf options changed to “half-sex,” both for the lore blurb and because… well, it’s never fun to run into actual slurs in my porn. Is there any plan to phase out the use of “shemale” elsewhere in the game?
Not at this time.
That is a very very nice update to the Charmer class. Honestly it was one of my most fun ones. That new art is also great. Oh, quick question on the Dragon TF. Since later stages of transformation give me wings I can fly with and claws, shouldn’t the I also be able to get the flying benefit harpies get and a basic attack that can be used while disarmed?
No. TFs are purely cosmetic.
Cool, thanks for letting me know.
Is there a way to change to every class? I know you can become white or black mage but the rest of the trainers don’t actually let you change to their class and get the perks/stats, just learn the skills.
Yes, the trainers in Hawkethorne allow you to switch to any class.
Are you sure?
I just double checked. Sanders, Ivris and River teach you white/black mages and charmer. But nobody teaches warrior or thief. J and Leorah don’t teach classes. Could you kindly point me to where I can switch to thief or warrior? Love the game by the way, I’ve been here since day one, eagerly looking forward to more corruption!
Garth teaches both Warrior and Thief. You do need to talk to him a bit to unlock it, though.
Could a Options menu be added to the main menu when you start up COC2 (prior to having any save)
It could have stuff that’s save specific as non-editable/grayed out.
Would be nice to switch to dark mode + change font size prior to starting the save.
Side note, I really like that more options is being made available for character creation!
customization in COC / COC2 and TITS is one my favorite parts (as long as they’re actually mentioned/implemented into scenes, so they matter.)
Belatedly, thank you very much for all the SPH content lately~
I somehow missed that Demon Vivian is a thing? how do you make that happen? there doesnt seem to be any info on it on the wiki
so now that this update is in the public build (at least I think it is based on the character creation), can someone explain how sexiness is calculated? the attributes section say that sexiness is 2*presence, but the combat stats section states that sexiness is 3* presence so I’m confused? it would be great if sexiness is 3*presence since there is now a dedicated set of powers (charms).
side note: you guys might need to update the ingame codex because it doesn’t reflect the stat overhaul you guys have done and people might be confused.
I tried to comment this twice before but couldn’t see it so if you guys accidentally see the same kind of comment twice that’s because I couldn’t tell if my comment was getting through.
can someone please explain as. to how sexiness is calculated? because in the attributes section, sexiness is 2*presence while combat stats section states that sexiness is 3*presence. it would be great if sexiness was 3*presence because it now has a dedicated set of powers (charms). also you guys might want to update the ingame codex because it doesn’t reflect the stat overhaul you guys have done and people might be confused.