Doots got me a lovely Christmas Kiro from Son237. Maybe next year we can open the box, if we’re good boys and girls!

So uh… this is turning into a real bear of a month for me. I’m basically going to AWOL this week due to having houseguests for the next five days or so, after which I have some headaches to deal with in regards to immigration. Hopefully by the 10th things will settle down, and I can get back to the grind.

I did some work for the Invasion of Korg’ii Hold quest that I’ve had planned forever – mostly the introduction event and framing for the first optional combat encounter as well as the start of the hold’s siege proper. Since a fair amount of the content is written already, I hope to be fairly nimble in its development and have the whole event finished before the end of the month. Fingers crossed.

0.7.251 Changelog:

  • A new scene for Krissy, written by Thirdgames, is available.
  • It should no longer be possible to proc combat encounters when loading a save.
  • Lots of assorted fixes.
  • Unfortunately, it looks like Jacques00 made the SynthSheath limit apply to the one available from Riya’s Christmas party event… I’m probably going to remove this in a future build. A Christmas event totally shouldn’t be limited in such a way. It’s a present!

There’s at least one decent-sized chunk of submitted code in the pull requests. Hopefully I can slide that through within the next week.