You didn’t think we’d forget to bring you some new goodies this week, didja?
0.9.121 Changelog:
- [Backers] Lithium Flower Extra Bonus Content – Paulette can clue you in to the Lithium Flower’s status after her associated quest and unlock the ability to bump into her again on Dhaal’s streets. After speaking with her on your ship about it, look out around Gabtown for an NPC marker that pops up between 20:00 and 4:00. (Written by Magenta Needle and coded by Leek.)
- [Backers] Shalin Hunter – this new hostile encounter can be found in Phaedra’s radwoods! (Written by Nonesuch and coded by Leek.)
- [Public] Jumper Interceptors
- [Public] Tainted Cultists
- [Public] Psi Weapon Crafting
- Numerous fixes to the train dungeon. (By Gedan)
- Gemstone drop changes! I’ve taken a pass through to redistribute gem drops and add some more that can be used for crafting weapons. Behold:
- Myrellion: Home to Satyrite and Kirkite
- Uveto: Home to Lucinite and Savicite
- Zheng Shi: Home to Geddanium Chunk, Geddanium Crystal, and Picardine
- Phaedra: Home to Adjite and Urtanium. Additionally, Selene & Neil can now drop Adjite crystals.
- Cheers! (By Fen)
- Fixed the mimbrane symbiosis event. (By Gedan)
- Updated Behemoth TF with a scale color changing transformation, correcting an oversight Fen left unpolished! (Praise be to Gedan!)
- Fixes for the slyveren slavebreaker’s clothing gifts. (By Gedan)
- Fixed a Reaha wakeup scene crash. (By Gedan)
- Fixed a softlock in Ovalasting egg trainer. (By Gedan)
- Fixes for a Maja scene. (By Lowercase Donkey)
- Included in last hotfixes: numerous softlocks and crashes related to the new eventQueue. (By Gedan & a lil Fen)