Delicious thigh sex for Bianca drawn by Octomush
Hey guys, I spent the afternoon putting together a whole mess of new busts and images for the image pack, which has also been updated if you’d like to play with it. I only saw one bug report for the new version show up on the forums, so I cleared that and sent this patch to the compile farm for you all to enjoy!
Coming soon: more backer stuff.
0.8.021 Changelog:
- New image pack images: vaginally riding jumpers (with variants for each jumper), fanfir wall slut, gabilani wall slut, raskvel wall sluts, leithan wall slut, tura wall sluttery, and lots of Bianca stuff: Bianca Bent Over, Bianca Cunnilingus, Bianca Thigh Sex, and Bianca Working.
- New busts: Bianca clothed & naked (by No Limit), wall slut busts, Synphia, Zheng Shi spacewalk boss robot, nude raskvel dockmaster bust variant, Perdita, and the Gabilani piloting the LGBT (though nothing yet for the walker).
- Fixed some typos in Big T and an error in Eitan where it would talk about your prostate getting pounded as a lady.
Can we fuck Bianca yet?
Technically you can have non penetrative sex with Bianca. Actually shoving your dick into her comes in the (s)expansion.
“Non penetrative sex” is just a fancy schmancy term for “not sex.”
you are extremely wrong
Alright, it’s not that fancy.
>nude raskvel dockmaster bust variant
This still doesn’t show up, assuming you’re referring to the one on Tarkus and not some other NPC I missed.
Everything else looks fantastic though, I’m still getting through Bianca’s scenes. With the sheer amount of content she has (and is going to get), I wonder if she’ll end up being the most drawn character in the game?
Never mind, the Dockmaster’s bust does show up, just not by default for some reason. It stays displaying Jacques’s image until you click to change it, at which point it switches to Adjatha’s and Jacques’s disappears.
Yeah the nude bust is a nudie pic for her sex scenes. Jacques’ image is the clothed variant.
I was looking the encounter of ZhengShi it says won leadership trough sex, are we able to control of jumpers in near of far future?
Would you mind pushing the sources, if this is the last public build for the month?
I just started using the img pack. Does the new one have all the ones prior to it or do you have to dl each individual one? Also do you know what scenes the images are for?
I’m pretty sure you just need the current one.
Thank you fen and team for all the hard work you’ve been putting for all of us, we appreciate every little detail and patch that you do.
How does one access the image pack?
You download it and load it up just like the regular version 😛
You need SWF file player to run it
What is an SWF file player and is there a reliable one I could get?
An SWF player is a program which runs .swf files and 2 common ones are Swiff Player and Flash Player Stand-Alone
Any direct links? The one’s that I downloaded don’t work
How do I view this thighsex scene? I’ve not seen anything like that yet
Reaching the familiarity cap, having a dick, and having used it on her several times.
I should be at that point, hmm. Wonder if theres something im missing, ive only 1 interaction that i cant access.
just make sure you get blown and jerked a few times
Any future plans of bringing the image pack to Android?
TBH I’m not sure the method we use to port the game would work with a file that big.
Yeet.D1ck file type?
Would you ever try to make the image pack use the TiTs Air program or is that not possible?
So… How the hell do I get the .swf version to work? I want to use the image pack but haven’t ever been able to make it work with the air version.
How do you play with the image pack I can never get it to go right
Open it with a flash player. Last time I was testing it, I used the Newgrounds flash player, though I had to go through the file->open menu within the app once or twice to get it to actually load.
Thank you I’ll have to try that when I get home
It’s been forever since I did the Wargii Hold event, and I chose Mercy! Does anyone know which flags to edit to safely reset the event? I tried editing just the result flag, but the event doesn’t seem to be triggering.
Set Wargii_Milo_Solution to 2.
At least one week needs to have passed in-game. Talk to Ula.
I’ve tried that, and it’s not firing. I’m thinking it might be that it’s been more than one in-game year since I did the event, but I’m not finding any flag tracking how long it’s been.
Anyway to use the pack in the public build?
You can literally only use the pack on the current public build? You don’t actually have any other options (right now anyway).
what program do you use to open .swf files?
Anything that runs flash, so most internet browsers at the moment and more than a few standalone players.
Are we going to have another Halloween Writing Competition?
So, not to push it but what happened to Deerium Light? I *kinda* was expecting to see that mentioned in this build
What were you wanting mentioned? It was added to the game 2 updates ago
Deerium Lite can be bought from the Vending Machine south of the Bar on Canadia station. I couldn’t find it anywhere else.
You can assume anything in previous Backers Patches is in the Public Patch. As far as I’m aware, nothing is ever permanently exclusive to the Backers.
How do i use the image pack on android?
I wonder whom is Bianca, can’t recall her…
/opens wiki/
>Field Surgeon’s Kit
>Doctor’s Bag
Goodness gracious, where have you been my whole life!
P.S.: if the bags and kits are stackable and can be used several times(and that number is properly tracked), will it be possible to rework some other consumables now?
Is there a reason why Bianca’s new busts aren’t appearing in the Android version??
I am curious, what is the plan for when the web basically abandons flash since flash is apart of the web launcher?
Probably using a prebaked .exe, then begging the CoC2 team to let us use their engine as a base for the next game.
This is an emergency, we need tivf on our ship, and i can and will take hostages!
What type of alcoholic drink can you get for the Milodan War Alpha?
Can we have a torrent file for the download?
My internet is pretty terrible and Megaupload hasn’t been working for me lately