Classy lureling approves of this high quality patch!
Hey guys! New week, new patch! Expect me to airdrop in a good chunk (if not all) of the room descriptions before the end of the week, along with some new smut (included a new soon-to-be-coded scene for the generic sexdolls).
0.8.022 Changelog:
- The basic floor map for the “dungeon” portion of recruiting Kiro has been put into the game, sans descriptions and locked doors.
- The “doll” cheat code now transports you to the KiroQuest “dungeon.”
- The generic sexdolls populate the halls of the KiroQuest “dungeon.”
- The KiroQuest “dungeon” has had a miniboss placed inside it, written by our in-house WsanΒ and coded by yours truly. Let me know how the balance on her is!
0.8.023 Changelog:
- Vulriks has been added to Zheng Shi, if you have items to sell… (Written Fr0sty, coded by Lighterfluid.)
- Yes this had to be another version number because I pushed the last build before realizing I had another branch to merge in…
Oooooo exciting!
Can you update the public git please? π
Nope sorry dude, he has already done the public update for the month. The next one will be at the start of November.
He’s not talking about releasing a new public patch. He means updating the github to show the source code for the most recent public patch.
I realized that after and immediately felt like an idiot. Sorry
Seconded. Really getting frustrating now.
I second this
Well, I fell for the “All Inside” bad ending. It was great.
Holy shit, THAT’S what lurlings look like? That’s…… horrifying.
I know, right? Adj did such a good job on ’em.
Well It doesn’t dress like that and leave the impression that in a few seconds it’s going to do this: https://youtu.be/MsROL4Kf8QY?t=12
Balance on boss is good and still losing after winning (depending on choices) is awesome. Yall are gonna make us forget about dr badger with all this great stuff.
damn, looks like Fen forgot to grab my branch. So no Ilaria and ausar preg this patch.
Bro don’t play with me. Don’t get my hopes up for nothing
Just gotta wait for next patch π
Anyone else encountering Uveto style cold weather effects on other planets? Happening to me on Menga and Tarkus.
That sounds like a bug you should report.
Did you recruit Eitan? The game moves you to your ship and doesn’t remove the Bitterly Cold status.
Going back to Uveto should fix the problem.
It’s been reported to the forum, but I don’t know if it’s been fixed in the current Backer’s patch.
I think that might have been it as I couldn’t reproduce it with other save games where I hadn’t recruited him yet.
that….sounds about right, i had that happen too, word of warning, if you recruit Eitan, make sure you get rid of the cold debuff, it can and will kick your ass, knocking you out and throwing you from where-ever you were to Uveto, without your ship
If possible I would like to see the ability too remove perks by price or something else. I can not bang Bianca because of one of my perk I got before she existed. Now I have to start over from day 3632 of trying to keep up on changelogs plus extra fun to day 1 and working on it back to where I was. All because I don’t know what was coming. Please.
Just edit your save.
The save editor on the forums is pretty easy to use, just make sure you keep an extra save file around, on the off-chance you mess something up. A sort of “master save slot” if you will, with the newly edited save in a new slot.
In general their is plenty of content gated behind having Ditz/Brute Speech. Honestly, it shouldn’t be that hard for people to skip out on one waifu in turn.
Those lurelings looks like bael and dragon from dmc4 even their methods seduction are the same,too bad we don’t have Dante in this game.
-defeat the herm doll
-choose to fuck her pussy
-wind up jacking her off anyways
Then what the fuck was the point
The point is that you still get pussy.
Any plans to make any of the older girls like penny be able to be impregnated by the pc?