Art of Servik’s captain Steele getting a quick drink between adventures.
…or in layman’s terms: Fenoxo ain’t dead yet. I might be phlegmy and crusty, but I’m still kicking. Not 100% good-to-go yet, but being clearheaded for once is a welcome change. I spent the afternoon sorting through a number of code submissions that had backed up while I was out (and a bit before). Most are for fixes. One is a decent chunk of new content.
So long as there aren’t any game-breaking bugs, this will be the last public patch for a while.
0.7.211 & 212 Changelog:
- New NPC – Nykke, your eldest Frostwyrm daughter. Written by B.
- New Bust: Nykke
- If you have more than 14 special attacks, the “Back” button no longer overrides one. It should now properly overflow onto a second pane.
- If you got a Siegewulf datacore from doing Syri’s quest, you can now plug it into a new one when you get it.
- A ton of other bug fixes and tweaks.
New Since Last Month:
- A significant amount of Zheng Shi’s Foundry Level has had the rooms filled in. Of course, the actual foundry portion and catwalks still aren’t in yet…
- New Zheng Shi NPC: Slyveren Slavebreaker, by Fenoxo & Wsan.
- New jumper content, courtesy of William: A blowjob and a series of events culminating in one of four bad-ends.
- New Zheng Shi content: slave revolt orgy by William.
- New rare Mhen’gan NPC: Futanari Naleen by Doots.
- New Lund content: Lund goes “missing!” by Wsan.
- New Ilaria scene – special cum sucking, by Wsan.
- New Tarkus enemy: Gabilani vacationers, by Nonesuch.
- New Tarkus encounter: Sydian “Queen” by Nonesuch.
- New Busts: Biothroc Quaddie, Fei An, Fetch & Carry, Slyveren Slavebreakers, Urbolg
- Many new rare drops in Zheng Shi and elsewhere.
- New Dating App – “Extrameet” by Fr0sty.
- New Uvetan NPC: Vark by Damiekinz.
- New Uvetan NPC: Willow the waitress by Archangel99.
reported and taken down.
is the quinn gangbang/solo impregnation still disabled or am I too stupid to trigger it?
All of the bugs should hopefully have been fixed at this point. Fingers crossed.
Don’t overwork yourself Fen! As much as we love your work and updates don’t neglect your health. Get well soon!
For anyone having trouble meeting Nykke: you need at least one Frostwyrmling kip to fully mature, and then leave and re-enter the lair. If you already have 4+ kips, leaving and re-entering should still work.
Hope you enjoy her!
Nykke intro will proc on a visit one year after first kip is fully mature
I also put in code to help players that already have kips to make it proc if they have 4+ Since that means a minimum of 1 year since first kip mature
Those with less than 4 kips are going to have to visit frosty, leave and come back in a year
So i have 31 wyrms and im on day 6211 ive been going in and out over 7 years and nothing works
Come back in a year? That sounds like a pretty long wait. There a time skip in the game or something?
No i keep waiting the 4 months then leaving and comming back after a week to a month before trying again
“88mph” is the code for it.
this can fuck some things up so be sure to save before you use it.
No dice still didnt work just got old daughter. Heres what i did, got bred and bred her waited the alotted time. 4 months times 4 then i traveled to mhen’ga used 88 mph to travel 3 years checked in with the drag no dice okay repeated again 4 times 4 then back to mhen’ga waited 4 years again no dice. At thia point im starting over from scratch im so sad the money cheat doesnt work for the app. Cause at least then i wouldnt have to grind savi farm so much
All hail B, bringer of good tidings and hawt stuff
Had no problems getting Nykke to proc.
is she suppose to have her own talk menu? because the only time i see her name is during the sex scenes
well the only time i see anything about her and i have 6 fully matured
She will get her own menu after her intro scene.
Main trigger is 1 year since first youngling matured to a kip.
Because this is new and birth of first kip wasn’t tracked before, those already with kips must go to frosty, leave and come back in a year.
To help those with 4+ kips I put in a short cut that should back date the birth of the first kip 1 year
I was confused as well, check the build number, it hadn’t updated for me yet.
i have the pub build 0.7.212,maybe would it be because i only had one fully mature kip before this build? and only had 4+ with this build
just wait a year by either getting egged by her again and then doing the 3x4months wait there, then leaving for ~a week and coming back.
alright that worked thanks
“Right away, sir!β She says, pulling out a tablet, her fingers poised over the screen and looking at you expectantly.You decide to order a nice grilled cheese sandwich. It arrives quickly and you enjoy the gooey cheese with every bite”
RAAAAAILROOOOOAAADIIIIIING no I’m just fucking with you, top tier stuff.
fen i am glad you are better
Hopefully someone can clue me in here. Finally getting around to the bored jumper slave gangbangs, but one scene is staying greyed out. The SaeriPen one when you deny the gryvain access to you. Hovering over it say “this requires a vagina”, but I have one. I have 3. I figured it was because of the dicks I have, so I got rid of them, and no dice. I looked at the google doc, and no help there either. Is it just not implemented yet, or something?
I’m sorry, it’s just bugged. I filed a bug report about this.
“Oh hey, I just remembered I never tried using Seigwulfe in Trials in Tainted Space, and a robotic battle companion who also doubles as a sex bot sounds incredibly appealing right now. Maybe I should load up fenoxo.com and give it a whirl?” <- what I said before I even saw this update.
Mind you, I've never completed Syri's Quest, either, but this just gives me even more incentive to complete both. Thanks for the unexpectedly content-rich public update, guys, and I hope Fen feels better soon. Hard to believe it's already that time of year again…
?.. The… Bot you get from that cat on Tarkus?
No, you’re thinking of Tam-Wolf. This is Seigwulfe: https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Siegwulfe
I always meant to it out, but they’re expensive and you get Tam-Wolf for free. π
I cant find the combat one, nerassa doesn’t have it in her store
She does, after you clock Buy look at the bottom right corner of your screen. There are 4 white blocks and 2 white arrows pointing right, click that and it’ll take you to the next section of her catalogue. That is where you buy the combat Seigwulfe from.
God bless you sir. *Removes haters and sheds a single tear*
Ew gross i don’t want your boogers on my game
You get sick a lot. Maybe you should start taking vitamin C supplements, also get outside more, I hear sunlight is good for preventing sickness. UV light kills bacteria.
To paraphrase the xkcd strip, shooting a petri dish is also a great way to kill bacteria. UV is beyond useless as an antibacterial when used on yourself. Any amount that will reliably kill any real amount of bacteria will also cause severe sunburns and give you ultracancer. Vitamin C dosing is also an old urban myth with no basis in science. There is no proof that maintaining vitamin levels above normal helps fight off infection, although having too low levels can indeed cause all sorts of health problems, so making sure to at least have a balanced diet or taking the necessary supplements is a good idea.
Love it, now let me take her with me.
That was meant playfully for the record
Is there an alternate way to to get a Bimbo Seigewulf if they bimbod Dr.Badger, I ask cause now I have a datacore for my Siegwulf but no body for her
‘Siegewulf datacore’
A what? ….. i must find this.
Gotta do SyriQuest and take an extant Siegwulfe with you.
Very much with the curious here (just like Nykke). At how many children must the PC have before they can become king/queen of Uveto?
You require 100 kips before you can annex Uveto.
is annexing uverto an early ending or do you continue to play?
iirc early ending
so I was playing around on uveto with the new Nykke stuff and went to hang in the bar for a bit and got to hang out with my favorite (well one of them) milf Shade and was wondering if she will ever get some more love like getting to meet her baby daddy finally and bang them both maybe get a few new naughty scenes for her where we can play with more than her tail
You HAVE met Astra’s father, provided you’ve completed Kara’s Myrellion pirate base mission. It’s the pirate leader, Amara.
yes but I mean hang out with her like how Shade says maybe some day she can put in a good word for you to not be shot on sight if one didn’t do the pod mission before fighting Amara and you don’t tell Shade you are doing the naughty sibling stuff
I’d love to do more Shade stuff as soon as the Zheng Shi rush is done.
yay :}
also bringing up milfs on uveto dear sweet Beatrice is she going to get any new stuff or is she just a wife to do lewd things to and get lots of money
I also would like to know if Beatrice is getting any new content i have a mighty need for more of her.
Whenever it flows from Tacit’s fingers.
Very nice update, thumbs up. But (!) didn’t it say in the game that the frostwyrmlings are coloured like the original? I just remember Nykke gets the eye color the PC started with
Nevermind, problem solved
So something I’ve been wondering for a while, is the story not progressing? Since I assume the 0.x updates are tied to it? It feels like it’s been in 0.7.x for a while now, just curious!
Yay!!! More Lund content.
Might need to explore Pregnancy code for the Frostworm when the PC is pregnant. Spending years with them while you have buns in the oven seems a little off.
Is there a specific place to look for the naleen futa? I went through the entire jungle and haven’t found her yet
it just says she is a rare chance so maybe no
She’s a rare encounter in the “deep forest” section. That’s the darker green section to the south, like where you can find that ore deposit, and the killer robot, etc. It took a while for her to show up for me, but she’s down there.
Are the Extrameet encounters set to certain attributes? I wish it was possible to eventually explore all the Extrameet options
66% of the profiles are flavor only and will never match. The rest each have certain specific requirements.
Did the Myrellion war xpac get placed on the backburner? Because all I’ve seen is the Estrella War Gold Queen and then we intro’d the Mines. Wasnt there supposed to be other things?
The title of this quote is a South Park quote from the WoW episode, right?! Nice 1!
Best wishes Fen. Keep doing what you’re doing and take care of yourself
I’m hoping there are plans to eventually take Nykke as a crew member. It would be fun to see her interacting with other crew members and the other planets. I would write it myself (I like to think i’m good at non-erotic writing) but all of the coding that is required when writing kind of scares me lol.
ditto. seeing as how they hint at her probably not being able to hunt well on her own it would be better to have her join you
Any Treatment stuff currently in the works? Like the faux cow, double stud, or the undersized variant hinted in Cheat.as in TiTS Public?
In the back burner along with the Frostwyrms transformation
Lund is best tsundere waifu. I really wish there was a way to have him as a follower/crew member.
One thing I noticed with Willow is that the game never actually spits out a description of her to you, or if it does I didn’t catch it. There’s also no obvious “Appearance” button.
When you’re in the bar before selecting who to talk with, you get this description for her if you haven’t interacted with her yet “You take a cursory look around and spot a new face. Itβs a new waitress and a pretty cute one at that… if you like demons. Yep. She looks like a demon straight out of One God mythology: red skin, horns, the whole deal. You notice with appreciation that she has a curvy, heart-shaped ass topped by a spaded tail and supple, perky breasts.”
Siegwulfe datacore? What is this? And what does it do? The benefits of it? I read it up on Smutosaurus but it doesn’t give me any idea on what it does, what it’s for, and what benefits there are for it. I see that it replaces my Siegwulfe with a datacore. That’s all… Would be appreciated if someone can answer my questions. Thank you.
It doesn’t replace your Siegwulfe, during Syri’s quest you take out her datacore and give her body/chassis to somebody else, leaving you with just the datacore.
When you buy a new Siegwulfe you plug in that datacore into the new body/chassis and get her back.
Oh, okay. Thanks, m8.
good. it is up. hope you recover fully man.
Lund gets new scenes.
And I still can not understand how to sub to him. =(
Can’t help you with that little info my dude. What’s stopping you?
As an example, I created a new taur PC and completed the Dr.Badger quest for bimbo-status and I still don’t get anything from Lund except doggy style scene.
There’s your problem, bimbos can’t get it.
So where is Vark? I’ve been running around all caves on Uveto for what feels like hours. Are there special conditions that have to be met? (As in is this content forbidden for taurs as well?)
i met him along the south side of the wastes. Though you get an option to be “punished” or leave and after i left i couldnt enter his cave again so im wondering if i got locked out of him now. would be good to know
damn i killed the frostwyrm, didnt know about the kids. do i need to make a new char or is there a cheat to revive her?
Could always save edit if you really want to. Look for the flag “FROSTWYRMSLAIN” and set it to “undefined”, and then remove your “Frostwyrm Scales” key item and make sure the flag “GAVE_TUUVA_SCALES” is set to “undefined” (and delete any Frostbane items you might have). That should take care of everything, if I’m reading the tuuvaBlacksmith and frostwyrm files right.
Though I’d really prefer just rolling back to an old save.
Hey I’ve recently been playing catch up on a couple months of updates and i wanted to ask, is the syri quest circuit minigame even possible??
Every single time i do it i fail 1 move short of completion, there literally doesnt seem to be a way to complete it in time
Shirou Emiya approves of that post tittle
Can somebody tell me where to find willow the waitress
I dont get it how do i get the lund scene?