Category: Art

[Backers | CoC2] Rogues Do It From Behind

Cait and Hana have some new opportunities to show their Champion some love together, and Skow’s got a new rogue around who’s real good at sheathing her dagger in you… Plus a couple of new community-submitted scenes for early game characters!

0.7.30 Patch Notes:

  • If you have Cait with you when you visit Hana, you can invite the sex-kitten along for a couple of hot and heavy new threeways!
  • There’s a new harlot for hire in the Passion Pasture, a salamander-elf crossbreed gal packing some cute meat and lean muscle. (By Skow)
  • Vitra’s bar in Khor’minos has a new Thief trainer who might be interested in teaching you some more intimate backstabbery. (By Skow)
  • Elaril of the Wyld Elf Troupe has a new sex scene involving a sex swing! (By Knife-Wielding Crab)
  • Clementine the Sheep Girl has a new mating press scene! (By Luma)
  • Various fixes from Spotty and Teawolf! <3

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

TiTSgivings Greetings

First, a word from Chief Code Dragon, Gedan:

The game save system has been overhauled for Electron (read: Windows downloaded builds). The new system will save all of your game data to json files outside of the control of Electron; this’ll reduce the chance for your saves to go missing if something fucky happens with Electron, give you an opportunity to copy/backup the files of your own accord, similar to the Save To File/Load From File options, with the benefit of the nice, pretty save slot interface that already exists.


The system will automatically convert your existing save data into the new file system when you load up the downloaded build for the first time. In about a month, there’ll be a further change to the downloaded build that will also overhaul how the imagepack system works, making it more reliable, faster and use less space — part of this will require your save data to have been converted to the new file system, or you’ll lose access to your save data. We will probably keep a pre-change build accessible somewhere to facilitate the conversion once the switchover happens.

And I thought I was happy to find Lithium in Subnautica…

And a short TL;DR version from me for any lovely IRL bimbos out there:

  • The save system is like, totally getting updated to help keep your mean ol’ computer from eating your saves!
  • In one whole month, the new hotness is gonna be all the rage, but it’ll be too new to see the old and busted hotness. Lame!
  • We’ll have a special link on the play page in case you’re like busy fuckin’ for this whole month or something and miss out on getting your saves converted, so you can convert your old saves whenever!

Now… it is time for… the 0.9.114 Changelog:

  • [Save System Update] Saves are being converted to a more robust system that is less likely to lose your saves due to routine cache or cookie clearing (for the PC download builds). (Gedan)
  • [Backers] Cum addicts can now trigger random acts of cock-suckery out in the world when they’re in need of a little bit of extra semen. (Writer: William, Coder: Leek)
  • [Backers] New Texan Football! This one was actually slipped into the code in a previous patch to watch and wait for today of all days! Enjoy a football-themed holiday event by HatTrick3010, coded by Leek.
  • [Public] Paulette can join everyone’s crew!
    • Paulette’s immigration event with Flahne has had the text updated to remove explicitly American contrivances (Social Security Numbers and the like) and better reflect the world of TiTS. (Fenoxo)
    • The Lithium Flower fight on Paulette’s quest no longer displays excessive description boxes for each of her tentacles, and the Motor-XO version of the fight no longer mentions Feruze. (Fenoxo)
    • Paulette’s follower menu now has some bolded reminders for how to progress the Dhaalian portion of her quest. (Fenoxo)
  • New Busts: Emmy (ToonNik), Land Railer Tank (Adjatha), Lithium Flower (Adjatha),
  • [Kineticist] Debris Field should no longer attempt to display impact and damage notices for downed enemies. (Fenoxo)
  • [Kineticist] Haste now has a 10 round duration. (Fenoxo)
  • New Items Test: Gedan whipped up three varieties of a special new accessory designed to help you map the local area. While equipped, more unexplored tiles on your map will be revealed. They are presently only available via the cheats menu (“Automapper” is the item name to search for) but may find their way to a scout authority near you this holiday season!
  • The Tainted Rusher had her weapon damage values reduced on Dhaal. (Fenoxo)
  • The “Evasion Boost” status effect used by numerous enemies is now properly colored as a buff. (Fenoxo)
  • Rivet no longer requires you to manually read the Zaika codex to sleep with. It was a bit strange for my character to worry about sleeping with a zaika (without reading first) after banging 50 on the streets while snapping all the pictures to discover Rivet. (Fenoxo)
  • Added an achievement for Phaedra’s train dungeon. (Gedan)
  • Fixed SnakeBoba not applying skinAccents. (Donkey)
  • Fixed missing Niddhy and Sunmi busts, and missing Penny Panty alt art. (Donkey)
  • Fixed a crash in Tanis “Fuck Him” scene. (Donkey)
  • Fixed a crash in Kiro’s Buttfuck scene if entered while she is crew in some configurations. (Donkey)
  • Fixed crash when players hacking the door in Azra’s quest attempt to give up. (Donkey)
  • Fixed crash for Paulette’s ZS date.  Add missing date map icon for ZS date, hide all these date icons if players cannot access the content yet. (Donkey)
  • Fixed a function that was producing “14st” at times. (Donkey)
  • Improved error reporting for simpleCockNoun, trying to catch an edge case. (Donkey)
  • Fixed wrong label on Hureya’s station button. (Donkey)
  • Expanded and updated log content for Rival. It should now include their ‘sona if you have seen it. (Donkey)
  • Made anal capacity for Nimue basically unlimited. (Donkey)
  • Fixed pieces of the Thraggen Gardeners that were treating the pc as the wrong height. (Donkey)
  • Flurry scene fixes from B for shorties. (Donkey)
  • Donkey cleaned up Paulette’s lint.
  • Donkey cleaned up Roxy’s lint.
  • Many other minor fixes and tweaks.

[Public | CoC2] TwinsQuest!

There’s a cute new quest available from the half-leothran sisters in Vari’s village, replete with quite a lot of twin-focused action (and a whole lot of elf breeding).

0.7.29 Patch Notes:

  • [Hotfix is Live!] TwinsQuest now procs just for finishing Right of Conquest, not recruiting Arona (oops!), fixes cock gating not working for 2 Odoacer scenes, and fixes camp running out of buttons by adding [Followers] menu. It also adds the orc twin busts!
  • Twins basil, twins! Help the snowcats Liresh and Syrish with their return to relic hunting — just make friends with them at the leothran village and then come back around to the village, they could really use a hand. Make sure you’ve finished Arona’s quest beforehand! (By Skow!)
  • After the quest, a pair of naughty winter elves from the adventure can be found in the Leothran village, and then again in your Wayfort (in an upcoming expansion) after that, for some repeatable fun — and quite a lot of breeding! (By Skow!)
  • New Busts: I’ava and Sif, by Moira.

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

Patchin Ain’t Easy

Warning! New patch ahead!

My apologies. This should have come out last week, but my household has been slammed with a sudden need to help my transgender wife move out of America.

0.9.113 Changelog:

  • New Bust Art: Mabbs (by ToonNik), Message Drones (Adjatha), Dahnahys (Adjatha), Sunmi (Adjatha), and the Lithium Flower (Adjatha)
  • [Public] An Item Pack is now public!
  • [Backer] New Wall Slut: a male gryvain! (By Sil the Dragon Lover, coded by Leek)
  • [Backer] New LGBT Victory Scene: Coquette. (Written by Red25365, coded by Leek)
  • [Backer] Three New scenes for Able: Footjob, Facial, and get a Rimjob. (Written by TheIrishOtaku, coded by Leek)
  • Third Eye Aim now uses intelligence for proccing weapon status effects. Previously physique or aim were used as appropriate.
  • Fixed a bug in the CHANCE_APPLY_BLIND flag for weapons resulting it in rarely landing.
  • Donkey touched a lot of things across the code in the name of fixing.
  • Lots of Parser system fixes by Leek.
  • Fixed a softlock in Tessa’s Eternal Reverie quest. (Leek)
  • Tweaked Slyveren score to use the tweaked hood/ear data.

[New Patches] For Both Games!

CoC2 patched yesterday and TiTS patch today, so I’m going to let them keep first-billing in this post… this time. Click the appropriate game logo to be taken to your patch notes of choice~

[Backers | CoC2] Horsing Around + Orctober Finale

Have a bunch of horses to send in the harvest season, and the last of the orctober fun times too!

0.7.27 Patch Notes:

  • You can now choose Kalysea as a bedmate! She has some rotating scenes for when you go to bed with her, and she’s more than happy to keep you warm in the cool winter of the Marches. Each scene has a different theme, but hopefully you enjoy all of them. (By Wsan)
  • The first time you sleep with her you’ll get a unique scene, and subsequent scenes will be different. Give the big centauress druid an oral cleanup before you go to bed — then try not to get too distracted…
  • The first variant involves blessedly chaste (as chaste as it gets for Kalysea, anyway) sleep, followed by Kalysea serving you breakfast in a bowl. You will have to work for some of the ingredients yourself, but that’s what lovers do.
  • The second variant involves Kalysea getting some much-needed relief before she settles down for the night atop you, ensuring you keep the more sensitive parts of her notable endowments warm overnight. It’s not completely smooth sailing, though…
  • The third variant involves cleaning her up before a night spent together, closely followed by having your breakfast together. She does treat you nicely, doesn’t she?
  • Alante now has multiple additional sex scenes, as well as an event upon entering your Wayfort. She gets a bit of additional characterization in the new scenes, and there might be some capitalization on that in the future… in the meantime, enjoy having some fun with your arena-wife.
  • You can now give Alante Hard Anal. This is every bit as rewarding and fun as it sounds, and I won’t spoil it for you. (By Wsan)
  • You can now rim Alante, and this segues into 3 different scenes.
    Fingering her: you can show Alante how much of a dual threat you are with your fingers and tongue. Set your warrior-wife trembling!
    Focusing on her ass: eschew distractions, focus singlemindedly on her asshole. Don’t stop until both her and your obsession are satisfied.
    Hard anal: surprise! You can get to the new hard anal scene from here, too. It has a different intro, but just as much making Alante happy.
  • Klemaia now has a tattoo scene! Optionally take some time off with her and the girls to give her what you and her both deserve — a nice holiday in her service. It’s four days long, so don’t be surprised if you have to wash the sheets more than once. (by Wsan)
  • Solveig the half-orc half-pup has a new scene, seasonal for orctober, triggered when entering the tavern or church in Hawkethorne after finishing her quest. She wants to make you some delicious soup (and then you can help yourself to her as dessert). (By Skow)

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

Paulette Prances Powerfully

Paulette by Adjatha!

Whew, this is a long time coming! There’s a lot of things I wanted to get done testing and polishing before releasing this, but with familial obligations approaching this weekend, I would rather you have your hands on this now than sit on it even longer.

A lot of my time over the last two weeks has gone into playtesting the game. Paulette’s recruitment arc starts out on Tarkus, and I wanted to play through the combat encounters to make sure they were up snuff. She also has higher level content, meaning the best way to test her would be to take a lower level (or fresh) save through the whole game. This presented an opportunity to create some proper test saves for the Kineticist class. Merc, Smuggler, and Tech Specialist all have test saves for character level to make testing content easy. The new kid on the block needed to catch up.

It has not been the smoothest sailing. In addition to doing a lot of tweaking on Paulette’s initial Tarkus tank quest to get it up to the quality levels I find acceptable, I kept finding myself side-tracked into fixing other bugs, balance issues, and aggravating content. Around Zheng Shi the Kineticist class can really start to struggle, especially if suboptimal talent selections are made, leading to me scattering a generous wave of buffs across the class. And I think they need more. My psychic babus are going to get some more higher level adjustments in the future – I just need more time to play, tweak, and test them further.

0.9.111 Changelog:

  • Hotfix: Fixes for numerous crashes as a result of public builds failing to access utility functions in backer builds. (Donkey)
  • Hotfix: Paulette’s sleep with scene should no longer soft lock.
  • [Backers] Paulette Crew is IN. Written by Magenta Needle and coded by Leek. She has a small quest on Tarkus to get her recruited, culminating in a battle with a tank! Once onboard, she has several events on other planets and a bit of a quest…
  • [Backers] New Items: “Snake Boba” & “Snake Shake” (by Madam Materia, coded by Leek). As you might surmise, snake transformations are on the way!
    • Available at a 50% drop rate from Slyveren Slavebreakers.
    • Available at Jade’s shop on Tavros Station.
    • Available from select vending machines.
  • [Backers] New Item: “Lactomax Ring Piercing” (coded by Leek). You might guess that these will keep your lactation from ending. You’d be correct!
    • Available from Narc.
  • [Backers] New Item: “Hardlight Fans” (coded by Leek). These are a new rare quality melee weapon that can hit flying targets without the lunge perk. (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
    • Available from Gabmart Threadz.
  • [Backers] New Item: “Scout Shield” (coded by Leek). (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
  • [Backers] New Item: “Electrokinetic Knuckles” (coded by Leek). These are melee weapons with stagger chance! (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
    • Available from Malai.
  • [Backers] New Item: “BFD 9001” (coded by Leek). Despite the long history of acronym-based weapons being guns, this is a big fucking drill! (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
  • [Backers] New Item: “Hardlight Chakrum” (coded by Leek). The likes of Lucy Lawless would greatly appreciate this ranged weapon’s addition. (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
    • Available from Rivet
  • [Backers] New Item: “Fogcaster Rifle” (coded by Leek). A new gun approaches! This has a special skill alt-fire… (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
  • [Backers] New Item: “Worn Out Shield Bracers” (coded by Leek). These are a new shield-boosting accessory. (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
    • Available from Shekka.
  • [Backers] New Item: “Ganger Jacket” (coded by Leek). Transparent cyberpunk jackets are all the rage on Dhaal. (Attributes subject to change pending balance review.)
    • Available from Zaika Ganger Techies, Bruisers, Riotors, and Bangtails as a 33% drop chance.
  • [Public] The Private Party
  • [Public] The Nuka Rancher
  • The basic grapple status is now red colored. (Fenoxo)
  • Added a quest marker for the Stellar Tether encounter square on the map for Tarkus. (Fenoxo)
  • The scrap shield had its level correctly reassigned to 4 (was 9) (Fenoxo)
  • Improved the map connection on Myrellion for the Seeker’s shop so that it correctly appears as locked when the shop is closed. (Fenoxo)
  • Several places in the game had their text formatting updated with our fancy new text animation systems, courtesy of Jacques00.
  • Numerous other tweaks and improvements.

0.9.111 Balance Tweak Changelog (All ‘Noxo Baybee):

  • The Kineticist Class received numerous buffs (and more are coming!)
    • Entropic Leech now restores more energy as the player character’s energy nears rock bottom. This should make fights at inopportune moments more winnable and improve how the class feels at higher levels.
    • Force Darts now shoots an addition dart at level 6 and level 12.
    • Vortex Brand lasts 5 rounds (up from 4).
    • Debris Field lasts 6 rounds (up from 3).
    • Numerous status effects had their icon selection improved and their status colors correctly assigned.
    • Thermal Sunder and Kinetic Burst both got a little more level-based scaling and some extra damage bumps at level 6 and 8.
    • Thermal Sunder and Kinetic Burst’s status effects now last longer.
    • Smaller scaling buffs to some of the higher level abilities.
  • Tainted Rusher got some nerfs at lower levels.
  • Nyrean Praetorians now only stun for a single turn.
  • Taivra now only stuns for a single turn.
  • The standard headbutt attack now only produces a 1 run stun when used on player characters.
  • Slavebreakers now have a grapple cooldown so they cannot keep re-grabbing you.
  • The Rats Raiders encounter received numerous tweaks.
    • Their weapons no longer have inbuilt stun-chance on hit.
    • Reduced shields by ~45 (varies by rat)
    • Reduced HP for some rats.
    • Blind duraction reduced from 3 to 2 rounds (and text tweaked to notify better).
    • Headbutt attack and stun gun attacks now have a shared cooldown. (And the attacks should display a bolded stun notice)
    • Cleaned up extra per-rat description entries that weren’t really used for anything.
  • Reset encounter proc count on reaching Maike. This will prevent a random enemy attack from immediately occurring after the boss fight.

[Public | CoC2] Orctober & A Dungeon Demon

Alissa’s finally woken up from her enforced nap on the way back from Dracia Island. Meanwhile, the orcs aren’t quite done celebrating their favorite time of the year…

Hotfix: Alissa’s submission score should no longer go negative and cause missing blocks of text.

0.7.26 Patch Notes:

  • Alissa, fallen queen of Njorhaalt, can now be interacted with (and boned!) in the Wayfort Dungeon after she’s been captured during Etheryn’s questline! (Thanks to Fleep for writing her interactions!)
  • In the dungeon, you can choose to have Alissa switch between her true demonic form and transforming into her old elven self. You can also choose whether she has a cock or not (and if she has a cock, whether she’s forced to wear Ryn’s old chastity cage).
  • Hretha has a new Bodyworship scene at the Kervus Warcamp. Show her some gentle affection, even if it makes her grumble!
  • Hretha and Infrith can now brew up a mighty fertility potion if one or both of them isn’t already pregnant. This will, predictably, probably end in one or both of them getting knocked up once you drink it. (By Gardeford)
  • Infrith has a new solo titfuck scene! (By Gardeford)
  • New Busts: Alissa’s got a whole bunch of new busts by Moira, and Kesuk and Marigold have new busts as well!

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] The Kervus Skald!

Ylvid’s back and ready to fuck!

0.7.25 Patch Notes:

  • Ylvid, the skald of the Kervus tribe, can now be encountered in the Kervus War Camp after completing (or missing) Livrea’s little quest in Hawkethorne. She’s got a couple simple talks, and a host of new sex scenes (plus repeats of those solo and Arona scenes from the quest). Thanks to Wsan and Skow for both contributing a scene to my big muscle-babe!
  • River and Garth each have one new power to sell. (coded by Squishy)
  • Farrah and Ivris each have one new weapon to sell. (coded by Squishy)
  • There are some revamped Tease texts courtesy of Wsan.
  • Text and bug fixes, courtesy of Spotty and Zag.

If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!

You might also want to come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

Where’s TiTS?

Behold, the prize for getting Kiro’s panties – by ToonNik.

Right here! …but also our TiTS have been a little saggy and deflated this month for a variety of reasons, bullet pointed below:

  • Our lead artist and project reviewer had a vacation.
  • Another artist / coder also took a vacation.
  • Fen’s upstairs A/C went out during September’s last hot days – Fen’s work PC and office are upstairs. ($800 later, and she works again!)
  • Fen’s gout flared up and took him out for ~1 week. It was a rough week but resulted in dropping 10 pounds and a real change in his drinking habits for the better.
  • Fen & his wife overnighted in the emergency room because one of her chronic health issues decided to level up and prevent her from being able to intake water.

It has not been pure idleness, however. Leek is deep in the butthole of a 100+ page character expansion that should be nearing completion – as soon as it’s ready, I will be patching. Gedan too has been busy – she’s been rebuilding how the image pack is delivered and install to function properly on OSX, which has been a nightmare of permission hells. Once she’s got it all ready, the higher resolution images should be easier and more reliable to install. And we do have some updates and tweaks that I’m going to push out the door right now.

0.9.110 Changelog Hotfix #1:

  • A hotfix is rolling out to address the new dracow busts not displaying. An error in the image manifest was addressed, and errors in the bust calls for the characters were corrected.

0.9.110 Changelog:

  • [Public] The Dracow family expansion is now public.
  • Phaedra II got its first chunk of room descriptions. (Fenoxo)
  • Vagina parsers were rebuilt. I found the existing adjective selection for the vagina descriptions to be a little too cringy for my own tastes, so when Nonesuch requested access to individual parsers for a vaginas looseness or wetness I saw an opportunity to address it. The new system utilizes a commonality system for words so that more outlandish, “purple prose” should come up much more rarely, while common terminology appears much more frequently. Please be sure to let me know if it starts describing your vagina in absolutely insane ways (and note that wetness level descriptions elevate with increased lust values). (Fenoxo)
    • Added pc.vaginaWetnessAdjective parser to output an adjective indicative of the vagina’s wetness.
    • Added pc.vaginaLoosenessAdjective parser to output an adjective indicative of the vagina’s looseness.
  • New CGs: Kiro Panties, Penny Panties (ToonNik)
  • New Busts: Chia, Yzi, and Bixia – the Dracows. (Adjatha)
  • Various small fixes.

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