Update: Sorry about the deployment issue. The build server apparently ran out of memory, and I was out pretty shortly after the post thanks to back pain + meds. OG post below -v
Javascript rebuild/port report: It is now possible to move around on Tavros in our dev builds! Next: adding a more functional minimap/map. Great work, Gedan.
0.8.132 Changelog:
- New art for the female sydian added with variations for armor being intact or broken.
- New Image Pack image: Frosty presenting (visible in her vaginal scene).
- VKo now sells EasyFit.
- Ramis’s bust has been updated with a SteeleTech suit variant.
- Image Pack updated (requires stand-alone flash player.)
No big “what’s new this month” addition because… GASP! …There’s not that much new. Soon though… soon…
yay, more art and image pack stuff, keep it up and good luck with the javascript stuff
the play page is still 0.8.130 when downloading for standalone flash
click on the link above that says “Image Pack updated (requires stand-alone flash player.)”
What flash alternative should be used for CoC origional? so many options out there and dont want to get a bad one.
I used to use Swiff Player but it doesn’t work anymore.
So I’m looking for a new one myself.
swffileplayer is the one I use. Not sure if it’s Kosher to just post links on here but you should be able to find that with the search engine of your choice
get Adobes very own standalone flash player, works very well with image pack (its a good one and official)
Grab Flash Player 32 from Adobe before they remove it. It’s a standalone player, just don’t lose it. They’ll probably make it disappear eventually.
they deactivate it after the date its useless now
the flash projector 32 sa executable, still available from adobe / support / debug_downloads , appears to work just fine.
Tested with the current version 465. Have used previous versions 101 and 344 multiple times since the kill date without issues. The standalone players are only about 15mb and have continued to load swf files just fine even after a few reboots and other such things, even as the flash player web plugin for browsers stopped working on the same computers.
If you set your date to a day before January 12th 2021 you can still use flash, currently what I am doing 🙂
The newest version has not pushed to the AIR or the swf download.
Anything for Valentines?
Yes; I don’t think it would get coded in time but I plan a Rat’s Raiders Valentine’s event. It will be much more pared down than the Christmaus one.
Pampered by cute rats, sounds interesting, is there gonna be some unique dialogue if your character is a kaithrit?
So I play on my tablet and download TiTs through ARM Androids, does that mean I won’t be able to play anymore updated versions ?
The Flash versions of the game (including that one) are being discontinued shortly. You’ll be able to play the NEW version of the game just fine, but it’ll be a slightly different format. We haven’t had any trouble getting CoC2 to work fine as an .apk file, no reason to suspect TiTS will struggle either.
I got it working with Adobe’s standalone flash player (called projector)
so with the port to java, will that stuff that had been planned to be worked on (Uvetos sheriff office, the relay tower dgn, the gabilani gageteer) be added into the game?
No. Hopefully loose ends like those will be CUT OUT.

In regards to “loose ends”… I’m assuming this includes a conclusion of the war between the Gilden Republic and the Scarlet Federation, the backstory of Taivra’s Queensguard, vaginal intercourse with Saendra, Hand So, etc? ?
What a horrible shame. I have been waiting years for the HandSO addition.
First it needed spaceship mechanics, then once those were added in, it was always on the backlog whenever someone asked.
Same, was really looking forward to HandSO and the Reds vs Golds conclusion. I’ve always kept that HandSO data in my inventory on hopes an update would bring more content for her, and I’ve always sided with the Reds on Myrellion, their cooler and you also get better rewards from the reds.
Hand So wasn’t mentioned at all in the original exchange in this comment chain. She is not cut, and no explicit desire to do so has been expressed.
How *does* one break the sydian’s armor? Every time I’ve fought her, I’ve always depleted her HP long before the armor was even close to gone.
It depends on damage type, I can’t remember what specifically but if you use TiTSEd and start a new character you can test what does more damage to her armor than to her health.
physical weaponry works. But yeah you’ll struggle if you’re anywhere past tarkus in getting it to work
I recall that the best option is a weapon with the crushing damage tag like the rocket hammer or the raskvel wrench (both are located on Tarkus).
Neat. Because when I re/make my character, I make it a tech specialist, which leads to ranged energy weapons–essentially the total opposite of what is needed apparently.
Buy the Rocket Hammer from Aurora, or find any other blunt melee weapon, and hit her with it. The armor absorbs crushing damage and will break.
The problem with the Sydian’s armor is that even if I manage to avoid defeating her after depleting the Armor bar, it doesn’t break immediately.
I one-shot her armor and left her with 7 health, she was taken out by my drone the next turn and it still didn’t count.
I’d recommend turning off your drone if your Steele is powerful enough to not be worried about losing to her. As what I and Will had stated before, if you need to use a weak crushing weapon, get the rocket hammer or the raskvel wrench to have the Sydian (take off her clothes) lose her armor.
i cant find a way to play tits at all help if possible
If you’re trying to play it in-browser…well you can’t. TiTS was made in Flash. Flash is officially dead and all browsers (including the kinda-undead Internet Explorer) have pulled support for it. There are a few executables that you can download and play offline as a ‘close enough to Flash’ player (referenced in a few posts further up the chain, but as the game is being remade into a different format…if you don’t already have such a program, it may be more worthwhile to simply be patient and wait for the new game format.
I’m looking forward to the javascript version.
I’ve added CoC2 to my iPad as a web applet, and it works great, even with connected keyboard cover, although scifi is always first love
What all interactions with rivals new body guard are currently in game?
is it that difficult to port the image pack along with the base game to non flash? its not exactly safe to continue using flash no matter what you use it with player wise.
how do you get to do the housewarming thing in Kiyoko’s house
Apparently i can’t open files when I get the new update of TiTS or CoC2, is it because of the coding/being in a you flash port or something?
the versions of the games you speak of are coded to flash, flash is dead, Fen and Co. are working to convert the game to another format, be patient
get help now and finish the update already 11 days of nothing new is a drag
Oi can we get a Sphinx creature type, with the qualifications being
>human arms and face
>Skin type is skin (vs fur/scales/bark/etc)
>Avian Wings
>Feline Ears
>Tauric Lower body + Feline Legs
Because I went for a look and feel like I’m not quite half kaithrit like it classifies me as. Also because I’m a sucker for aesthetics.