Eggs beware!
Maybe it’s not a surprise if you’ve been lingering in the discord or the comments, or the twitters, or whatever, but we’ve got a new Easter Event for you guys to enjoy!
…I also have my own thing I wrote some of but need to do some editing on, and this took me well over eight hours today. Suffice to say, I’m tapped out. It’ll have to arrive belatedly. Easter Sunday isn’t going to be the best day for me to finish it.
0.8.070 Changelog:
- A new enemy can be encountered almost anywhere in Zheng Shi where enemies can be found… so long as it’s Easter! The Easter Jumper was written by William (coded by yours truly) and comes with some of the lewdest, most varied combat attacks I’ve seen in a while. Give her a try! She comes with three unique scenes and some decently varied sub-scenes (like if you submit!)
- You can now go fishing at an Uvetan fishing hole. Not very smutty, but fun. Written by Savin, coded by DrunkZombie.
- The author box should no longer default to “probably Fenoxo”.
- Going to the Kiro/Kally meeting event at less than 100 Kiro trust shouldn’t make Kiro angrier than she ought to be.
- A generator for churning out the “appearance” parts of an NPC’s statblock was made for use by devs and authors. I need to build a proper cheat code to activate it still as well as figure out an issue with the fancy quotes our parser converts the output to.
- Fixed numerous misgendering issues.
- Fixed an italic/bold bleed for in Maja for Treated males.
- New Parser: tailCockNoun.
- Ellie’s first trip to the nursery should be less buggy in regards to the New Texan disarming mechanics. Hopefully it’s fixed for good.
- You no longer need to be lusty to invite crew to shower.
- More cheats should work in VKo’s input.
- Fixed slut-Kiro showing up as normal Kiro in the bar.
- Fixed some “button bleed” (where buttons persist into the next scene) in Bianca.
- Fixed broken parser calls in Dicksprout.
- NPCs with “Fixed MilkQ” perks set should now properly count as “isLactating()” and “canLactate()”.
- Probably some other fixes and tweaks I’ve failed to enumerate!
shes even bigger the grey one 😮 its gonna be easter everyday from now on in my game
Finally fishing! can’t wait to get that ol rod out, also will there be a cheat code for the people who saved Kiro to have her as Bimbo Kiro and also does anyone know the more codes that work?
Edit her perks.
Edit the perk ditz perk to be on to have her as Bimbo and off to go back to normal. The flags will remember how far you’ve progressed and all that you’ve done with each version so its no problem switching back and forth.
No Imagepack for this version?
Check your backer email, there was a link to an imagepack for backers in there. If you’re not a backer, I don’t think you have access to it, since this is a “free” backer update, due to the virus and all.
A larger resolution of that picture would be wonderful.
“Every game that is good, has a fishing game within the game!”
-by someone I found on the internet.
Let’s jump and hump!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This…this is going to be a busy Easter.
The most fun in this laquine is struggling with her in a grapple. Please consider doing so.
I usually like the grapple scenes on the uh… sexier-minded enemies. It always makes me wish there was a player-grapple option, though I’m sure that’d be way, way to much effort to add in at this point, considering you’d need to add it in for every enemy in the game.
Hey I found a bug in the submission scene, where do I go to report it?
Hmm, where does one go to report bugs and typos….
scrolls up and looks at link under FOUND A BUG?
yeah grey laquine would be quite jalous she is now rank 3 in herm size on jumper gang
Petition to have the grey laquine larger( more endowed).
^^ sound great ( she is my fav ) but the whole gang need this . just for fun and fair
Will you release Image Pack?
Couldn’t find the fishing hole on Uveto. Where is it?
I have found it (I think there is only one). Go north from the exit and when you hit the last gray section (black pillar circle) there is a little blue going to the right which is called Lakeside Approach. You can fish at the end (The Ice Lake).
I had a fishing pole on me, but it will just have grayed out ‘Go Fishing’ box option if you don’t.
Found it. Thank you fellow Fisher!
No problem. I saw your comment and went on a mission to find it!
Do we get cute little purple bunny babies from the Easter Jumper?
Or maybe we can in a future update?
Think we’ll need DZ to look at that.
Currently no special coding was done for the easter jumper’s preg. The existing preg code determines the parent by cock type. Easter jumper has a horse cock so the code thinks the normal horse jumper is the parent.
I will look into modifying the code to get easter jumper kids included.
Quick question.
Is only you that can get pregnant or is it both ways?
Can you get the Easter jumper pregnant too basically?
> “More cheats should work in VKo’s input.”
I’m familiar with the first V-Ko inputs we got early in the game, but where do we find the new ones?
Most can be found in the Cheat List page of the wiki, though new ones may take a bit to get added depending on when one of the editors gets to it
will there be another cheat to keep the Easter event in?
Just use tistheseason
Will the Easter jumper get her own special bad end like all the other jumpers?
Will the Easter jumper get her own special bad end like the other jumpers?
I’m afraid not!
like the easter jumper just wish she didnt make you grow a vag for the sub scene(and yes i know i can just get dr lash to remove it just dont like having to run back to tarkas every time :p)
New V-Ko inputs? What’re they?
Seems like when you Public Use Deliah in Canadia, normal Kiro will appear instead of a Bimbo Kiro. I will assume that it’s just because nothing has been written for a scene like that, and not a bug.