0.7.122 Changelog:

  • QuestyRobo’s “Milodan Breeding Solstice” event has been added to the game. For optimal experience, turn on silly mode first (or you won’t see the second half!) Requirements: Low chance of encounter on any combat square. Requires genitals (and an unfertilized womb if feminine).
  • Shade’s event has been reworked AGAIN. Now she won’t send you the email until after you’ve been to her house for the first time on Uveto, and the logic for determining which variations of the scene you get has been simplified. Here’s hoping this solves everyone’s problems with it.

0.7.123 Changelog:

  • Fixed a bug that stopped the female breeding solstice from proccing unless you had multiple vaginas.
  • UpcastDrake slipped in Gwen’s holiday event as well!

That’s it for Christmas unless UpcastDrake winds up doing one of the other events. Leftovers will be held onto for next year. I’m going to go back into “bang out Korg’ii Hold” mode.

Art of Urta, Shizuya (a submitted character), and Risky Boots from the Shantae games, apparently. Drawn by Ber00. Alternates on his tumblr.