Happy Halloween! No special patch this year as I’m 1000 2000+ lines deep into coding a VR adventure-slash-trap for Kiroquest. I can’t wait to share it with everyone!
Art by Moira.
Pssst… Fen here. I wrote a thing for CoC2 the other day! …but it’s just transforming into having a human tongue.
Damn, that Mitzi pic is great. I really like Moira’s art.
Can’t wait for Kiroquest to brighten up November, but for now, Happy Halloween! Hope everybody having a blast, and or getting blasted!
Kiro makes a very sexy cop
Will Kiro Quest most likely be ready for the next Public Patch?
Meet the futa of law enforcement: Kirocop
Hell yea, and she’s packing
I’m hoping for an ending with Kasyrra where she redeems herself and gets purified but keeps her demonic looks and horny dominant personality so she can join the champions party to deal with a possible threat that is bigger than the trouble she caused, or stay with the champion considering all signs point to her being in love with the champ, and also help get Cait’s sister back if guven the chance. That would be a minted happy ending for fans of Kasyrra.
on public patch imo and Haley DP scene seems to be inaccessible for some reason and I don’t think the test is too restrictive beside the dick size.
What do I need for the human tongue transformation?
Just keep using human treats from Sera. If you wanna just change the tounge, you should save before you use it, then if it changes anything you don’t want it to, then just load and try again
Oh wait wrong game haha
I wish there were a Poe A event that doesn’t transform you. My vanilla run can’t have any holiday fun. I wish there were a costume that is actually a costume and you can equip it like armor. Since the atma armor is basically the best thing until Uveto it’d be cool to have something equivalent in between