Have this TamaniCorp uniform design by Jojocite as recompense for me forgetting to put in Adj’s demon bust.
0.8.024 Changelog:
- New victory scene for the sexdoll guards in Kiro’s rescue quest penned by William – 69!
- Almost all of the rooms in Kiro’s quest have been populated with descriptions, and the Orgasmender and Buttsluttinator should now properly appear in rooms. They have not been removed from their old locations yet but will be eventually. I’ll make sure there’s some repeatable way to access that content before I do, though.
- Some of the special door locking mechanics for Kiro’s quest have been put in. The red door can be opened by knotted dicks, dog dicks, or red dicks. The pink door requires a vagina. Methods that don’t require certain attributes will be available.
- Trying to unlock the door with the wrong dick at 100 taint has a small bit of smuttery for it.
- Ilaria’s pregnancy options have been improved, and a generic ausar pregnancy has been added to the game courtesy of DrunkZombie!
The busts will go in with the Bad Ends soonβ’
I thought Ilaria could already become pregnant? That was something added like a year ago, and I can do it on my saves/
Then it was improved. There’s definitely new texts about it.
Far as I know we can just inflate her with our fluids and she reverts back in about 16 hours. No actual offspring in the oven for this honey bun.
With Ilaria you been able to impregnate her
No she can have kids. She’s had many in my saves.
She must’ve been on counter agents then. I never triggered this until I dosed myself with Breeder Bliss and Priapin.
I thought Ilaria could already get pregnant. Or can she now impregnate PCs?
Nvm above comment someone beat me to it while I was typing
Yes Ilaria can impregnate PCs now
Correct. I added the ability for Ilaria to preg the pc and generic ausar preg is now at the stocks on New Texas.
I take it the Kiro dungeon is still in works and need the cheat to access.
I think you named the wrong company for that “joyco” uniform
super cute though :V
Clearly it’s correct and always has been…
If you don’t pay attention it’s easy to miss the additions to ilaria’s dialogue.
Also holy crap, Ilaria gives you 3 times more Ausar kids than Lah :O
She breeds like a bunny, whaddayawant
Is there gonna be more of Ilaria/kaede content in the future?
Maybe! Sticking dickgirls together on the PC is my jam.
Nice, I love the extrameet scene
I’m curious, will we be able to get that Tamanicorp uniform?
I don’t mind challenges but Amara’s stun is to OP, needs a nerf as it lasts waaaaaaay to long, i’m talking it literally lasted well over 20+ to 30+ turns just trying to recover.
If it took double-digit turns to recover from any status effect, methinks you have encountered a bug.
Or she kept using her Stun attack before the last Stun wore off. And she can restore her own Energy, so she can keep using it.
Hopefully fixed for the next release–Amara’s stun effect should only trigger again when conditions are met and the character is not already stunned. This will prevent her from stacking stuns for highly vulnerable characters.
Sorry i dont have backers but is Ilaria a new companion?
shes a waitress on tavros’ residential deck. shes an ausar thats modded to look like a bunny
She’s been in the game for at least a year now π
Lol ive only started playing like a few days ago after my 18th birthday
Well happy late birthday then. Sure did choose one hell of a start to your porn life with this game.
Lol i know
Knowing Tamani Corp I’m surprised that it isn’t some kind of pregsuit or something like that.
How do you know it’s not?
I mean, it seems like it’s designed for easy access to erogenous zones in mind, with the front/backside material looking particularly stretchy or easy to get rid of specifically for the ensuing pregnancies that the employees would have.
I know I’ve alluded to weaponry or equipment that has some form of sentience but if this tamani suit is just one of many pieces with special properties I’d be very happy regardless
havent played kiros dungeon but does the door locking stuff require the pc to have a dick? or can you get around that?
Read that bullet point again.
Hi , can we have a dryad generic pregnancy ? now she get aboard on ship .
That would not be a generic pregnancy.
oh . ok . thk for answer so quickly
Dryad pregnancy is planned but due for the future because of other writing obligations.
What about Fisianna pregnancy, is that on the roster for the future? We already have the “Breed Her” option.
I will code it the second it gets written! π I’m waiting for it myself.
Nice! Fisianna is one of my favorite NPCs.
Keep up the good work, DrunkZombie.
Love the new 69 victory with the dolls. shame it crashes each time on. Hopefully thats fixed.
Kay question what about the new room that is directly under the bar with the bunny girl on tarvos? i cant seem to get in there is an icon for a person there but it says under construction is that just a bit that isnt implimented in and going to tease me with wanting to know what it is or is that a bug?
Doing 69 with the bots invariably breaks the game for me at the moment, and it’s repeatable.
At the third time doing it.
So will it be Instant game over for people who used the original Buttsluttinator twice?
Though I know it may be months or a year till it gets implemented or if ever, I can’t wait for Rodenian pregnancy scenes.
Thanks for all the hard work over the years.
You never know!
Guess all the Kiro content will be in by the time next public release is out, i really need to finally get to making a new character.
Anyway… Anyone else has Planetside flashbacks because of that uniform?
vanu scum leave this place. TR forever
HOLD ON, DID SOMEONE SIGN MY BONUS CHECK? It’s time to live free in the NC.
*Laughs in LA39 Brusier*
While I’ve never played Planetside, I’d have to say that from what little I know about the factions, I’d probably pick the Sovereignty because they have better tech, aren’t nearly as authoritarian as the Republic, (at least as far as I can tell,) or chaotic like the Conglomerate.
When you say generic Ausar pregnancy does it apply to other NPC ausar characters or only to certain ones?
It should allow you to be impregnated by most if not all Ausars. Of course, it’s heavily dependent on Drunk Zombie remembering all of the characters. Including Kaede and Fadil.
No, I did not add it to any npcs, just the stocks on New Texas. It is coded, works, and is available for use. However, typically generic preg is not used for named npcs, just mobs and randos. However it makes it very easy to create unique preg for ausar npcs as you can use the generic preg as a template. For example, after I coded generic ausar preg, coding Ilaria preg was super fast.
Well then in that case,I hope that included the sanctions at Breed Well.
That doesn’t apply because only the Visitor sanction is non-rahn and it is only bjs.
However, if you can think of any existing generic ausar that need the preg added to it, let me know and I can maybe get it added after checking with Fen.
Vahn and Ciaran are the first to come to mind, along with dane
Since those are named npcs, generic preg typically isn’t used. The author usually wants to write unique preg content for them.
Only to those whose authors want to use it.
Hmm looking at the wiki, I noticed New Texas’s Bucking Bronco 2nd floor is still not implemented. Any plans for that soon?
Ask Night Trap.
Will we be able to return to the dungeon after recruiting Kiro? The sexdolls seem like they are more precious to return to after recruiting Kiro
-defeat the herm doll
-choose to fuck her pussy
-wind up jacking her off anyways
Then what the fuck was the point
Fucking her Pussy. Obviously.
*Admiral Ackbar stares in judgement*
Which Auser NPCs should the new system apply to?
So apparently it is generic encounters. Any situation where you would get fucked by random Ausars in the pussy like in Miscreant Manor or Beth’s Busty Broads is about fair game. Not really any major Waifus or Husbandos yet.
For some reason in the newest backer build, the option to enlarge the busts is gone, so i only get the small one in the upper left corner :/
I’m late to the party, but I was wondering if it was possible in the future plans to have a tailcock substitute an actual cock for scenes?
it may have been asked before and if it has I’m sorry, but would it be possible to get the image pack out into the backer builds?
it would appear whenever I get Ilaria pregnant, I get pregnant myself, despite having no womb, or vagina. A birth event also never occurs and my description never changes to match what it’s saying under Appearance. Bug?