Adjatha does good work.

You might have expected this patch to be the one with the final boss of Zheng Shi, but you were wrong! That project is going fairly slowly, owing to the massive number of variations within some of its scenes – some of which are cool and support things like tailcocks. Other variations are smaller and more mind numbing, like the following passage I’ve constructed as an example: “Your rigid cock{s} plowing into {his/their} mouth{s}{, your balls battering {his/their} chin{s} with a {weighty/chunky/yogurt-flavored} load}.”

You get the (slightly embellished) idea. It’ll create a great end-result, but it is SLOW to churn through.

Luckily, our community coders have been slowly putting some coded submissions into the repo for use in game. Here’s a nice chunk we’ve gotten ready for you guys.

0.7.242 Changelog:

  • Struggle code was reworked by SomebodyElseEntirely to make it more clean and consistent across the board and also slightly improve Escape Artist for physique-based characters.
  • Showering with Paige is now a thing (largely based off CoC’s “Brooke” scenes), provided by B and coded by LighterFluid.
  • Thanks to the efforts of Whimsalot, you can now name your pet varmint.
  • Lighterfluid spent some time cleaning up Rat’s Raiders as well as putting some more of their finished busts into the game, with help from their author, William.
  • And lastly, Quaelle’s pregnancy expansion (authored by Nonesuch) has been added to the game by DrunkZombie.

Great work guys! I’m going to try and enjoy my weekend and keep chipping at this boss battle when I have time. See you fellas next week for the end of Zheng Shi’s mainline quest progress!