Octomush’s rendering is so lovely.
As usual, when I’m actually focusing on writing things, I can’t push as much content. I’ve been working on laying the groundwork for Feruze’s Dhaal encounter. That means setup for a fight, setup for a friendly encounter, a fun little HJ in a taxi, and trying to write a new victory 69 scene for defeating the angel-winged, sharky mercenary in a fight – for a start.
Of course, this being 2020, nothing is ever as easy as it seems. As someone married to an LGBT person, the loss of RBG and the naked hypocrisy I’ve witnessed in the senate in regards to stuffing the courts has been especially crushing. So I burned out some of that negativity by writing a scene for crew Dane throwing you on the bed and assertively buttfucking you. Then I did some coding of the brothel Will has had mostly ready for Dhaal for ages. I hope you enjoy it!
0.8.109 Changelog:
- Dhaal has a new Brothel: Paragon Playground! Visit for some lovely group sex with twins or a bit of harem play centering around a lovely MILF. The choice is yours! (Written by William, coded by me.) More will be on the way.
- New image pack images: Anno & Shekka cum kiss by Octomush and Anno petplay by Neocllex.
- Velta bust asset updated.
- The Gabilani chemist can be impregnated now, though she has her own way of dealing with the burdens of motherhood. Written by me, coded by resident pregmaster DrunkZombie).
Dane crew progress? You know a way to this lad’s gay heart, Fen ?
“The Gabilani chemist can be impregnated now”
*pops a dicksprout*
Found a bug, it was in the ‘Harem Play’ part and when choosing ‘Lead part that it would repeat the last scene and be stuck there.
It also checks your equipment wrong. It said i was using a hardlight instead.
Please bug report.
Whatever happened to Hand So? Wasn’t her content supposed to be added to the game once ships were fleshed out? We have all sorts of ship modules and upgrades now. So is her implementation anywhere on the horizon now?
Nothing concrete has been talked about yet.
That was the intent, but Nonesuch took everything he had written for that to use as a baseline idea for another game.
Thus there is no written content for using Hand So on your crew, and I am so perpetually backlogged trying to do my own projects and keep the game moving forward that I have not had time to write new stuff for that.
Oof. Alright then. I really hope she doesn’t permanently fall by the wayside since I’ve been looking forward to her being added for the last few years. But yeah it’s understandable if there’s a sizable backlog of other stuff to get through. I just hope that she eventually does get some prioritization for completion / inclusion.
Wait, does that mean that Hand So is gonna forever be in the MC’s pocket? I hope not.
There were plans to have another AI, the one from the KiroQuest VR, be available that I was going to use to help set up all the systems for it… but Wsan left the team to work on CoC2 full time, so that thread is basically snipped.
It’ll be Hand So time before I come around to it again.
She also seemed like a good option to have karma option for Syri’s quest. They want AI? Give them and their facility an AI to be proud of or rather give full control of facility to Hand So while you store captain on the same data bead and escape with him.
Wait, does that mean Nonesuch and Wsan don’t work for this project any longer? Like, at all?
Nonesuch still does writes for TiTS when he has the time and inclination.
I thought Wsan stopped because he felt his divided efforts were starting to spill into actual writing quality, and he couldn’t keep track of some of his NPCs. Wsan isn’t writing for TiTS now or in the near future, at least.
nonesuch has said he woudl be willing to take a comission from fen to get han so up in the forum IIRC?
Are we going to get anymore content for everyone’s favorite Foxxy Milf
Definitely want to see more content for Bianca, maybe even a crew update for her.
More bots and AI on the crew is always a good thing.
Oops responded to the wrong post.
Yes. Don’t worry, she is not abandoned.
Sweet. Seeing stuff like this makes me want to continue my Asuar poly couple. I’ll get roun to it some day…
Breed.[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: StandAlone – Windows 8
Flash Version: WIN 32,0,0,161
Game Version: 0.8.109
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1010
TypeError: Error #1010
at classes::TiTS/haremyBearamy()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
found this on dhaal at Paragon Playground, during leading harem sex scene.
similar issue when you get blasted drunk
[Uncaught ArgumentError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: StandAlone – Windows 8
Flash Version: WIN 32,0,0,161
Game Version: 0.8.109
Error Name: ArgumentError
Error Mesg: Error #1063
ArgumentError: Error #1063
at classes::GUI/PressButton()
at classes::TiTS/pressButton()
at Function/()
at classes::BoundControlMethod/ExecFunc()
at classes::InputManager/ExecuteKeyCode()
at classes::InputManager/KeyHandler()
I have the standalone flash player and the newest file downloaded, but I’m not getting the imagepack activating? Am I doing something wrong?
Another Feruze encounter? …… Please recruit, please recruit, please recruit it’d be great to imagine the cousins face as Feruze changes sides Steel busts out a cool pose explosions go off and the words “DEAL WITH IT” Appear behind them whilst sunglasses fly onto Steels face!
I’d rather watch dane and feruze doubleteam the cousin after we woop their ass, and walk off pulling my dualist hat over my head.
Them: *screams*
me: good grief *pulls brim lower down*
Ffs Fen, there’ve been more than 20 SC Justices added during an Election year. Just because Obama got Lame Duck’d doesn’t mean the law stops working.
Honestly, I could do very well without having to read anything about those damn politics. Who wants that bullshit when surfing for smut? smh
I’m not from the states so i hadn’t got a clue what he was on about
Our supreme court justices are appointed for life. The most liberal one on the court just died and the president of the united states nominates a replacement when there’s a vacancy. Many people are upset because the court is going to be leaning more conservative with this many judges.
You’re missing the part they didn’t let the last president do it, saying they wouldn’t do it during an election year. Now they’re chickening because signs are showing they’re losing their majority and going back on their word.
But Rilo is right this shouldnt be here. We’re here for porn, not to get into fisticuffs over the fact most republicans refuse to aknowledge what their party is doing, only to be called libtard etc.
Ehm… and it would change what exactly?
I’ll believe there is hope for this world only after USA, Russia and China will lose veto power in Security Council, not a day earlier:D
Naturally it is not inherently wrong to appoint a SC in an election year. It is hypocritical, as Fen said, to appoint a SC justice in an election year if you recently said it was wrong to do so.
An example quote:
“I want you to use my words against me. If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination.”
Yet… He does not now support the next president, whoever it might be, making the nomination. That’s called hypocrisy. Quotes like this exist for dozens of senators, yet none of them are keeping their word. It’s disgusting hypocrisy.
I would find it interesting to know the politics of people here… How many people who play a super LGBTQ game with Futa waifus support a party that opposes gay marriage and equal representation for non-binary and LGBTQ people? Seems like there shouldn’t be any overlap.
Honestly THIS post right here I completely agree with. I think its pretty shitty to comment about politics in comments on post anyways, even if it comes up from the main post, and if you disagree with Fen’s stance (not like it doesnt come up on the twitter sidebar too) then you can piss off.
If you agree with Fens politics thats fine. If you don’t thats fine but keep your trap shut, or find a different project to follow. We don’t need this drama dragged up and Fen doesn’t need more people being twats on disc/twitter/here to put his mood off.
Typical leftist response. “If you don’t agree, either shut up or go away.” Shows how much you value discussion, (i.e. you don’t.)
Say it isn’t so doc. A response like this from you? Man, I just lost a frenemy. Isn’t “suck it up buttercup” and sneering at “snowflakes”, “libtards” and god knows what else right wing responses? How about calling anyone you don’t agree with a communist or socialist? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
And bro. Anon is literally asking questions that prompt conversation, and you respond to the angrier guy under him instead of the guy creating the conversation. Is it true the “leftists” don’t value discussion? Or is it true that you actually walked past the one who did to confirmation bias all over someone who doesn’t?
The Irony is “shut up or go away” is how the American public school system tells you to deal with bullies. Wonder why that is the case…
And American politics has long moved past the stage of discussion. There are so many immoral things happening there shouldn’t be party discrimination at all. Theres “what is right” and “what the majority has been doing the last 4 or so years.” Refusing to aknowledge the shitty things people are doing makes you complacent to the consequences of their actions. This should have nothing to do with politics and everything to do with having a moral compass that doesn’t point south instead of north.
But again. This. Should. Not. Be. Here. We are here for porn, not to see who can smear the other persons name more. It isn’t just “Shut up or go away” its “this isnt the place so dont bring it up.” But unsurprisingly you seemed to just read what you wanted to and not the entire message.
Most people have things that are much higher up their priority list than gay marriage (free speech, 2nd amendment, immigration, etc), even people who are LGBT. It’s really not that important. I mean, some people don’t even want to get married.
As for equal representation, I’m not sure what senators and presidents have to do with that. Seems more like a cultural thing than a political thing. Unless you’re suggesting diversity quotas, which I disagree with on principle.
Senators and presidents set the national tone and pass the laws that make representation possible on the lower public level. I mean. Who passes laws like the civil rights act, equal marriage laws, etc? Is it mail men or telephone crews? Or is it out politicians?
Consequentially, politicians set the tone and expectations of the administration. A politician calling a certain group of people parasites or comparing them to animals signals to his followers that it’s ok and makes it less likely for them to sympathize or look on that group favorably. I’m not sure if you really see these things as separate, since a cursory look shows how interrelated all of this is, or if you’re taking the piss.
And as for your “free speech” is more important than everything else line; speak for yourself. You can’t set priorities for other people and your priority list doesn’t automatically mean that other people place the same value on the same issues. And in the good ole’ days when much more conservative voices ruled everything and being gay was liable to get you beaten in public games like this would have been impossible because policy would be set against them. Gay and lgbt representation only because publicly acceptable in the past few decades. Before then no platform like patreon would have even allowed them to exist, and they would have had government policy support to block them out.
Issues like “free speech” and “representation” are related. You can’t seriously claim that one is overwhelmingly important without at least acknowledging how they affect each other. And if you do, is it possible you don’t understand as much as you should?
And yea, I might suck at proofreading (Became, not because), but I’m not sure you fully understand how all these things tie together, which makes some of your comments dangerous in their naivete. I mean, you have no idea what senators and presidents – the people who pass our laws and enforce policy – have to do with equal representation.
Again, who passes the laws that disenfranchise entire populations? And who votes to repeal them? I’m at a loss here. There’s a reason “First openly gay (insert political office) is a frequent headline in recent news and would have been unthinkable or dangerous 30 years ago.
If my basic human rights are less important to you than owning a gun, (I support the 2nd amendment and gun ownership,) then, fuck you. There’s nothing reasonable about advocating for me being electrocuted “until I’m not gay”, or saying that I’m an abomination or “unnatural.”
The 2020 GOP platform states: “Traditional marriage and family, based on marriage between one man and one woman, is the foundation for a free society and has for millennia been entrusted with rearing children and instilling cultural values.”
It “condemns” Obergefell v Hodges, which legalised marriage equality across America, and insists: “Five unelected lawyers robbed 320 million Americans of their legitimate constitutional authority to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The Court twisted the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment beyond recognition.”
The platform adds: “We do not accept the Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage and we urge its reversal, whether through judicial reconsideration or a constitutional amendment returning control over marriage to the states.”
It even contains a nod to conversion therapy when it says: “We support the right of parents to determine the proper medical treatment and therapy for their minor children.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OK4fJhbRL1g Thanks.
The problem is that the last time a vacancy in the SC opened during an election year the party of the Pres and the Senate were not the same. When that happens, the nominee of the President is almost never voted in. Now, though, the Prez and Senate are both controlled by the Republicans. Even though Trump is actually a RINO: Republican In Name Only. He’s actually more of a 90’s democrat who was basically forced to run as a Republican due to their superdelegate system as it was obvious that Hillary was going to be their nominee. Thank god she lost, cause I have no doubt that if she’d won, we’d have been at war with Iran within six months of her taking office. (OI don’t know about anyone here, but I’d rather not play Fallout IRL. Radscorps look awful.
No, the problem is the naked and violent hypocrisy on display. All of the arguments presented against appointing Garland are exactly as valid or more now. We have a deeply unpopular president (even if the populace that supports him is quite zealous about it), who:
1. Was impeached and very nearly removed from office.
2. Is in the middle of a massive pandemic his open and outright lying helped fuel. (200k+ dead)
3. Is much closer to the election day than Obama was – some people are already casting ballots with early voting.
4. Baselessly claims that RBG’s dying wish was written by Democrats.
There’s a difference between changing position in 20 years, and making a strongly worded case where you explicitly say “I would not do this in four years” and then turn around and do it without even taking a day to think about it.
Trump is more of a 90’s banana republic leader than a 90’s Republican OR Democrat.
If anyone wants to continue arguing with me about politics – my twitter is right there, but I’d prefer if the blog discussions focused on the content I’m putting out rather than the offhanded political mention that shifted which content I focused on.
Please don’t post politics on the blog in future so that doesn’t happen, thanks~
Lmao Savin
One day some people would explain to me how a president that was impeached wasn’t removed and is participating in elections AGAIN?!
Joe Biden in ’92 was against appointing a SC in an election year, but is for it now.
McConnell got lambasted by Democrats for being against appointing a SC in an election year under Obama, but now so many are for it.
It’s bad when it serves your enemy but good when it serves you.
If you want to call out McConnell for hypocrisy, by all means, but somehow I doubt you’d do the same for Democrat politicians.
Isn’t that hypocrisy?
Maybe you don’t care so much about the hypocrisy, just the fact that Trump is going to appoint the new SC.
And you’d be incorrect. Assumptions make asses of us all. Don’t assume just because someone doesn’t agree with you they don’t call the bullshit in their own party. Quite frankly, fuck the dems too, and if all you’ve got is “What about” bullshit on things that I would actually agree with you on, we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.
Seems like quite a few anon. I find it particularly interesting that instead of replying to you, someone who is prompting conversation, guys like Elliot responded to the hostile post below yours to pretend like “leftists” were being unreasonable. Maybe you don’t exist and I’m imagining you.
I’m Imaginary. boo~
How can this be a “super LGBTQ game” if no one is put in prison for confessing love to 2 or more people at the same time? Yes, it’s a stone into american garden and hypocrisy of so called community in said country.
So here’s that, a person can not mind homosexuality, but the so called LGBTQ “community” that claims to represent all said people without any proof of legitimacy of such claim and their “representative” spokepeople, that called polyamory a bunch of sinful deviants just a decade ago, still make one puke.
Same as going to strip clubs, but saying that legalising prostitution is heresy. Saying that 21 years is too high for tobacco and alcohol, but voting against legalising weed. And many other brilliant examples. Oh, and calling bisexuals gay to claim higher percentages.
Not to mention that it’s the Dems who’d try to stuff the SC. There’s nothing hypocritical about electing an new Justice to replace a retired/deceased one, especially one who should’ve retired about ten years ago, when she was diagnosed with cancer with such a high kill rate.
If you say “We won’t approve in an election year on principle” and then you move to approve in an election year despite principle, you’re a hypocrite. It wouldn’t be hypocritical if they hadn’t tried to claim principle when they made the decision in the first place. But they did. Just own it.
Joe Biden has literally done the same thing.
In ’92 he was against appointing a SC in an election year (under Bush), now he’s for it.
Both sides are as hypocritical as each other – so why are you just calling out Republicans?
Although the difference here is that McConnell isn’t the Republican pick for President, while Biden is.
Fuck joe biden. He’s a piece of shit too. And yea, both side are full of it. Get out of here with the what-about garbage. If you’ve got substance, I’m game. But I’m not going to defend Biden, so stop assuming I’m on his side.
That’s just completely false… He was never against appointing an SC justice in an election year, there wasn’t even a justice to consider. He just wanted the Senate to hypothetically wait till after the election (not until the next president) to confirm a hypothetical justice so that there wouldn’t be an affect on the election.
“There was no Supreme Court vacancy to fill.
There was no nominee to consider.
The Senate never took a vote to adopt a rule to delay consideration of a nominee until after the election.
Nonetheless, Biden took to the floor in a speech addressing the Senate president to urge delay if a vacancy did appear. But he didn’t argue for a delay until the next president began his term, as McConnell is doing. He said the nomination process should be put off until after the election, which was on Nov. 3, 1992.”
Stop getting your news from facebook memes.
Both sides are not as hypocritical. There is a sitting president in office actively undermining democracy and stating he will not accept the results of the election unless he wins. Democracy and freedom are at stake here… I really don’t have any understanding of anyone who would even consider voting for Trump or his enablers. Sorry.
And the supreme court is a life-time appointment. Antonin Scalia didn’t abdicate his position either before he died now did he? And if you’re one of the only members balancing out the court between left/right in one of the most turbulent presidencies in history it would have arguably been incredibly irresponsible for her to retire if she believed the president jeopardized the work she’s done for decades, which he does. The rationalizations are fucking real.
Finally, justices aren’t required to bow out regardless of their health. There’s no rule for that. And there was no condition about the circumstances of the vacancy last time. McConnel didn’t say “We’ll confirm an appointee next time but only if the position is vacated due to someone’s passing”. The WHY is completely inconsequential. The position was simply “We won’t do that in an election year”
Damn, this post is longer than kiros dick
Kiro isn’t all that big inuniverse though…
She’s 2 feet, so 24 inches
Getting too wasted in Paragon Playground (to the point it reads ” Everything is vague and warped; you’re incapable of focusing, yet the sounds, the lights, the noise pollution hits you, and you ripple like a disturbed pool. You don’t even notice yourself drifting from the table, a hollow thing that any force could bend to their will”) currently breaks the game. I’m assuming that its because the content hasn’t been coded yet?
It should ultimately dump you onto a random tile in the Gyre after seeing a random event within the Brothel.
If it pops up as an uncaught argumenterror for you as well, then good to know it’s not just me.
Error 1063, specifically, on the second and last option?
Guess who can finally play with some TiTS and CoC again…8)
will Rival appears in the future? and And whether the content with him/her falls under the category “incest”, that banned now thanks to new Patreon politics? (I’m just the guy hoping for some cousin marriage option will Rival at the end of the game, ehehe)
Fens not big on incest anyway (thank the gods).
P/C (Parent child) isn’t what’s allowed. Otherwise cases like Shade incest wouldn’t still be a thing.
People would argue that in TiTS universe where active genesplicing, mandatory modification and xenocompatibility are an everyday thing, incest isn’t much of an issue apart from taking advantage and endangering children with underdeveloped psyche and no sense of responwibility… and that has another name for it.
However Shade is somewhat locked now. We don’t see any sign of progress there.
Freezes after a few of the “motoblitz” from the new brothel
And now I am stuck in a breeding loop in the “harem play”
Hey Fen there’s some dude called JRTheRaven on itch.io who’s posted a public patch of TiTS on there. He has mentioned that he isn’t the maker of the game and (pretty sure) hasn’t turned on donations for it. But I still thought you should know about it.
how do I import my swf saves into the air version of game lastest build
Hi fenoxo , sorry to bother you but I think somebody asked you this question but I’ll ask anyway.
For the planet Myrellion is there any more quests there to do? For example , trying to find a way to end the war and make peace between the Red myr and the Gold myr. Just curious to ask, thank you.
Not at the moment.
Understood, thank you.
Does nuclear genocide count as peace?
bug report infinite harem play. that is all
If only there was some rule in the senate that had required 60 votes for a federal judge.
Oh, wait. That’s right. The democrats got rid of that in 2013.
What position is the Dane Crew buttfuckin’ in?
As a transwoman myself, seeing what’s happening in the courts is well, frankly? it scares me.
Can we get a prompt in TiTs when you open up a session that makes you type out “Black Lives Matter” or maybe “Trans rights are human rights” before you’re allowed to play the game? I feel that’s an important feature update in these troubling times and will help filter any alt-right chuds and right-wing psychos still around. They need to learn that racism and bigotry aren’t tolerated and to be shamed for it.
Ah yes, anti free speech trolling to make “leftists” look bad. Sorry pal, your impersonation was very poor one. Go try to look someone else look bad by acting like an idiot in their name:P
*make someone else look
Phone keyboard is really taxing my nerves:\
Yeah boss sorry for my work output decrease, I’ve just been really stressed over the whoel HDMI situation and me dating a person with a foot fetish really let to a lot of negativity build up.. Oh yeah, for real.
Aaah, when I saw ‘Brothel’ mentioned in the next post I thought it meant the Bordello on New Texas. How do we get to go to the other rooms in there, or is that not implemented yet?
Citizenship aka game over?