Things are coming along with the Punk SecOp I’ve been writing. I finished up the vagina-having victory scene the other day, and I’m partway into the penis-having one. Additionally, William is chipping in a victory scene for taking the female Punk SecOp (they come in male & female varieties) to pound town. And of course, I streamed and coded for a solid chunk of hours this afternoon. You can view the results of that effort below.

Art of Syri and Anno in a 3-way by Dsan, and commissioned by QuestyRobo.
0.7.209 Changelog:
- A naleen huntress who got throbbed up and otherwise abused by Rushers has been let loose in Mhen’ga’s deep jungle. She’s a rare encounter for levels 3 and up with her own cadre of scenes by our own Doots. Check her out!
- A number of the rooms on the Forge Deck of Zheng Shi have been added with full descriptions.
- Missing encounter chances have been filled on for all current rooms on Zheng Shi’s forge deck.
- The purple slyveren slavebreaker has had its texts adjusted to match the new bust.
- Kui-Tan “cum cascades” have been adjusted and split into a separate perk aside from the “‘Nuki Nuts” perk. Some groundwork has also been laid for an item that might temporarily suppress that affect for Kui-Tan characters. We all know immobilization isn’t always fun. Just sometimes.
- Fen lost his fedora.
The fedora is iconic and all but I think it’d look slightly better as a tophat or a bowler cap
im having issues with the upgrade to the Dong Designer, was that not fully implemented or have i just missed some other step
There’s no upgrading it yet.
If I recall, there’s an upgrade dong designer up in the forge deck area, but you can’t upgrade your ship version of it (yet?).
If I recall, there’s an upgraded* —-
We need to start a GoFundMe to get Fenoxo and team the most epic of head-adorning fedoras.
I’m sorry for your loss…
Noooo! You needs a fedora! Your or naked head is gonna suffer!!!
No! Not the Fen-dora!
Does the Orgasmender have a new home now? It seems out of place, like it doesn’t truly belong in this place. Perhaps this is a placeholder location for it? Seems like the forge with the dong designers is a good a place as any.
How is the new Kui-Tan perk found?
What gang is the SecOp associated with?
Vary happy to see that there will be male variants of this opponent, can’t wait to see it in-game!
There are five gangs on Zheng Shi.
Jumpers are the top gang, they’re made up of the laquines you see in the mines.
Corona Lords, only represented by the Forgehound upstairs for now.
Star Vipers, Maike the Moth is part of this gang, as are the Slyveren Slavebreakers.
Cyber Punks, these are who the SecOps are with. They’re augmented kaithrit.
Finally, there are Rat’s Raiders, a robin-hood themed gang of mouse & rodenian characters. I’m writing them currently, already at 100 pages. As said in the blog, I’m pitching in a scene for Fen’s cyber-kitties.
Quick question: Do the Gubilani vacationers respawn/come back after you’ve beaten them? I beat them and didn’t have enough lust to trigger any of the scenes, and now I can’t seem to see them any more.
They sure do.
I’ve come across them three times in that small area outside the travel agency.
What’s the latest on the ship’s and whatnot?
Hold up; he lost the fedora? The symbol of his power and sexuality.
mmhh… you can”t replace the fedora.. and getting something new might be too early…
Nah, get something you like. you have Fenotaur so you could get fake horns or something.
kinda random but het fen what about making bimbo badger a slave for the ship? just have high intelligence so she doesn’t try to bimbo everyone. and maybe if your a tech class you can reprogram her nym-pho and bimbo chair thing (doubt youll see this as your probably busy but thought Id try anyway)
You read my thoughts. After I encountered Nym-Foe for the first time I seriously want this to be a feature, you take Nym-Foe and the Dollmaker on your ship, not sure about Bimbo Badger but I would definitely enjoy Nym-Foe and the dollmaker being part of your crew
I just got the game updated on my phone and I’m not sure how you activate Anno’s Ghost Deck quest, I keep getting this text screen
“So, Anno,” you say, leaning up against the counter. She looks down at you, ears perking. “What would you saying about leaving this rust bucket behind?”
“What do you mean?” she asks, cocking her head to the side. “Did Corporate finally approve my transfer request?”
You chuckle. “Not exactly. What I’m saying is: come with me. I’ve got room for one more on my ship, especially someone with your talents.”
She grins. “Ah, wish I could, boss. But that memo made it pretty clear that I can’t give you special treatment. I certainly can’t just run away with you, romantic as that might be. I’d lose my job in a heartbeat. Besides, who’d man the shop – the interns?”
“You have interns?”
Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated
Have you given her some ear scratching and love?
damn i want a anno and syri threesome now
I hadn’t updated my game for a while so I’m surprised that sheka(Red raskvul across from Anno’s) could become a crew member.
Savin’s probably working on that, if he hasn’t already finished.
I’m pretty sure it’s been said it’s in the pipeline.
Yeah, but it’s been talked about for like 2 or 3 years now.
I’m trying to be patient, but damn.
I think it’s meant to be after getting Syri on as a crew member.
A futa naleen?! My body is ready for the fun to be had there.
Hehe the way the post is set up on phones is funny. You say below the post is proof that you were working hard at coding the game and what not. However, immediately below your post, but before the actual patch notes, is a picture. So it was like you were saying “hey look at all this work I did on the game” and then showing something unrelated.
Oh No! Not the Fedora!
Quick question, not sure if bug or not, but is the naleen herm meant to drop a nyrean spear?
Probably not.
No, she’s supposed to drop a naleen spear.
I’d just like to say this. I just read this today after giving up on the Space Walk section of Zengh Shi and reaching the level cap. My character is coincidentally named Fen XD
I also spelled that wrong ._. *Zheng Shi