0.7.168 Changelog:

  • Mitzi has several new scenes for vagina-toting PCs, all forked off the new “Cuntnosis” sex option. Options include being mind controlled into heat, lesbian love, and/or turned into a dumb bimbo. The first time you do it is also a unique scene as well.
  • New usable parser for writers and Fenoxo: [pc.wombs].
  • The Lund “Submission” scene should now be properly activating if you’ve got your piercings in and have done the requisite scenes.
  • Various and sundry bug fixes.

Once I complete coding the options to gift Mitzi bubbles from the Bubble Buddy, I’ll have all the content I intend to do for her done for the time being. I hope you guys are enjoying her as much as I’ve enjoyed writing her.

(Mitzi bust by our own Adjatha!)