Fenoxo upon reading new Penny content. Thanks Shou!
This one is mostly a collection of small, 1-2 scene expansions that Wsan has sent my way along with a little bit of Penny work. The weekend is over, and Fen is back on the workhorse. There might be another patch tonight (or tomorrow) with more follower Penny stuff.
0.7.234 Changelog:
- Added some flavor text to Penny’s crew approach for if she’s a squirter.
- Added a new talk option for discussing her newfound squirtiness which then slightly changes the above. Futanari Penny is far more shameless about it.
- The milodan fertility priestess encounter rates have been increased, and losing to her 4+ times in a row now results in a new bad-end.
- You can now volunteer to serve as Haley’s personal milker.
- You can now make use of some of the taur toys you get from Urbolg, so long as you have a penis. (And crew Amber can join in!)
- Futanari Shekka can now take a swing at your backdoor.
- Fixes for various typos.
Uhm who is Haley
Nevermind, google is my friend. (New texas)
So when I try to play the iOS version it stays on the same screen and doesn’t load fully. Is it broken?
Considering it hasn’t been updated in at least a year and is no longer officially supported… I don’t know.
Welp time to break out the laptop! Thanks for the response man
She squirts? How the hell do we get that to happen?
I also have this question.
Let her get sucked into a venus ziltrap pod during recruitment.
So when you say milk her, do you mean we finally take advantage of her mare parts or are we just inflating ourselves with her cock again?
The latter, I’m afraid.
I’m actually JUST about to write a commission where that happens. Worry not!
Between Lund’s content and now Haley’s personal milker content, you have so much bad-end bait. Are there any plans to pull the trigger?
I do love bad ends! There’s a Lund commission on the horizon that’ll have a bad end associated with it, but it’s for the unused-until-now option where you tell him to fuck off when you first meet him. As for Haley, she IS pretty possessive… but I don’t know that enslaving the PC is something she’d take lightly. Maybe if there was an addiction/mindbreak path or something.
You don’t say….
Fen is that your new stamp of approval?
I love you Wsan never change :’)
So, is Patreon alternatives even something you guys are looking into at all, or no? I think that honestly it’d be foolish not to. I highly doubt that Patreon will stop at just incest content, given how much stricter they’re getting lately, and I’d really hate to see more content have to go rather than just find a new platform. It’s been done before with devs moving off of Patreon due to their more restrictive rules quite easily.
I really want to give you my money because you make great stuff and I want badly to aid that, but I just can’t support Patreon by extension.
Other people have gone into this better than I’m about to, but since it seems you’re still not aware, the problem isn’t with Patreon so much as it is with their payment processor. Fenco deals with Patreon, who in turn deal with another company (Paypal I think) that’s even more puritanical than the two of them.
Switching to another subscription website may not solve the issue if said site also uses the same payment processor, it may even leave them in a worse position, since Fenoxo’s current status as one of the most lucrative Patreon creators gives him a little more leeway than smaller artists.
Also, other funding sites might not be as stable as Patreon. I know Offbeatr is gone, and I don’t know what else is out there, but Fenoxo’s got a company to run and a family. He can’t afford to take chances by switching to a payment system that might shut down without warning.
I did a quick skim through subscribestar’s TOS and they are even more vague than patreon about what content is and isn’t allowed. It states creators can’t use the service for “any obscene or immoral purpose”, so it either means they are keeping it vague because they want to change it later (if they run into problems most likely), or because they want to have a blanket that allows them to pick and choose who they don’t like. I think finding a payment processor that allows Fen’s content, no strings attatched, isn’t going to happen. No one wants to be the one standing up for porn. :/
The most viable option would probably be to pay directly through this site but I’m no expert on how this works. We need a lawyer for this shit.
I still am a bit saddened by the Patreon crackdown but this is really softening the blow.
on the topic of bad ends, when are we getting the Punk Secop bad ends?
Near future. The Rats are on the cusp of release, then I have to get my stuff ready for the Jumper Leaders. After that I can figure out what to do next.
ok not sure why it decided to just post the start of my previous comment but I mean to say:
Aaaaw, was hoping it would be within a known figure but I understand that there are other things on the table too, good to know
Chibi Fenoxo is my new fetish. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Found a bug where if you go to talk to Penny under the Futanari tab and back out after you recruit her you can get the option to go do the recruitment mission again but its only against the bots, nothing else pops up.
How do i unlock penny as a crew member?
Well, Sparrow will be happy with the new Shekka butt-stuffing, provided he doesn’t dislike her character for some reason, lol.
Bug after zil pod scene if penny is not futa, game frozen “uncaugt error” or something like that
“Futanari Shekka can now take a swing at your backdoor.”
Hey Fen, I know I probably sound like a broken record but when can we get a recruitable Milodan Priestess of Female in general?
This please, we already got Ramis, more than enough room for another sexy amazoness.
To be fair I see them as the type that once you put it in their personalty changes drastically.
Anyone else finding the spawn rate of priestesses to be virtually 0%? I have wandered the ice plains for a very long time, but have yet to see one.
Hey so, there is a bug with Penny’s recruitment of it hasn’t already been addressed. After the mission is finished and you are rewarded, you have to speak with Penny again to finish the recruitment.
But, if you go into her talk menu with all of her options the original “recruit” button is still there.
Choosing that one makes the entire mission repeatable and you can get that 30,000 credits as much as you want so long as you don’t use the correct “recruit her” button.
Can’t find the priestesses either >_>