Divrani Cultist, Adjatha

Divrani Cultist, Adjatha

Plugging away at the content mines, things coming together. Everybody has a bunch of pokers in the fire that should be coming on-line over the next few weeks, so I have opportunity to swing back to cleaning up game features again rather than grinding away on the content backlog. My first port of call is gonna be the sidebar layout, so look forward to that soon™ hopefully!

Fen has been getting murdered by the infinite coldness, but he’s chipped out a lot of little bits and pieces behind the scenes, including some of the shorter scenes that Savin has had queued up to fill out existing characters.
Will has a couple more of similar in the pile that should be getting slipped in soon.
Donkey has been doing mad work fishing out lots of quality of life bits and pieces, as well as hunting down inconsistencies across the game.
Leeks been smashing out more content that’ll be going live after I have a good opportunity to test it and make sure it’s all good to go.
And Adj has been delivering some sweet, sweet WIPs of new busts for recent content. I’m looking foward to slipping the Kui-Tan gang boss that is part of MalaiQuest in when he finishes with it, but he’s also delivered plenty of delicious softness for a few other things in the pipeline.

I gotta shake Fen about what we need to get done about the Mac build stuff. Technically speaking everything for it is done and working – I’ve tested out the build process and found a few workarounds for some annoying bits and pieces, but the final piece of the puzzle is getting the app bundle signed. Without signing it, you get the annoying “WE CAN’T VERIFY THIS APPLICATION IS SAFE” popup that I’m sure everybody on windows is kinda familiar with. Well, the difference in Mac land is there’s no way through that dialog to tell the operating system to get out of your way and let it run, you have to dig into the OS settings and find the right place to unblock the program the hard way, which is annoying as shit. The solution is to get an Apple dev account so we can sign the bundle to get around that, but it needs Fen to sort paperwork and shit for us to have an organisation development account, and given current weather, I don’t blame him for being slow/ill/lazy about it because dealing with Apple is big effort.

As for content; we’re keeping Phaedra back from public release until it’s more fleshed out. Right now there is very little there beyond a single encounter, but it’ll be expanding quickly. Until we reach a minimal volume of content there and things to actually do beyond the initial landing space to link the first encounters up and test them, it’s gonna stay exclusive for backers.

0.9.035 Changelog:

  • BACKER: Malai Quest is now available; go talk to the gun merchant about his discount and then poke around gabtown for potential leads. Includes a generic Kui-Tan pregnancy as part of the boss fight. (Doots, Adj & Gedan)
  • BACKER: An Ardia+Syri threesome has been squeezed in. (Savin & Fenoxo)
  • The Waterqueen pregnancy duplicate messages and error messages should be fixed. (DrunkZombie)
  • Mirrins pregnancy should progress more correctly, and avoid duplicate events firing. (DrunkZombie)
  • New unified system for Mitzi, Reaha and Bess clothing management! All three should work the same way, and all their existing text should be preserved. Should clean up some old issues. Let us know if there are new ones! (lowercase_donkey)
  • Change Yammi’s creature data to be more accurate. (a lot of it was placeholder, copied from Bess. She was technically a silver skinned robot in the data!) (lowercase_donkey)
  • Adjust Kashima event rate to have the halloween rate all the time, for now at least. (old: 1 in 100 rate). Uhh, anybody else playing that space zombie game? (lowercase_donkey)
  • The generic blackjack dealer will now “push” on ties, meaning everyone gets their money back. (old: dealer would win ties). Turns out this tilted the game very very heavily in favor of the house. Roo still lets players win ties. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Removed “Back” button that allowed players to cancel out of a blackjack game that was going badly. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Changed the removal logic for Catnip’s “Androgeny” perk to match the in game text (old: removed perk on a feline score of less than 4, new: remove perk if muzzle is missing). (lowercase_donkey)
  • Simplified the list of races the pc appears as in the codex. Scores no longer show decimals, and scores lower than 20% will no longer appear. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Change cyborg score so that a creature no longer qualifies if it is a full robot. Mostly affects the various Wulfes. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Simplified codex reporting of modded ball size; needed since recent changes to make 0 the resting point here instead of 1. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Improved some presentation of Mimbrane’s status so it’s more clear when they haven’t been fed in a while, vs when they are genuinely hungry. This should improve a screen that showed them as hungry, but all buttons to feed them were locked. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Players visiting the wall will have their lust raised to at least 30. (old: set to 75, even if player lust was higher at the time). (lowercase_donkey)
  • Wallsluts tweak to buttons so they will no longer say “Pay” when you have a pass. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix busts for the Spearhead ships (lowercase_donkey)