Adjatha, Goopleoozer

Adjatha, Goopleoozer

Managed to sneak in another little spooky addition just in time!

Once again I’ve found myself sidetracked with a bunch of other important things that aren’t directly associated with make game has more content or features; last week we started running into issues with people being able to download TiTS and CoC2 updates for a couple of hours. The issue isn’t that our server can’t keep up, it seems to have just been one of those general internet issues that crops up from time to time. In the process of digging into it though, I decided it would probably be prudent to start putting some thought into expanding our capacity and hopefully deliver a system that will let us work around routing issues like this in the future. It’s a technical challenge that I haven’t really had to approach before, and there’s a lot of things that I need to keep in mind with some features that we have planned for the game, and how those are going to work with whatever distribution system we end up utilizing.

Lighterflud is back in action, and is the person who smashed through the code for this extra spooky addition for this patch, so he’s been getting up to speed now that the games basically completely changed behind the scenes and he’s been contributing to the utter melee that is trying to figure out answers for technical questions that crop up when I’m not directly available. Little javascript beans learning their way through the horrendous pile of bad decisions that I had to make to get us this far, brings a tear to me eye it does.

Fen & Leek have been getting down on gluing the latest dungeons bulk content and the boss encounters together, along with rifling through a bunch of the combat code to straighten a few things up. SOON™.

0.9.023 Changelog:

  • PUBLIC: A new event can occur whilst onboard your ship for a spooky trick or treat encounter! (Doots (Check out their Patreon!) & Lighterflud)
  • Tweaked how ship-board controls are generated in different rooms to better handle events that don’t want to clear out the room description. (Gedan)
  • A bunch of globally available functions that didn’t need to be have been cleaned up; we might have a few missing function call errors here and there. (lowercase_donkey)
  • penny.short should be resolved. (lowercase_donkey & Fenoxo)
  • A bunch more busts have been added and existing ones fiddled. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Duplicate content that has amassed during the porting process is being cleaned up and removed, should help reduce the size of the game download. (lowercase_donkey)
  • A bunch of other fixes and tweaks all across the code has happened, and I’m too tired to exhaustively list every last one. One day I’ll figure out a good way to autogenerate these patchnotes…