Shou’s rendition of Chibi-noxo can’t handle Savin’s new bad-end…

I’m not dead yet! Enjoy the new content. I made sure Teyaal’s fight was actually pretty tough, but please let me know if it it’s too tough. I could reliably beat it in testing, but perhaps I just had an optimal ship fit for the Sidewinder.

0.8.010 Changelog:

  • Two new scenes were added for the frost dragon, written by TheLetterB and coded by Whimsalot.
  • Doctor Teyaal gets quite upset if you come back after stealing the Sidewinder. If you fly back to Zheng Shi after, expect heavy resistance. (Note that the event is currently bugged to happen no matter what ship you are flying post-theft. In a future patch it will only trigger if flying the Sidewinder.) Losing, of course, brings a sexy new bad-end.
  • New Cheat: “sjw”. Toggling this one replaces “shemale” with “dick-girl” throughout the game’s scenes dynamically. Something like this has been requested a few times, and it spending 5 minutes adding a cheat allows some of our transgender fans to better enjoy the game, I’m happy to do it.
  • Zheng Shi’s rooms have been updated for the Sidewinder‘s theft. What replaced it? A new, much less complete Sidewinder II. One of these days they’ll actually get to use one of their ships…
  • Burt’s vending machine was moved to the back room. Yoma’s button (when he’s there) now occupies its space.
  • Enemy AI for using Shield Disruptors was fixed.
  • Lots of other fixes courtesy of Jacques00. Seriously. A lot of files got the J-touch!

0.8.011 Changelog:

  • You can now mating press the female raskvel, courtesy of William’s writes and DrunkZombie’s coding.
  • This version number only exists because I forgot to merge this branch before pushing 0.8.010 to the build-servers. Whoops.