SheepPun is going ham on drawing all the korgs! Great work!
Today I grabbed hold of some scenes I’ve either commissioned or been aware of that were waiting on coding and actually got to tackling them!
0.7.262 Changelog:
- Added images to the Kiro/Kally team milking and War-Alpha low lust loss for the image pack.
- Added new Mitzi scene: Public Fun, by Doots. This one requires you to be a slutty bimbo and leads you and Mitzi to go slut it up at the local bar.
- Added new Mitzi scene: Mitzi Tentacle Fun, by Nonesuch. This one is a pretty solid chunk of content explicitly for those packing tentacle wings. Includes options for taking on Mitzi, Celise, Reaha, and Sera at the same time (though you need to work your way up one at a time). This one isn’t very well tested, so be sure to point out any issues that crop up in the bug report forum!
- If you saved Nenne and Tuuva during the battle for Korg’ii Hold, visiting Nenne should result in an event where they thank you for saving them. (Repeatable too!) Thanks for writing it, B!
- The war alpha’s claws should properly deal lust damage now during the lust phase.
- A few minor tweaks to Kally and Kiro’s content have been made to clarify that they are step-sisters.
I intend to nose more into the backlog in the days to come, perhaps with a break to do a little original writing of my own. I’ll keep you posted!
Define tentcruel wings… I didn’t know that was a thing.
You can obtain them via tentacool or ceresprin if you have a penis. The grow 6 – 24 tentacle cocks on your back and are compatible with any scene that universally Requires something phallic such as tail-cocks and strap-ons. Unfortunately, there are only 4 scenes in the game that acknowledge them including this one. 2 of them are just minor variations of already existing scenes. All in all, their sex appeal is even poorer in integration than taurs.
What are the other scenes?
One of them is a blurb in of the Naleen Ball and the other is a variation of the Bunker orgy in the Federation Quest. I can’t remember the last scene.
Do you need to already have wings or is it a random chance regardless??
I though kally and kiro were sister , no ? i missed something ?
iirc This used to be true but then Patreon put a hard NO on incest content so retcon’d to not get kicked off patreon I assume.
Oh okay, I knew I had read something like that . pity…but i prefer that the game continue rather than it stop lol !
Oh, and thanks for the reply btw 🙂
you can just do what i do and mentally edit out the “step” in sisters
We may be able to do that but we’ll probably never get our Frostwyrm content back. *Sad face*
I always get this, after Sera joins the fun….:
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1006
TypeError: Error #1006
at classes::TiTS/tooManyTentacles()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
There is nothing like too many tentacles
Goes in the error report on the forums.
I didnt know they got rid of frostwyrm content I hope they didnt. Fen needs to find something that is not patreon, especially if they are fucking with TITS. Patreon is a shit company anyways I’d have nothing to do with them if it weren’t for Fen. So the minute there’s another pay option I’m ghosting.
I hope he can find something else too, but he risks alot of people jumping off during any switchover.
He could start a SubscribeStar account, tell his Patreon donors about it and advise that they switch over while he keeps his current Patreon, then once enough people have made the switch, dump Patreon altogether. Hopefully, SubscribeStar won’t get dicked over again by the assholes who tried to kill it last time. Or maybe he could even set up a P.O. box so backers can pay that way. I’m not telling him that he should do any of that, I’m merely pointing out potential options.
They are options, but only the most dedicated fans will follow if he changes. Patreon has a lot of appeal due to convenience. But people don’t like juggling multiple services. How many sites have tried to dethrone Furaffinity by being superior in most ways yet people won’t migrate over?
I have no idea, cause I hate Furaffinity and never visit it.
Actually, I hate anthropomorphic characters, or ‘furries.’ Basically, I agree with Sera 100% on the topic. And since that’s what Furaffinity caters to, I’d love it if the site were to get nuked from orbit. I’d probably die laughing, in fact.
I remember reading plans for them to reintroduce Nykke in particular to keep her content so its not incest. Believe theres something theyre gonna do thats similar on CoC2 since your first fox daughter has pre-written content. And nobody wants to waste writing.
Oops replied to wrong comment ._. My bad
There is also the option of eventual modders re-adding the “illicit” content back in at some point. Patreon may suck the fun out of anything that doesn’t make the credit card companies happy, but I’m sure as hell people will still bring it back eventually. If not, there’s always the options of looking into it yourself.
In fact, this might just be the best option at this point. The vocal minority gets what they want, Fen and Co. don’t lose a lot of their income, and it could even exist in-forum so it’s not like we need to head too far to get it.
Not to be a downer but if you haven’t yet you might need to scrub the Kiro and Paige gossip option a bit. There’s a bit of a reference to them being sisters left there.
*to Kiro and Kally being sisters
Needs Penny and Amber in the Tentacle pile at some point.
Where can i find the download link for the new image pack?
I assume its a Patreon backer only thing.
i know, i am a backer, but i cant find it in the backer builts
The link to the backer build image pack is only found on the Patreon site and the e-mail that Fen sent out to his patreons. Non-patreon backers will have to wait a bit while Gedan works out how to make it available to them.
found it, thank you so much for your help.
Just curious if I’m doing something wrong, is the War Alpha sexable or is that not in yet??
i believe there is a scene with him if you lose his fight after raising his lust to 100 once, but i think that’s the only one so far.
I got the tentacle wings from cerespirin, but I am not getting the option for tentacle fun with mitzi, what am I doing wrong?
where does that item come from??
ARe Han So or Briget going to get more content in the future.
So I noticed that the back tentacles you get from the Ceresiprin item don’t count as tentacles for the new Mitzi sex scene. Any way around this?
That scene by doots with mitzi, Magnifique. Love the body writing fetish. Cherry on top would of been a mention of wearing heels while nude in public
can you make SAO happen? but for TiTs?