Xalt on the forums did a lovely rendition of my minotaur character! Thanks!
There are still a few changes I want to make to Lion-Os – things like setting your fur color or removing reptilian genital slits, for example, but I think it’s well past time I let you all play with what we’ve been working on. It’s a true shame that you all had to wait so long to touch this mess. Hopefully there’s enough meat on the bones of this patch to make it worth the wait!
Image Pack available for everyone this time! (Note: requires standalone flash player.) Further image pack releases will be backers-only for the rest of the month.
0.8.078 Changelog:
- Fixed a bold bleed.
- Fixed a Lion-Os crash related to trying to use vaginal wetness to reference a specific vagina. driestVaginalWetness -> driestVaginaIndex should fix that!
0.8.077 Changelog:
- A new transformation item is available in Jade’s shop: Lion-Os! This is the ideal transformation item for anyone that wants to look like a sexy lion-anthro and feel sexy doing it!
- Dhaal’s landing zone has been more fully described. A few locations were moved or adjusted as a result (and to improve consistency with the first time landing text).
- Dhaal gained another taxi station.
- Nonesuch’s “Bizzy Flatpack” expansion is now live! Personally, my favorite Bizzy stage is the next to last one, but if you like small tiddy kitties, this is the expansion for youuuuu~! (Coded by Gena138)
- Nonesuch wants me to remind you that you can reset Bizzy with “backinbizzness” as a cheat code.
- A slyveren has been added to Cherry’s Taphall for those who like it… snake. (Written by William, coded by Gena138)
- Vahn can now received titfucks from the PC! (Written by William, coded by Gena138)
- Stealth Field now raises your evasion cap for the duration of the effect by 40. Previously the ability became fairly useless for high level characters near the evasion cap already. It should now be more useful and powerful, capable of making you unable to be hit by any attack that can miss using the standard “combatMiss” function family. (Note that enemies with bonus accuracy will be able to counter this, though there are currently astonishingly few with an accuracy bonus.)
- Teasing for max damage now applies the “Charmed” status, which should make your next tease a guaranteed hit. (Coded by Gena138 & Me, the Fenoxo!)
- Foes on Mhen’ga now drop credits, though as a consequence, Burt isn’t buying their items for quite as much.
- Minimum and Maximum height for your race should now display at the height selection during creation.
- Disarming Dane now has actual benefit.
- Using ReductPro no longer uses two of them.
- Kase’s fanfiction story discovery event should only occur 10% of the time if eligible instead of 100% of the time.
- Quests on Mhenga should now have objective markers appear on the map.
- Iyla’s sex scenes got checks to make sure you have the proper genitalia.
- The “Leave” option when encountering a Mango was moved to slot 14 so that pressing “space” can quickly allow you to leave.
- Choosing not to pick up a Mango disables chances of finding them for 48 in game hours.
- Finding a mango now resets the encounter chances.
- Carl’s quest is now on the bounty board in Esbeth.
- Carl’s talk buttons now use the button disabling functions instead of simply vanishing.
- Fixed Ardia having 0 femininity in older saves.
- Whoring at Beth’s has been updated to make use of the changed tease skill system.
- Lots of other fixes, especially for “bleeding bold” text that make everything bold until you restart. (One of those fixes for the slyveren wall-girl didn’t get merged in before I pushed this >.> )