These things are serious. You can’t just ignore the things you promised to your TiTS! Sometimes you really gotta snuggle up and get down to work, and that’s what I’ve been doing this afternoon. Well, that and setting up a discord bot to play music for me while I’m chatting with my friends, but mostly the former.

During the original Offbeatr fundraiser, there was an option to get a custom PC in TiTS, much like in CoC. Basically, you would pick a name, and during creation, it would load you up with all kinds of special attributes you couldn’t start with. I’ve got something like 50 pages of them loaded into a document that I’m slowly paging through. Thus far, I’ve knocked out the first 12 or so (roughly five pages). It’s pretty slow going, and probably not perfect.

I won’t be revealing the special names in changelogs – and I ask that the wikis don’t either, since these are special rewards for people who supported TiTS when it was a tiny little brain-egg of an idea. If you’re one of those special supporters – keep your eyes peeled in the builds to come.

And no, I haven’t forgotten custom items or scenes. They’re in my queue document too.

Savin’ll be running a D&D game in an hour or so, so keep an eye on the twitter widget in the right column if you’d like to see what sort of hijinx we get up to.