Jasvalla, Adjatha

Jasvalla, Adjatha

Bit of a weird week all around. Things have mostly been focused on cleaning up the new Dungeon and digging in to quality of life things around the game. We snuck out a good few hotfixes over the last week-and-a-bit to that end.

After the last couple weeks effort with new keybinds for some of the most used interface layouts, and then a bit more tweaking to better support tooltips for touch interfaces I wanted to spend some more time trying to improve mobile performance on lower-end devices. I have both a deece iPad and a cheap-as-possible Android tablet to test things on for really reals to get a handle on exactly how things are working. All I can say is the iPad mostly seems pretty dang good, but the Android is really struggling. I know there’s things I can fish out to improve things, but I think the biggest problem is simply the sheer size of the game and how much thicc code we’re asking the device to handle. We’ve made some non-optimial choices with how we’re abusing the UI to do the things we want it to do but I think I’ve scraped the bottom of the barrel in terms of easy performance wins there.

At any rate, I think my next challenge is going to be reworking the entire sidebar. It’s always been kinda placeholder whilst we built up all of the individual components that makes it up with a view to cycling back around once everything was working to redo its layout, taking into account the feedback we’ve seen and polishing off a few of the things that we’ve tested over time, like the ability to move via the minimap directly.

As for the rest of the team…

DZ has spotted something that interests him in the code-queue.
Will has parked some extra juice for Extrameet in the backlog.
Jacques is still living in card art hell.
Slabin is returning to slab and working on his next big character quest.
Adj continues delivering sick bust art.
Donkey is giving me too many commits to review, as is the style.
Fen is working on some shiny new items to plump up the rewards for the new Don Jon.

0.9.028 Changelog:

  • Backer: Malai is now available to backers. A big boy rask with a weapons shop at the south-end of Gabtown. (Doots & Leek)
  • Fixed a few crashes with new keybinds. (Gedan)
  • Jasvalla art has arrived and been implemented! (Adjatha)
  • Fixed issues with a Stormguard scene. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed issues with a Pippa scene. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed an errant empty combat text container involving stuns. (lowercase_donkey)
  • The usual assortment of bust fixes. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Tweaks have been made to Bess/Bens menus in various places. (lowercase_donkey)
  • A bunch of cleanup has been done for the new Dhaal dungeon – too many little things to exhaustively list.
  • Attempts have been made to recover frosty’s custom name from older saves. (lowercase_donkey)
  • The ability to refund perk selections has been enabled as a cheat. (I think Leek originally made the UI, donkey wired it up as a cheat)
  • Final cleanup of Sophora issues; a few combat tweaks, a bad end properly implemented. (Gedan)