Pardon if this message is riddled with more than usual small smattering of typos, but I just came off the back of a pretty huge two-plus hour meeting with the TiTS staff. We covered a LOT. So much that I’m probably not going to be able to touch on it all here. It’s that big – pretty much two full monitors worth of notes big. As a result, we’ve identified a lot of places we want to make improvement in the game flow and feel – especially the early game. I won’t bore you with all the minute details, but as an example: we’re going to shift the game start to the Mhenga landing pad (post-tutorial) and improving the credit acquisition methodology once you’re there.

Other changes could be more significant, like potentially having a reusable tent you can grab for resting and leveling in the wild, or reworking how sexiness is stated out and applied so that wearing slutty undies and clothes makes you a lusty glass cannon while dressing in granny panties and trash armor makes your blood harder to boil, so to speak. Additionally, the way sexiness is assigned to undies and items will be reworked to be level independent. Aliss’s vast selection will be able to stand up to the latest from Myrellion, Zheng Shi, or Dhaal. These may sound like dramatic changes, but rest assured that we’re not gonna lump up a ton of disparate and far reaching things at once.

But while we are talking about tease –  it too will be getting touched and improved. The skill ratings for the various kinds of teases will be removed and tied into libido instead. Hate that? Do you play an asexual mistress of the tease? We’re looking at having the “Ice Cold” perk potentially invert how libido is applied for those who want to be the temptress who never gives it away.

And the biggest and perhaps smallest change at the same time: after a lot of back and forth, we’re going to remove the 33 lust threshold for sex scenes in TiTS. In CoC, it served a useful risk/reward role in pushing you into dicier combat situations that could corrupt you if you lost. In TiTS, the game is more about exploration and adventure, and it winds up getting in the way more than anything else, especially when you manage to crush a boss fight only to discover you can’t access their fun scenes because your character isn’t quite horny enough.

And because my brain was burned when posted this, a late-edited addendum: We also talked about the oncoming end of flash. Geddy has some plans to make us browser-play compliant that she’s going to get cranking on before we hit that end of life deadline. She even mentioned streaming a ton to do it. Fingers crossed!