Hey guys, I have to apologize for the delay. (I’m sorry!) Despite chunking through some bugs and churning out 2600 words of dialogue scenes this afternoon, I forgot another commitment I had in the early evening that then ran long (gigity). Now I’m sitting back down to try and work through it for the next four hours or so, but any patch I release at the end of that would be very, very last minute.

I’d like to have some time tomorrow to do a bit more work on getting at least one threesome wired up and ready to go before I go back to backer work. Bear with me!

(Update: Streamed an hour or so, then had to shut down due to a sleepy sheepy in the house. Worked a bit more in quiet after that. Definitely cracked 4,000 words for the day. No gym in the morning tomorrow, so no excuses for losing 3 hours after I wake up. We can do this!)