- [Backers] Dhaal is available!
- Poe A, Gastigoth, Vesperia, and Zheng Shi are now available for public players.
- Gedan converted our image backend from using pngs to webp, resulting a near 10x reduction in filesize with negligible loss in image quality.
- Pre-recruitment Syri got a new scene: face-fucking, by Sqwhyurs.
- The infinite items cheat should work more often.
- Fixed a bug with Badger’s silicone tank.
- Fixed Haley preg not progressing.
- Fixes for Mirrin’s kids.
- Fixes for a small libido bug.
- Fixed a typo in Bess’s menu.
- Fixed Bianca’s day display in the quest log.
- Fixed the Wetraxxel bad end not happening.
- Leek built up some systems for testing for invalid or broken parsers.
- You can now choose to fight the mining robots in Zheng Shi even if they no longer attack you.
- Inspect display now shows damage flags.
- Fixed the “Exit” option appearing on every room of the Phoenix mission.
- Fixed decorations not showing up at the security consoles (crew access) on your ship.
- Fixed a crash when giving Pippa hardlight panties.
- Fixes for Lorelei’s room.
- Futa Shekka’s bust should now display.
- Shizuya’s button shouldn’t crash anymore.
- Fixed giving a SteeleTech suit to Ardia crashing.
- Fixed a SubTuner crash.
- Fixed an issue with ship turrets.
- And yet more fixes…

As always, if you like the game and like what we’re doing, you can always support us on Patreon or SubscribeStar! And if not, well, the free builds will still be here!
I never know if I am accessing a backers build or not. Is there a specific link for it?
Yes. It’s the tab that literally says Backer Builds at the top of the screen.
I do not see any links for TITS under the backers tab as well
Go into your profile, and make sure whatever you’re using as a backer is properly connected. Every once in a while the system will have a hiccup and forget you’re a backer, or something along those lines. There’s a button to re-synch your account, if that’s the case, though it might take a couple tries sometimes.
Also obviously double check and make sure your payment info is still correct, my debit card had expired and I forgot to update it on Patreon so I had to go do that first.
If it’s not showing up then you need to go to your profile and just click on update pledge data. Sometimes that happens to me for backer builds.
It doesn’t work for me. I even tried clearing pledge data and reconnecting
Have you gone to whichever site you pledge on, and double check that everything is still up-to-date on the site? Your payment method might have an issue of some kind (old expired card, for instance). If you’re 100% sure everything is still working as it should, and you just don’t have access, I believe there’s an option to email them directly with issues like that so they can get it sorted out.
Pre-recruitment of who?
Oops! Corrected the post.
nice! i will find some bugs for you in thanks
I mean Ardia wont crash the game now. But the bust with the suit still is missing.
Also Syri still crashes the game when given the suit.
When the game will be at the same level has the flash one. Could we import the savefile from the flash to the java ?
oh and can we use cheats in the java version or is it not yet implemented ?
We’re extremely close. Iirc both versions have the same planets now, it should just be a matter of bug fixing and adding any random missing content in Dhall. The answer to both of your other questions is yes.
thank GOD Ihave a character who I spend like sooo much time on it to perfect to my liking and I thought I had to begun from scratch well you ease my worry thanks
Same here
Yeah, go into the old legacy flash version, and there should be an option called “Convert File” in the save/load menu, that converts your file to work with the new version. It’s not 100%, last version it wouldn’t let me save the new file after, but it seems to be working just fine now, so if you’re having issues maybe try again in the next patch or something. As for the cheats, on the main menu click on the “i” in TiTS several times, and it should bring up a window telling you cheats are turned on, then you can find them in the menu.
Erra seems to crash the game when I try to sex her now.
So does Paige after you offer to pay for her eye surgery.
How do I register an account on here? I wanted to access the backer builds but when I try to register an account it never sends me anything to my email.
Sometimes it can get backed up and take a bit to go through. Did you make sure it didn’t land in your spam folder?
If you’re 100% still having problems with it, shoot me an email from the address you registered your account to, and I can manually approve and set a temp password for you.
Sorry if this question has been asked before and I’ve just missed it.
Now that you’re getting to the point of adding new content again, is a dzaan TF item planned at all? Particularly the narcotic cum. I imagine it would be limited in use as it would be far to much work to write and code every character to get addicted, but the little bit of content we do have for dzaan addiction is quite good and I’m curious about a reverse perspective.
even without the cum dzaan are hot thick dark skinned elves so i vouch heavily
Dhaal’s available, so all my stuff is in the game now. Fuck yeah. 😀
I’m glad you got the ‘Infinite Items’ cheat thing fixed a little better. Before it was messing with my game. I’d select it, but the items would still be used up. Yet when I tried to drop them, they’d still be there taking up space, yet they’d always show a ‘0’ for how many I had, so I couldn’t use them or drop them.
How do you input cheats? Are you able to do clowncar still?
Load up a save, go to the main menu, click the dot of the i in the game’s logo a bunch of times.
I hesitate to ask this but having not been keeping up recently, is the apk/android version going to come out soon or is it on the backburner till the versions reach parity?
It’s great to see the Java version now has almost all of the content of the Flash version, but I feel as though some UI elements are still missing. The suit of gray goo armor can longer be interacted with from the inventory, needing to be done from the ship now, and you can’t interact with the Hard Light Anti-Gravity Thong at all now, blocking off the ability to turn on its plugs. I also can’t find a way to unequip any piercings/cockwear you have on you.
On a separate note, my convert character is missing their accessory, the Signet of Bravery. I converted using the latest Flash version and the item is just gone.
Found two bugs. First, if you kick out Syri and then have sex with her on Mhenga you’ll be sent back to Uveto and be left stranded because the ship isn’t there? Second, as soon as you try to look at your stats in this patch it crashes.
That Syri scene should definitely be post-recruitment also
This, I was pretty disappointed to find it was pre-recruitment ONLY, despite pretty much every other scene being available.
For some reason I can’t see any of the new content when I load the latest backer build, Dhaal in particular is still showing the “content not yet available” message. Does anyone know if this is a bug?
Are you a backer?
I am yeah, I’ve checked back a few times (using the latest backer build link up top) and still can’t access Dhaal or any of the new content for this patch
Do you know when the cheat list will be implemented?
and if it is implemented already, how do you access it/activate it? typing on any screen doesn’t seem to be working.
Go to the menu in-game an click the dot on the i a few times. It’ll unlock the ‘Cheats’ section of the Options menu.
There’s no watering down the Myr War Queen or the Black Void Juggernaut fights?
My game says I’m on version 0.8.160 is this an older version? Im not sure but I swear I don’t have much of the stuff in the patch notes lately
you are playing the flash version, which is discontinued. play the JS conversion online
Is there any way I can transfer my progress over? Im on mobile if that helps
I found an issue where the game softlocks when you abandon the fungal queen’s quest.
Has the anno + shekka threesome in the morning been coded in yet or am I missing something to trigger?
Likewise the Kiro Kally threesome seems unavailable.
Gonna point out that Fighting Feruze after refusing the “Truthfinger” option leads to a fight that you can’t win. No matter what she stays at 99 lust and 2 HP.
Are there future plans to extend the local save slots to more than 14?
I don’t know if I’m just blind or what but I can’t seem to find a way to interact with our gray goo armor while outside the ship.
Have a strange bug where every shop is out of stock.
Your inventory could be full, when it is every item will appear out of stock until you drop or sell something
Is there (or will there be) a standalone JS version? My browser shits itself hard whenever I try opening the link on the play tab.
I’m not sure if this just a problem on my end, but busts don’t appear for me anymore after the latest patch, it’s just question marks. Is there a fix for this?
I know that the main priority is the JS port of course, but I was just wondering if there is any Sela content planned for the future now that she is a reoccurring character alongside her mom. Also, fantastic work TiTS team!
Question : do the cheats also works on the backer version of the game ?
Whenever I try and import my save file from the legacy version I keep getting the following pop-up:
Load error:
The selected files does not appear to be a valid TiTS save file.
TiTS will only load .json files.
I’ve tried to import both .json and .tits files to no avail. Anyone else having the same issue?
You’ll probably just have to start over like me, if you turn on easy mode you can fly through quests easy enough to get yourself capable enough to turn it off or get back to where you were before
That kinda sucks, had nearly 500 days in my OG save file. Thanks for the reply though.
Ardia won’t recruit for me, I’ve beaten the shock hopper, freed the slaves and her escape is still greyed out.
Will the javascript rebuild version be downloadable when it has caught up to the current flash version?