A bit more of a gap between updates than I would like, but the last couple weeks have been both extremely long and filled with a lot of difficult challenges to handle. We’ve all mostly been concerned with cleaning things up rather than continuing to ratchet out new content, and I am somewhat loathe to shove a new version out without having something new for people to do with it.

Speaking for myself, I’ve been tied up fishing out annoying bugs that take a couple hours at a time to pin down and ensure get fixed properly rather than trying to paper over. This usually leaves me in a rush come “update time” to just merge something in for content and get a build out of the door, but we’ve had a couple of stumbles now because of that and I’m not gonna do it again. I guess somebody needs to be the final arbiter of quality before pushing the build button, and frankly I’ve been doing a bad job of it. Until my plate is clean of the more time consuming and complex fixes that I need to get done I’m just going to have to be satisfied with letting builds roll out without new content if I haven’t had a chance to properly rifle through the new stuff.

It seems like the Android version went off pretty smooth though. I haven’t seen many, if any complaints about it outside of people that have been holding off playing wondering where things have moved to- special mention for cheats here I guess!

Back 2 da codemines…

TiTS 0.9.017:

  • Backer A new Syri scene, a new wallslut scene and a new maid-Anno scene are available. (Will & Leek)
  • Public Syri’s couchfuck is now available in public builds. (Savin & Gedan)
  • Public “Tail Me More”, a new item available from Jade. Consumable that adds more tails. (??? & Leek)
  • Cleaned up a lot of the keybind handling and element switching that drives moving between different UI layouts for Inventory, the Codex etc. This should clean up some of the weird states the UI could get into sometimes, as well as bypassing calls into game logic when returning to the main text display and potentially triggering random events when no time has passed. (Gedan)
  • Tons more bust and image tweaks. (lowercase_donkey)
  • The bust display should no longer display a copy of the default placeholder bust if one of the requested busts in a multi-bust display call isn’t available. (Leek)
  • Cleaned up cached data that leaked into the UI state when using the Inspect option in the inventory, overwriting the defaults in later instances where the defaults were required. (Gedan)
  • A Read All button for the codex. (Leek)
  • A whole mess of typos, formatting fixes and unhandled text logic has been cleaned up. (Gedan, Leek, lowercase_donkey & Jacques00)
  • Fixed the artist priority list in the options menu resetting when reopening the options menu after it has been changed and then losing the setting. (Gedan)
  • Implants are now treated as equipment for the purposes of storage systems. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Olympia’s cock selection process testing the wrong type flag for human dongs. (Gedan)
  • Fix Beatrice scarf not being given to players if they gave her a lot of savicite at once. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed an issue in the Kiro+Paige threesome that could swap the PC and Pagies positions around depending on the order of the prior scenes. (Gedan)
  • The Take Advantage perk now actually does what it says it should. (Gedan)
  • Fixed specific-item-checking for piercings. Various stat effects due to piercings that were broken should now be functional. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Hot Honey Ham breaking from Yammi. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed the “feruzeCuzLead” error. (lowercase_donkey)
  • A whole pile of tweaks and fixes for Sophora. More still remains. (Basically everybody)