Hi folks, Savin here. No April Fools joke this year (from me at least), because I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to everyone. Five years ago today we tossed out the first public build of CoC2 without fanfare, like it was any other patch day, as our April Fools gag. We had just the tutorial, and a greyscale copy of TiTS’ UI, but it certainly caused a buzz! Since then the game’s grown to several million words of content by dozens of authors, hundreds of busts and illustrations, and even launched on Steam! Your support’s been life changing for a lot of us, letting me bring on a wonderful team of full time writers and artists to help keep the game rolling smoothly beyond what Drake and I could have ever done on our own. I couldn’t have gotten this far without them, and none of us would be here without you — so thank you everyone, for five amazing years of CoC2.
26 Responses to The Most Drawn Out of All April Fools’ Jokes
What do you do with Ardia?
- I give her a Horsecock! (24%, 462 Votes)
- I build her up to high Dominance. She owns me. (19%, 360 Votes)
- I give her Nuki Nuts! (18%, 350 Votes)
- I give her Anusoft! (17%, 328 Votes)
- I keep her at low Dominance. (15%, 286 Votes)
- I get her to medium Dominance. (4%, 71 Votes)
- I don't give her any TFs. (3%, 58 Votes)
Total Voters: 835
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Jesus its been 5 years already? Well been a supporter since day one and own it on steam. Money well spent! Looking forward to what you guys have planned for the game.
I too cant believe its been 5 years already. Thank you for making a successor to CoC and give it such amazing characters, well written antagonist and the possibility to support over Steam.
Keep up the great work yall and Go celebrate as hard as some schlongs are!
(Also you got TiTS CoCs but no BaLLs?)
I played CoC 2 for a very long time that when it came out on Steam I feel obliged to support y’all and bought it on release. It’s been a great 5 years of smut, here’s to 5 more years!
I was on a long hiatus from my first time playing CoC 2 so I can’t call myself a “True Follower”. But when I picked it back up out of nostalgia I was hooked, the UI, new art, more content, and to have fallen in love with my favorite Elf in the game. I can say I’m glad I came back and proud to support you guys.
Five years? Wow, it feels like CoC2 came out last year, despite knowing all the content that’s cum (heehee) since then. I still remember when All we had to explore was the areas just outside of the Hawkthorne!
Hope to see CoC2 go on for many years to come and for the CoC3 to be even better! XD
Congratulations! Also, speaking of Steam: are there any plans to release Trials in Tainted Space on Steam as well? I don’t see much of a reason to not have it on Steam.
You’re asking the wrong person. Fenoxo is in charge of TiTS, Savin handles CoC2 exclusively.
I believe it will be eventually. When it was coded in AS3 it wasn’t possible but now that it was converted to JS it can be
Didn’t expect to get so into it but the character writing is really strong. I find so many of the companions and PC partners so charming and interesting. Can’t wait for more!
Time flies when you’re having fun. Just curious (mostly cause I just saw it) but will DCL’s new Kobold Queen pic become a CG in the game or have you not thought about that yet with all the other stuff on your plate?
If he finishes it, I believe it’s meant to be a CG yes.
So when are we getting the Kitsuhon merchant simulator?
I know this is probably a joke but just in case it isn’t that was an April Fools prank
I remember the empty ass Hawkthorne from back when it started, wild how far this game has come.
Also, daaaamn that Autiga cake
I’ve been around since the CoC1 days and its been a long ride. I won’t pretend to have gotten the same friendly vibes from fenco projects as in those old days – some of the forum posts are quite cold frankly, and maybe they need to be for your sanity. I still want to say congrats on your success. Coc2 has its own distinct style and there’s a great deal to like in the design decisions you’ve made.
I hope it’s clear that I’m not trying to score any points here. Honest opinion above. Lest it not be said though, I also think you’re a pretty good writer. Good team too. Big shout-out to Wsan.
After a few years of hearing everyone clamor for their own specific kink/scenario to the added free and quickly to the game, it’s quite understandable that they do most of their announcements from behind an enclosed kiosk. But remember, back in the days of CoC1, it was just Fenoxo relying on donations and working part-time on the project that has since expanded into a decent sized development studio.
Friend, I tend not to speak out of my ass, and certainly not without knowledge of what I’m speaking. I can assure you that were I looking for a specific kind of contribution, I would add it myself. I am well aware of what the early days were like because I was here. Do not presume to lecture someone of whom you have asked no questions clarifying position.
Savin has done an excellent job with the aesthetic, design and implementation of Coc2. I am prone to criticizing projects that I admire because they are worthy of the time. PR and public perception are where the project is currently falling short from my PoV. For all you know, I’ve already made submissions and am quite grateful of any consideration of those contributions made by the team. If you don’t know, don’t speak.
I could have responded to this better, but have not been in a good place. Apologies. I have contributed several full priced games worth of patreon contribution of fenco projects. Short version, I am invested in fenco, not just financially but emotionally. This does not entitle me to any say in the projects, but it does represent a genuine personal interest. My criticism does not come from a place of malice.
I only play the game for the engaging and thrilling story.
Unrelated question.
Do Dwarves exist in COC2. And if so do we eventually get to meet them?
Can’t believe it five years it felt like yesterday when fall of Eden was released and I started my journey of supporting the best smut creators ever
whatever happened with ethryn’s old art?
why can’t I level up to level 7. I constantly have lvl 6 and 75000/75000 exp.