Hi folks, Savin here. No April Fools joke this year (from me at least), because I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to everyone. Five years ago today we tossed out the first public build of CoC2 without fanfare, like it was any other patch day, as our April Fools gag. We had just the tutorial, and a greyscale copy of TiTS’ UI, but it certainly caused a buzz! Since then the game’s grown to several million words of content by dozens of authors, hundreds of busts and illustrations, and even launched on Steam! Your support’s been life changing for a lot of us, letting me bring on a wonderful team of full time writers and artists to help keep the game rolling smoothly beyond what Drake and I could have ever done on our own. I couldn’t have gotten this far without them, and none of us would be here without you — so thank you everyone, for five amazing years of CoC2.

Four our 5th birthday, we brought you some cake and milk. Dig in!