I’ve just got done adding some more stuff to the backer build page. Expect some tweaking to happen over the next day or so once we figure out everything on our end, but the Save Editor should now be available on there for Offbeatr backers that previously had access to it.

We’re also trying out something a little extra too. We’ve been using a build server to better reproduce game builds and do all the packaging and such automatically. As a benefit of that, we get a build every time we make changes… so we’ve decided to make those available too. Only pretty high-tier Offbeatr backers will have access to it now whilst we figure out how to dish out access to it, as well as make a few other changes so that the builds properly identify themselves for sake of bug reporting clarity.

Also I finished writing and coding a subby, chubby bearman for the bar in Uveto. I’ve been told it’s rather gayyyy~

Also, if you like things that are cool and good you should go check out this other thing I’ve been working on; NewRetroArcade: Neon. Peep dis vidja :V