Hey all, Fen here with a report on our progress. TL;DR: Dhaal’s dungeon has all the pieces loaded in, coded in, and getting polished, but we’re halfway through adding inventory hotkeys for the inventory & shop UIs, and I dare not push a patch until that effort is finished. Hopefully I can patch in a day or two. Details lie below.

Ahhh the classic “snooty aristocrats and their sex-dolls” fight. Note: screenshot was taken during my work yesterday, before final stat values were set for the NPCs.
Yeah, the dungeon is basically there. This week I filled in two more combat encounters (one with four foes, the other with two), polished some of the interaction UIs and buttons, and added new support functions for a generically applicable “restrained” status effect to reduce evasion. Leek whipped up some “Lights Out” puzzles to crack into a safe, coded some bad-ends that Adj wrote last week, and helped me with snapping more of the pieces into place. They’re all there now, save for two enemy descriptions with placeholders and a player-obtainable weapon that needs its final stats set. There’s a lot to this dungeon: more rooms to explore than most, puzzles, optional fights, and a final boss that can be one of three different bosses – some of which have their fights come in multiple formats.
As you can see above, Gedan has spent the week iterating on hotkeys for the inventory, shop, and drop user interfaces. You’ll be able to navigate the highlighted section around, tab back and forth between shopkeeper inventories and your own, and even jump between categories in UIs that support it with the function keys. It might seem simple at a glance, but there is a LOT to do in order to make sure it feels good to use – like remembering what you have highlighted when you add something to a cart or droplist so that it doesn’t reset when the entire UI redraws. As a keyboard player: I am so fucking jazzed about this. Soon I’ll be able to do inventory stuff left-handed once more!
Thank you for your patience. The content pipe is about to burst just like Kiro poppin’ a nut.
Will level cap be upped for this dungeon?
Dang, those enemy HP pools are intimidating.
That cool ^^. I am wondering if we’re getting character recruitments?
that would be awso.e! it would allow for even more character development!
I’m so excited for this dungeon. I love the Zaika.
Will you fix tooltips on mobile this patch?
hoping for this!
That would be very much appreciated.
Looking forward to it!
I got a problem, so I had named my Frostwyrm but after updating the game 2 public patches ago apparently their named was changed back to Frostwyrm. Is there anyway to edit their name again in android?
Unlikely? Posts in the bug section of the forums indicate that the property that’s supposed to save that name somehow got obliterated. Moreover, if I read the post right, this evidently happens again whenever the game is saved or loaded.
If true, that likely means that we have to wait for it to be properly addressed in a patch before we can properly ‘re-name’ her
*visibly shaking in anticipation, almost vibrating even*
I’m holding out hope for a higher level Steele
“The content pipe is about to burst just like Kiro poppin’ a nut.”
Sounds messy, gonna need pics so we can get a clean up detail prepped.
Dang, it feels like it’s been forever since I heard from fen
YUS, 🙂
Nice! Great updates!
Every post is exciting to see what the team and pulled together each time. ^_^
I know it is still a wishlist item, but I continue to hold the hope that TiTS will join CoC2 on Steam ^_^
Can we get any perks in the new dungeon and if yes, which ones?