Obviously, my previous post was in jest. Regular Fenpoasts resume Monday.
CoC2 is Now On Steam!
What do you do with Ardia?
- I give her a Horsecock! (24%, 462 Votes)
- I build her up to high Dominance. She owns me. (19%, 360 Votes)
- I give her Nuki Nuts! (18%, 350 Votes)
- I give her Anusoft! (17%, 328 Votes)
- I keep her at low Dominance. (15%, 286 Votes)
- I get her to medium Dominance. (4%, 71 Votes)
- I don't give her any TFs. (3%, 58 Votes)
Total Voters: 835
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You really had me going there. I was stoked to seeing dozens of descriptions of a full Tanuki-sack.
Not cool.
I knew it was a April Fools joke as soon as I read “Furious Frottage.” lol
IT would have been great
I always take news on April 1st not with a grain, but a handful of salt.
I can never trust you again *sniff*
at least you didn’t say anything about a new emmy anal scene
Hey, this is a tradition, ever since I said Wizards of the Coast was forcing me to close down CoC over copyright complaints.
well then at least no one got killed over it. literally killed for them loseing there minds and go on a muder spree because of them being pranked. and trust me some one aged a guy’s car which is vandlisim and they got killed by the guy using a shotgun. trust me there are quite a few people out there who are can’t handle being joked on first. a lot not in the right frame of mind and that by putting the guy who pranked them first 6 feet under is the best way to get even with them. and they would for the most part not feel a hint of regret on them.
The description for “ManUP” talks about a patched version. Will you be adding that to the game too?
That was a joke?
TiTS is a game where you can make ~5 feet, ~80 pound male bee aliens surrender to your sexual prowess by constantly flirting your purple colored skin, red venom addicted, 500+ pound, 7+ foot tall, 24 inch goo haired, hexa-legged, tentacle tailed, dog head, 2 foot long cat penis, 1 foot wide testicles body at them. (Oh and you can have female parts in there too)
Things like “furious frottage” and “Horsepoxia” sounds outright fitting by comparison.
Not on April 1st.
fak, why people make their PC’s that wierd is beyond me.
i’ll keep my 6’04” Sexy trap, thank you very much.
im trying to make a purity run with my dude, no TF, and dats as hard as a Tanooki drugged with red myr venom XD
My pc is a demon morph still from new years event…
Mine’s a 7′ tall double-dicked, triple Vanae-vaged Futa with a horse tail, mane, black hexa-dove wings and large breasts with four lipples on each.
awwww… I feel really disappionted as it sounds like that KiroQuest would be so much fun. ;(
Are we gonna have a public build soon?
Yes yes, we get your jest about previous post being a jest………. now get to work.
uhh, its Monday… :/ FEEEEEED USSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has to be another trap. Notice Fen”POASTS?”
welp, as Garus would say… he likes to always expect the worst, that way he can be pleasantly surprised.
i honestly hate this “tradition”, it needs to die out.
You’d rather be pranked all year ’round then?
no, its meant it as you expect the worst, which is the TiTS release wont be out yet, but when the release comes out- you have a pleasant surprise. meh… nvm, been a bad week for me, and not just april fools stupidity.