You guys only ever seem to hear from me when I’m sick. Cause that’s what happened, woohoo! FenCo once again known for employing only sick people (Except Gedan & Adj).

I’d been sick for a few days, and at the ass crack of dawn on Monday morning, the pain crested and I gave in and spent the whole day in the ER. Ultimately, I knew what was wrong, the doctors confirmed and I was laid up in bed on painkillers. The culprit? Kidney Stones. Yuck.

I’ve spent the last three days high as a kite and sleeping the effects of everything off. I hope to be returning to livestreaming tomorrow, or the day after – but we’ll see how my recovery continues.

On that note, I’m sure he’s been up here before – but I like him so you get to see him again…

<- Shean, the Dracotaur taxi bro.