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0.0.24 Patch Notes:

  • You can now visit trainers to learn powers! All five classes’ powers are available no matter what your current class, you just need to be high enough level to learn it. Ivris (Black Mage, Charmer), Sanders (White Mage), and Garth (Warrior, Thief) are the trainers in town. You might want to pick up Heal if you’re having a tough time; having that extra bit of healing has helped me in playtesting.
  • You can change out your equipped powers in the Journal. You have one At-Will, two Recharge, and one Encounter slot to fill. You can also unequip powers and leave slots empty if you so desire.

The UI for the powers still needs a lot of assets added in, but for now, enjoy.

Summoner booty art provided by DCL.