Two quick notes: We added the ability for certain bimbos and people with kui-tan nut-perks to drink bubble-buddied cum. Thanks to SomeKindofWizard for chipping in quick stuff for that on a whim.

Still working on the plantation quest. Thus far three of the fights are in and working. I’ve wasted entirely too much time scratching my head and trying to figure out how to do the mechanics Nonesuch wanted in some places (and in others I’ve come at them with a hacksaw). For instance there’s a climbing challenge with every movement taking energy, and you fall if you hit zero energy. Fun stuff.

There’s a fight with a naleen orgy ball to do as well as a boss battle left still, but I was up early this morning for legal stuff, and there’s lots of gaming to do. I haven’t even begun to laugh at Mass Effect’s facial animations, and Overwatch has a new hero too. Decisions, decisions…