Art for the Seer fucking a Cap’n by Cherrigig who has authorized us to use it in the artpack (eventually) in exchange for a Patreon plug. Check out their work!
Let’s rip the band-off first. We’re cutting a bunch of the most obtrusive incest content from the game to better comply with Patreon’s terms of service, starting with all of the “Inner Circle” Frostwyrm stuff. Soon I’m going to make Kiro and Kally step-sisters as well. Shade is probably going to stay as is for the present.
Why? There’s a lot of reasons I could cite, but the only one that matters is that I have a number of employees (and commissioned writers) that count on us being able to pay them every month. We’ve got enough bankrolled to pay the bills for quite a while, but getting kicked off Patreon would still force me to consider laying off some of my good friends and employees before too long to try and keep the company positioned well to continue making content. Risking my friend’s jobs (and my own paycheck) isn’t worth indulging one specific fetish. I could probably transition to a new service and do okay by myself, but we couldn’t get back up to the kind of numbers we pull on Patreon in any reasonable amount of time.
Nykke isn’t going away for good. Savin and her author (B) hashed out a plan to create an alternate intro for her where she is not your offspring (but presumably preserving the bulk of her fun scenes).
If this alarms or upsets you, and you would like a refund for your most recent pledge, please send me a message on Patreon.
What’s the other thing? Penny’s recruitment quest has its second encounter done. This is the most involved encounter I have planned for her, since it features two enemies with unique per-character moves, a different kind of grapple mechanic than we’re used to, the ability for one of the enemies to defeat itself, and two different victory menus depending on the status of characters when combat is won. I absolutely adore the scenes I wrote for these, especially if you let Penny get sucked into a pod and then rescue her.
0.7.232 Changelog:
- Frosty’s incestual content should be removed thanks to a lot of work from Quiet Coyote that let me continue to focus on Penny instead of having to chunk through old content to cover our collective asses.
- The second fight of Penny’s recruitment adventure is now live. Includes three new victory scenes, one bad end, and some slightly tweaked versions of the original scenes for if you somehow win without Penny getting turned on.
- Sera received an expansion from Nonesuch & DrunkZombie. It adds the ability to turn her Sterilex on or off, a reverse cowgirl wakeup scene, a tweaked shower prank to be avoidable after the 1st time, and a tender pussy fuck sex scene.
- Kattom should stop showing up in odd places.
- Amber’s Mitzi threesome should be fixed for the two dick option.
- A bunch of other tweaks and fixes.
I do hope this mean’s Jack/Jill will still be an option down the line?
Agreed, it would be shame to loose what we have and what we could possibly have.
As long as they’re your cousin I wouldn’t bet on that.
Hold on, it’s legal to fuck cousins.
Maybe just make them a cousin however many times removed so that it any relationship/sex would be legal by USA laws (or the laws of whatever country Patreon is based out of)?
I think that country is called “mad idiocy”.
I really wouldn’t try being cute like that.
When cold hard dollars are on the line, no one gives a fuck about your ‘have a sense of humor’-bullshit.
Pretty much.
Patreon specifically is nuking Parent/Child incest. Siblings and Cousins are “safe” for now.
Correctamundo. All of the revisions being done are preventative measures to keep the Eye of Sauron off our degeneracy a while longer.
Patreon condemns publicly what it allows privately, backwards control-freaks. This won’t stop and a move to a better platform is inevitable if the product is to be preserved.
Why is it then that Kiro and Kally are being changed? It’s a bit weird that they are changed while Shade stays the same. Not that I’m complaining since Shade is my favorite NPC and the sister part is a big deal of her appeal. Just weird that’s all.
As the old saying goes, “It’s better to be safe than sorry.” I’d say that while it is in development the game will work stringently within the bounds of Patreon’s ToS as mentioned to keep the paychecks rolling. When the game is completed and the next project begins then perhaps they may change it. Also as mentioned by Savin in the next comment down, it really isn’t Patreon’s fault it is more that payment processors (Paypal and it’s associates) are the naysayers in this whole scenario as they tend to have a ZERO porn policy which hurts adult-oriented creators.
Shade is only a half sister as well. So not quite “full incest” as it were
A half-sibling is a “second-degree relative”, someone who shares 25% of your genes. To quote le Wiki, “It includes uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, grandparents, grandchildren, half-siblings, and double cousins.” [“Double cousins arise when two siblings of one family mate with two siblings of another family” to explain that last one.]
Still pretty much ABSOLUTELY HARAM.jpg in most folks’ books (and law codes) so not really helping, that.
Honestly I’m glad that they’re removing the incest bits. Jack/Jill should have all incest bits removed and Shade, hmm, Step sister works.
I don’t think you quite understand how this whole step-family thing works. (Would also still legally count as incest too.)
Those were some really good scenes. It’s very sad they are being removed. You guys should move to another revenue option so you can put in anything you want.
Counter-point: the frostwurm scenes weren’t actually good. They were actually pretty fucking gross and exploitative. I lost a lot of interest in TiTs after seeing them, and I’m happy to see them go.
I honestly agree. Got a bit sick of the whole Frostwyrm stuff after reading it- and I was all for super wholesome stuff with the Wyrm.
You don’t have to take part in scenes you don’t enjoy.
also, censorship is never ok whether you agree with it or not.
Fucking Patreon ruining all our fun.
If you think Patreon is ruining the fun, you weren’t around in the 90’s when Paypal was the only option in town. They had(have?) a ZERO PORN policy and getting caught meant instant death for a website.
Its still a bad blow. Patreon is starting to shut down a lot of kinks in games like this.
This is still almost certainly PayPal’s fault, or some other payment processor. Let me be clear: Patreon is doing it’s best for us adult creators, but they are still whipped by payment processors.
Well I think this is a HUGE load of BULLSH*T!!! I think you should be able to create whatever you feel like creating, as long as you don’t post any illegal images or openly display any illegal content.
Exactly this. Let people do what they want so long as they are not doing anything illegal, immoral or something that hurts others in some way
It’s bull, but it’s understandable bull. Think of it this way: while you can have the freedom to say what you want, investors also have the freedom to say “I don’t want that” and not pay for it. Incest is a relatively niche kink, and even in a world where nano-tech exists and incest can be made completely harmless (the opening is quite literally a “choose your own genetics” scene) it will still likely be seen as taboo by a lot of people (most any religious people, for instance).
Might also be laws about content from different countries that they are afraid of getting in trouble with so they just go “nope, we don’t allow it” to prevent any possible lawsuit.
Patreon wants one thing, and that’s to make money. And they, like everyone else, know that adult content is where a lot of the big bucks are coming in from. I can’t imagine them stepping on many toes in that regard unless there was significant pressure from a government or closely associated company.
Of course no matter whose fault it is, it’s still bullshit.
Wow who the fuck is this Quiet guy.
sounds like a loser.
Idk but people swear they hear Howling where this Quiet person goes.
With the way Patreon is going, I’m a little surprised that there isn’t “Offbeatr II: Electric Bugaloo” – although, as always, payment processing is going to be the biiiiiig issue. (I, for one, expect “DickCoin” to be the payment method of choice.)
Not gonna lie the incest thing kinda blows, as it is a link that alot of people like to indulge in fiction quite a bit. But on the other hand I’d rather you guys keep your jobs and method of being paid. I’ve been around since the early CoC days and am a huge whore for all of y’all’s content and would be sad to see it fade away or become a husk of its former self. So if that means you guys tweaking incest in this well written space smut adventure, then so be it, no skin off my back. But thanks for telling us you fuckin nerds and by all means please consider us erect and waiting for future updates.
Kink not link, stupid auto correct
Well I’ll be keeping one older version of tits downloaded from now on.
That’s fine. And you’re welcome to upload them to sites like e621 and such.
I’m willing to bet that there will be mods that restore this content in the future. Kinda like CoC.
Possibly but so much of the writing in the mod that I won’t be named is just *so bad*
I have every single public version released thus far, mostly to keep content deleted for whatever reason.
I keep older versions so its not too big for me. Personally id really rather avoid pissing them off if possible
Good luck with that, they don’t stop until it all burns or they eat themselves.
I’ve noticed patreon has been getting super prudish lately, despite how many adult content creators use their platform. Crazy thought, but would it be possible to patch the cut content back in? I’m pretty sure the “keeping it in the family” content is a huge draw for most of us pervs.
I mean anything that is done in code can be undone, generally speaking, but I’m not doing it because this is my job, and I’m not going to spit in the mouth of the company responsible for my livelihood.
Well they’ll sure as hell spit in yours. For every thing they force you to drop they’ll make it two in the future. I really hope you get an alternative running as soon as possible.
So, out of curiosity, what are the odds that you’d quietly hook all the incest stuff to a flag–that could only be changed codeside, of course–for ease of trimming it out? Such content laying around would, essentially, be equivalent to internal variable names, considering that there’d be no way for a normal end user to access such content without modifying the game files, and at that point I doubt you could be held any more responsible for that than a traditional artist having a dick drawn on their work.
The fundamental difference is that in Fen’s case, the dick would be there and (like most effective traps) you just can’t see it. The analogy to traditional art would be like having a pottery jar with a dick drawn on the inside, where no one can see it but it is nonetheless there.
I understand your decision, patreon has already killed a lot of incest stuff a few months ago. It’s not worth the risk.
Alternatively, some adult patreon games such as hunt and snare have been approved on steam and have their store pages up.
It might be something that’s worth looking into so you have some form of back up is place. Since Patreon changes it’s policies on the fly.
If perchance you maybe included the inner circle stuff and the likes as a mod or some-sort would patreon still crack down on you?
I mean there is a content creator on Patreon currently thats making a game called Insexual Awakening that changed the name to that from Incestual awakening and hes coded in a feature to change the name back and forth and the strangest thing is the game is one giant incest plot besides like 2 characters. So idk but i wish u all the best Fen, I’ve been around since the beginning of CoC and have just whole heartedly enjoyed the work u guys put out. It sucks to see the Frostwyrm stuff taken out but if thats wat it takes then im happy that it’ll mean you will still be able to put out content without worry. Warm regards to you and your team Fen-Daddy and keep up the good work :3
You’re doing the right thing for your employees and your business, Fen. Much respect for that. 🙂
Indeed kudos for that. Just sucks that it was necessary.
Is there no possible way to run a patreon-unfrendly patch in parallel? As long as that content is isolated and doesn’t influence other aspects of the game I wouldn’t see why that would be impossible.
Also, from skimming the most basic community guideline, how is it that the entire premise and mechanic of combat and sex in the game is not against the guidelines? Specfically the fact that you or the NPC loses control over themselves and their ability to consent, gets raped, and Patreon claims a no tolerance policy to sexual violence? Incest is also listed alongside “fetish content that is hard to distinguish from non-consensual sex” which I would say is the entire point of the game.
If someone not connected to Fen does the patch it’s possible, however, Fen can’t even talk about doing it as Patreon still doesn’t like that. I just hope they leave it as an option in the files/code so that things like TiTsED the save editor should be able to change it back. All they should need to do is change words like Sister to Step-Sister to comply and if so that is easy to change back and forth.
isnt axing the incest kinda a drop in the bucket. last i checked both bestiality and rape were forbidden as well. and those are kinda staples of TiTs and CoC. i really think you should be looking into a new service.
there’s absolutely no form of bestiality in TiTs or CoC, don’t know where you got that.
rape is banned, but the majority of TiTs is Dubcon at most.
Weeeell there is the Cunt Snake, which you can call a parasite or whatever if you want but that’s straight up snek bestiality. And I could point to a fair few scenes in game that is blantant rape both in CoC and TiTs. Fen has weird priorities and makes even stranger descions that border on the line of suspicious and crazy sometimes if I’m honest.
What scenes are those, if I might ask?
Off the top of my head; the imp virgin variant scene from CoC, the Lethice loss scene/gameover, the harpy queen loss scene/gameover. From TiTs; The Gold Myr barracks loss scene, that yet to be fully implemented rats scene where they ride your taur Steele around with tails up Steele’s ass or the other one of those where they milk you via sticking shock batons up your ass. The text is very unpleasant and I can’t imagine a worse rape than that one in particular. These are just the most recent ones that popped into my head, I can probably track down some more given more time that describe the sex scene being undesireable, painful and/or unwanted by the PC.
cant forget just about anything involving the grav cuffs. and what about coc’s hell hounds those were literal dogs.
Hellhounds were anthro^
Some players enjoy a bit of pain with their pleasure. Not everyone enjoys things the same as everyone else, and it’s important to understand this is all fiction. Nothing actually happens, no one actually gets hurt, it’s all a fantasy.
I’m pretty certain “dubcon” falls under this: “or fetish content that is hard to distinguish from non-consensual sex.”
No. Bestiality and rape have never been parts of CoC or TiTS.
The Cuntsnake and Buttbug says otherwise on the bestiality part. And unless you give players the option to not consent to sex after losing a fight, I’m pretty sure that’s rape.
This isn’t going to end well, cause once you bow down and cut some stuff, it’ll make it easier for other stuff to be cut in the future. Hell, Patreon might just cut TiTS off anyway. It’s one hell of a slippery slope.
^ This basically
Agreed, I’ve literally said the same thing.
literally one of the first enemies in CoC was the hellhound
Hellhounds are dogmen. They’re not beasts. They are actually dog-men. Granted only two lines of their description say so – but they’re not bestiality.
Is that all’s you need to do to slip beast stuff in? Put two lines of dialogue into a dog NPC’s description and you can bang a dog in the physical form and it not be bestiality?
If those two lines are “hes anthro. hes not a literal dog.” Then yes, thats all you need
Alright, I may have jumped the gun with my statement; let me rectify it a bit –
No. Bestiality is hardly a ‘staple’ of CoC or TiTS. And while CoC has some content that may cross the line of consent, TiTS at worst has ‘dubcon’, but no genuine rape. So again, hardly a ‘staple’.
Doesn’t matter, patreons guidelines are fairly vague in some respects. Dubcon may very well fall under: “or fetish content that is hard to distinguish from non-consensual sex.”
dubcon is just a nice way of saying rape, lets be real here and not try to sugar coat our disgusting fetishes. it is the very foundation upon what tits and coc are built upon, the other being furry transformations with a bent towards the more bestial to the point of give dogs blowjobs and haveing paragraph after paragraph of how good a horsecock feels. you may not think this these things indulge either rape or bestiality but i have little doubt that patreon will. that being said i have had a huge swath of the creators i support go under in this recent purge which is why i suggested moving to another more open platform.
“You feel slightly nauseous as you’re walking, light-headedness suddenly washing over you before passing every bit as quickly, leaving you with a slight stirring in your [pc.stomach]. Your codex chirps a notification at you – you’re pregnant!\n\nA rapidly-scrolling text informs you that the pregnancy is Milodan, and your mind instantly goes to your rape at the hands of the maddened Zaalt.”
“The walls here are lined with vines, just as in the passages you’ve passed before, but these are wrapped around the wrists of several humans, ausar, kaithrit, and other Rusher races, suspending the victims in the air. They’re far out of reach, though, beyond a moat of mixed fuck-juices that the tentacles are milking out of them. The sheer amount of cum that’s pooled around your [pc.feet] seems more appropriate for a kui-tan stag party, and the moat’s only filling further as the vines continue to rape their insensate victims.”
Well this is kinda awkward. You got me there.
What scene is that tentacle thing from? I must know for research purposes. Tentacles are highly researchable.
@Booper Flooper —
This is the room on the far west just before the palace of the Event Whorizon halloween event when you clear the screen on entry. Since the palace event kicks you back to your ship (I think) you would have to backtrack to see it, I think.
I don’t need co-author credit for this, but a thank you in the acknowledgments section would be nice.
You’re doing the right thing and you’re a good boss in a great friend.
do patreon even know theres incest or anything in it I mean all patreon has to know is your working on things they dont have to know about the incest or things like that
also couldnt you technically just have us do a patreon like thing through this site you have the ground work with detecting backers and stuff anyway just have it set as a donation thing or something
it only takes one report for them to check it out and cut fen off
Yep. And believe me there’s plenty of assholes in the world who’d report it just out of spite.
Sad but true
we need a new thing for it then other then patreon it seems
For example: Everyone on any *Chan site.
This pretty much nixes any chances of a SyrixAnno scene I imagine.
RIP my hopes and dreams
Admittingly I’m a little sad to see content go, and a little irked that Patreon’s being difficult, but the decision is totally understandable. Hope to continue seeing great content added!
Here is the issue with more content eventually, if they ax incest what is next for our favorite content creators? With the HQ of PayPal in Cali and how things are going politically in America at the moment that may change, we may slowly see more and more things being policed.
I would agree with you if the HQ were in a conservative place, but Cali is a sexually liberal place. But still it sucks to cut content. Just gotta download an old version of tits…
Well. That’s gutted. I will keep the previous version though.
That frostwyrm stuff was stuff that someone actually commissioned too. Really unfortunate.
are they gonna get a partial refund then since their stuff isn’t going to be in builds from now on? I would hope so, otherwise that is basically shitting on their face.
I’m the one who commissioned Nykke (on my personal dime, not company money) and I get to suck a fat one on that. 🙁
We will never forget your sacrifice, it was good content.
Well, we still have the Frostwyrm hirself, so it’s not all lost.
No worries this is just another challenge, I’m sure this content(and those likewise) will someday be back.
Worse case is that it’s sneaked in Dark Web
Please note that WE DON’T DO COMMISSIONS. He commissioned an author that frequently writes for the game to write something that could be submitted as fan content. There was never any guarantee we would use it.
ahhh gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.
Just do a find and replace and swap ’em all to *NOT_DAUGHTER* or whatever. You can add a list of random titles for silly mode.
Or not. Lucky for me, I have both a nerd rage and content removal fetish.
Pretty much what’s going to happen to Kiro and Kally. They’ll be step-sisters soon.
*Tabs finger to head*
Given that (as far as I’m aware) their parents have never been mentioned this change won’t bother me.
That may not be enough. It use to be but now, hard to tell. I’ve seen patreon hammer others even if they change everything to “Step”. But it seems that they don’t care much if it’s “In-Law”. However after reading the stories and comments from other patreons. It seems that all you have to is not post or say anything about the “taboo” topic and you fly under the radar. But if you are on their radar then you have to change things to fit in to their laws. Until then the account is frozen until the issue is fixed.
From what I can tell partreon is just doing a which hunt on anything Adult,NSFW, or just Porn. Why they doing this now when they have not cared at all in the past, looks like because of Paypal which has to obey ebay’s rules. Until 2020 I think, that’s when their contract ends.
Understandable but I hope the dream of a double Dorna scene isn’t dead
Or double Syri.
I wouldn’t think so, a threesome is different than just to relatives going at it like Kiro/Kally. Plus I’m pretty sure they were taught that it’s rude not to share with their sister.
Dornacest would be a pretty significant investment in time and effort to add in in a way I’m satisfied with. While it wasn’t exactly near the top of my priority list anyway, I’m going to hold off on it for a while to see how things play out. Maybe I’ll be able to swing something cute like they always get to fuck through the PC/Kaede rather than having direct penetrative sex themselves.
We’ll see.
I’ll just point out that there’s a case to be made that Syri/Hellhound Syri Scenes should be Considered Masterbation and not incest. *wink*
Thank you and best of luck
Thank you Savin, this was one of my most anticipated scenes to see added.
What’s funny is that the thing Syri is packing shouldn’t technically be related to either of them. Personally I’d call that fair game, but places like patreon play dirty.
That’s understandable, I’m glad you’re looking out for everyone. Thanks for the Penny stuff!
Shit! Well this means the Syri x Anno dream is dead. Damn shame, they were what I was looking forward to most, beyond Rival content.
Make them stepsisters?
I’d rather just nix the incest content.
Couldn’t they just become cousins. They can keep their names the same too
Steptwins? O.o
its technically possible, mrs dorna wouldve needed to be DPed at the time of their conception, but that would make one of them a bastard child, and not a dorna
they would still be related bastard or no
Ya, if blood relation is the sticking point (and I legit don’t get how legally family but biologically unrelated is somehow less problematic in the context) then half-siblings doesn’t really help things anywhere.
Well, it’s not like there’s a great abundance of incest content. Enough for the removal to be felt, but that’s it.
I know some games get around this by making the incest content a DLC of some kind, or a patch that can be acquired elsewhere, but honestly I’d rather you guys removed a kink from the game to maintain your ability to create it.
I’d really suggest looking into a new service. Do what you need to do to stay on patreon’s good side, but also make moves to transition to a new platform. If patreon doesn’t want your business as is, them take your business elsewhere. For example, there is nothing stopping you from running both a patreon and a subscribestar campaign (https://www.subscribestar.com/) and encouraging people to go to subscribestar over time. Then once the subscribestar campaign is big enough to be able to support your business, terminate your campaign with patreon and tell them precisely why they’ve pushed you away. Patreon will eventually learn or they will die off, because it’s not just adult content they’re cracking down on. Their policies are becoming much more strict all across the board.
For example, Animopron got kicked off of patreon, and he started his subscribestar campaign about a month ago and has already got over a thousand subscribers at 6$ a month, so that’s 6K right there. And if you’re unsure as to their policies then contact them beforehand and just ask if your content is allowed.
To not look into alternatives to patreon is foolhardy because in my honest opinion, we’ve already seen the writing on the wall. No matter how much you try to abide by their rules, eventually they’ll kick you off.
If I could upvote this, I would. I saw Aika (the dev of Trap Quest) cut content like this from their main game for this exact reason. Bummed me out of the world since the edge stuff Patreon now prohibits are my main squeezes.
Is Subscribestar reliable/trustworthy? Because it’s obvious there needs to be an alternative to Patreon.
100% +1
Also looking into other options is definitely necessary as it won’t be long until Patreon finds something else they don’t like, besides we should have the freedom to have whatever we want in the game without getting controlled by someone else’s rules.
I AGREE completely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’d like to second this. Patreon’s been getting pretty strict lately about their policies and it’s very possible that incest won’t be the only thing that has to hit the cutting room floor because of that. I think, as the guy above me has said, the only way to be sure that doesn’t happen is as he says above.
I’m not currently supporting you guys on Patreon myself due to money being real tight right now on my end but this is the sort of thing that I might well stop it for.
Fairly sure Patreon moved over to the UK, didn’t it? The UK has absolutely fucking stupid laws about pornography. I mean, literally the most ass-backward ever. It’s apparently illegal to show a woman enjoying her climax over there. Illegal, as in, breaking the law – not making that up. That’s just a minor example.
Fen, this is a drop in the bucket and might sound pushy, and I’m sorry if so, but you really need to start looking into a Patreon replacement. It won’t be too much longer before they start adding more conditions until eventually you can’t continue operating with them per their rules, or until your product resembles nothing of the hard work you and others have put into it and something people want to put money towards any further. Please start the long process to ditch Patreon asap.
dunno where you heard that but in the uk its fine to show a woman enjoying her climax
Run a Patreon unfriendly patch in parallel? Never reference it on patreon, so long as the FrostWyrm and the rest aren’t getting huge patches in future it should be pretty doable. I hope shade stay’s put, I liked that curveball.
Or you could add it as Silly mode only content, give us a bunch of switches for silly mode, that means it isn’t in there by default and its the users own problem. Like the old ‘nude’ patches on Steam where yo just had to make a text document called something like nude.patch.txt.
+1 Although Fen still can’t talk about this and someone else would have to do it.
So guess that means both any chance of there being Syri x Anno stuff is gone.
Does that also mean our lovely Kui-Tan sisters are losing their content too?
Kiro and her sister are being changed into step-sisters, so other than minor story change the scenes and stuff should all still be there afterwards.
While it isn’t my fetish, and if content doesn’t end up ultimately cut, because it gets reworked, doesn’t bother me ultimately. It does kinda bother me that the original intention of content gets changed because of a reason like that.
I am curious would it be against TOS for patreon if you kept a ‘patch’ on this site that is free to install and not required to back patreon to obtain be ok? Or does that become a tedious mess?
In the end the game continuing to exist takes a greater want than preserving the original ideas of the current content however.
I don’t think it would be against the ToS to do that. The content actually being provided by patreon is perfectly within their ToS so I don’t think it would matter if there was a patch provided outside of patreon that altered the content. And it’s not like non backers would be able to utilize the patch without the original file from patreon. However it probably would become a tedious mess.
Like I said in an above post, Fen and Co. REALLY need to start looking into a patreon alternative if they aren’t already because as far as I’m concerned the writing’s on the wall, no matter what Fen Co do, eventually patreon is going to kick them off. There is no way they can make this game Patreon friendly considering this:
“We have zero tolerance when it comes to the glorification of sexual violence which includes bestiality, rape, and child exploitation (i.e., sexualized depiction of minors). This is true for illustrated, animated, or any other type of content. Patreon reserves the right to review and remove accounts that may violate this guideline. As a reminder, you should never post or share nude content of any individual under the age of 18, including yourself. As a strong commitment to child safety, we will work with law enforcement whenever we come across child exploitation.
We also do not allow other fringe sexual fetish content, such as incest, necrophilia, or fetish content that is hard to distinguish from non-consensual sex.”
Note the last sentence there. “fetish content that is hard to distinguish from non-consensual sex.” That’s pretty much the entire idea of TiTs. There would be no way to make the game comply with that with out pretty much stripping out 60+% of the content.
Like I suggested above, I think https://www.subscribestar.com/ is probably their best bet from what I can see.
Also lumping incest with necrophilia is fully stupid. I feel like nobody at patreon watches GoT…
actually,they said “lolita and aGoT is ok” they are bunch of cuck hypocrites.
last few years patreon really pissing me off.
Yeah that line you quoted does sound like it would invalidate more than that. However there are TONS of games currently on that would also do so. I’m kinda curious how much business they would lose if they followed the rest of those rules as close as the incest one.
Patreon has become super strict about this, and has actually cracked down on some devs offering incest patches, even if their Patreon pages make no mention of the fact. The ones that have continued to provide the patches have had to basically post them anonymously on file-sharing sites and tip their players off under the radar.
I agree with the people pointing out that the game is full of other stuff besides incest that violate the rules, or could at least be interpreted as doing so, and that the only viable long-term solution is to migrate to another service. It’s not going to end with this at Patreon, although they’ve curiously been a lot more tolerant of the non-consensual sex than the incest content — make of that what you will.
Well then, I would rather the game to continue as is rather than lose funding by getting kicked off pateon.
I will no longer be supporting you on Patreon after this. I understand the reasons for this choice and even sympathize with them to an extent. I don’t expect you to change it, but I still can’t support this decision.
Understandable. Thanks for your support so far. 🙂
how long do you think it will take for a mod to be made that brings incest stuff back bet $50 if happens eventually
When Patreon cuts you off anyway, be sure to let us know when you get a better service up so I can support you on there. Otherwise, I’m out.
Is there any chance that incestual content will be restored in the very last final build? Even though it’s just a “one specific fetish”, it still affects many fan-favorites. And cutting your game only because of some touchy shitheads is just…
I guess that depends if Fen wants to keep making porn games after TiTS is done 😛
O forget who the Seer is.
She’s in myrellion gold territory from 11:00 – 23:00
Her shop and your memory of her don’ exist outside of that timeframe
The resident Lovecraftian reference.
I* Fucking keys
I understand the decision to alter your content based on policies you had no hand in creating could not have been an easy one to make, and I respect your reasons for doing so. Judging by some of the responses I’ve seen, most people place the blame squarely where it belongs; Patreon is using it’s clout to moderate your freedom of expression. I would highly recommend using an alternative to Patreon (Subscribestar.com seems legit, or at least allows Animopron to operate there for the time being…), and to have unsupported content available through other means (discord, perhaps?). For my part, I will continue to support you in whatever capacity I can, and look forward to more content in the future.
Unfortunately it’s not exactly Patreon’s fault, so much as the people THEY answer to (their payment processors).
… Are all payment processors puritan like that?
I believe the word you’re looking for is “risk-averse”.
you could always keep a “patreon unfriendly” patch available up here, where patreon wont know about it
well at that point I would hope that they wouldn’t care even if they did know, since it’s not being distributed via their service. But, somehow I doubt that would be the case.
Damn it really sucks that you have to remove incest but what can ya do right?
doing right by your people and i believe you’re truly unhappy with this turn of events, but seriously patreon can go fuck itself for stupid shit like this.
Totally understand why you guys are doing it. Definitely feel like the best way of dealing with it would be to change the scenes so they’re away from incest, rather than removing them entirely. Though it does suck to see the Inner Circle stuff gone, was an interesting set of scenes, and I know that those things are a big draw in for people.
Like others have said, probably best to look into another platform incase Patreon decides to pull the plug. Either way, I’ll continue supporting on whichever platform you guys are on if I’m able to. I’m not too worried about a couple things being removed or changed to fit guidelines. Just as long as the game keeps growing and getting more scenes and stuff, I’m happy ^^
*btw, would anyone be able to tell me how to commission a scene/who to commission one from? I’ve been tempted to try commissioning a scene with vore to see if it could be added in in the future, since the game has no representation of it yet. Wouldn’t be hard vore or anything like that at all, just some pleasureable stuff, like in CoC with Urta when you’re a slime, or when your ghost companion posesses her ^^ Have always hoped for something like that to be added, but I know it’s a bit more niche and Fen said he doesn’t mind adding it if someone wrote it but wont be writing any of it himself*
If incest isn’t allowed I’ll be fuckin’ outraged if vore is.
Evidently snakes with cunts for tails are fine too. Because they’re ‘parasites’ as if you can just call an animal a parasite and it no longer becomes bestiality.
I’d guess it’s maybe cause they’re made up animals or something. Idk how patreon views that stuff.
Well, it’s not like they’ll ban getting “crabs” even though they chew on your hairy sack. Parasites are fine. But a horse or dog… well you can’t fantasy away the fact that it’s literally a horse or dog lol.
Idk, when it comes to Vore, it’s generally very fantasy/furry related to where it doesn’t start to push into irl situations. Closest comparison would be cannibalism, but that involves consuming the flesh of the person who’s the same species, vs unrealistically swallowing them whole for pleasure on both sides with no harm or death involved (pretty much all ways of which are physically impossible irl)
Incest is a more realistic fetish that can be done irl and very much frowned upon if done irl, so I’m guessing that puts a fairly larger target on its back for Patreon.
That’s just if I had to guess though. I see vore as being more akin to tentacles or something in terms of how our there it is, and don’t see any reason it’d be blocked more than any other fetish.
(Unless it’s hard vore, then I’d understand as that gets into the snuff territory)
Also I saw Fens post about how they don’t do commissions themselves which I get ^^ I’d love to find someone who I’d be able to commission just to make it so it could be added to the fan submissions, just so it’d be there if they wanted to try adding it.
+1 Always loved those scenes in CoC and would really like to see more in TiTs.
^^ They were some of my favorites from it. Like the giant turtle girl’s scenes too, especially when she has a cock. Just thinking of a scene where you can buy an oddly labeled pill on Tavros that you can only use in your ship. It’ll shrink you, and you can’t reach the door to get out or your codex on your desk. So you wait and eventually someone comes in (could have a few different possibilities like Anno, Kiro, Syri, Paige, etc), they see that you’re small, and decide they could have some fun for a bit before helping you out, with each one having something different in mind. Doesn’t even have to be vore, could just be them toying with you while you’re small. But something like Kiro cock vore could be possible with that.
Idk, just something I thought would be cool to add to the fan submittions ^^
This + unaware would be incredible.
That sucks. I get where you’re coming from, but it always leaves a shitty taste in my mouth when creators (have to) cave into demands for censorship from platform providers. We desperately need some competition for Patreon (and paypal) that has more lax restrictions on adults enjoying adult content.
We already have them. https://www.subscribestar.com/ looks pretty legit. Animopron is using it since he got booted from patreon.
i’ve kept about 2 years worth of versions for back log archival this does not effect me in the least but it does make me wary of getting any newer or older versions of the files.
There’s a mega archive with all the versions since early 0.3 out there as well
If you move to another service and restore the changes I will happily support your work again. Thank you for all your hard work to date.
I will not be bailing out because I appreciate that government controls banking which controls Patreon’s business model which lets a large crowd pay pennies-a-few-dollars a day to support livelihoods that previously only the wealthy could fund.
Patreon allows a large crowd-sourced team of funding were many share the burden of supporting the team. Moving to some internet backwater is playing a delaying game against the forces of deep learning and the virtual panopticon. It’s not forward-thinking.
And to the extent that TiTS and CoC* are mass-market games they can only flourish with active development in a rich user community. They can’t be allowed to stagnate and expect to maintain that audience.
CoC2, for example, is an attempt to pave the way to a Flash-free world, because having users install one of the more notoriously web-insecure applications is not a low barrier to new audiences.
Your tigership may supply the beatings for this lecture through the usual channels…
Honestly, by the light of day and in the lull between doses of cold medicine, I’m supporting the project again, though I am disappointed.
If I were you I would look for a new service because TITS and COC are already breaking some of the policies.
It probably won’t make a dent in your funds yet. But I’ll stop contributing via p and patreon now thank you. Please find an alternative way for to give our few bucks that doesn’t strip away our old content. But also doesn’t kill future content. I wanna screw my cousin. I wanna have an Anno x Syri scene. Some ti.e look later on. I understand state you need to keep people paid but this is unfair.
Honestly me too. Pains me to do it but it is one of the things I always liked about this. People creating what they wanted to create without interference. Damn shame. Ill still pop in from time to time to see how its progressing. I love this game but with patreon killing content its just becoming more…vanilla I guess.
Man there are a lot of entitled perverts here.
It’s their money.
Though it is an overreaction, since Fen decided to have the content rewritten rather than have the content flat out removed forever so we can enjoy it. He compromised for the employees and the subscribers which is not something every content creator does and people should realize and respect that.
not really entitled. they are more annoyed with the fact that content they payed to support is being removed and there is no way of telling when patreon has a hissy fit about something else also getting that future content removed aswell.
Yeah, it’s not really entitlement. If somebody really loves the incest content, they have every right to no longer want to support the game when it’s gone. I understand, and it sucks for everybody involved, but they’re hardly being entitled to put their money where their mouth is.
Kinda a drop in the ocean though, innit? I may just be desensitized but there are way more fetishy things in TiTS than incest. Taurs immediately jump to my mind. You might be better off just looking for an alternate site.
Nah, that’s fine. They aren’t going to ban any form of “furry content”. That makes up a very large portion of Patreon’s finances. They’ll pull service from any region that bans it rather than remove it from the site.
Incest is just illegal in enough places around the world that it doesn’t make sense financially to risk it for Patreon. So they axed it.
Whether it’s “fetishy” is irrelevant; whether it’s against what Patreon decides is what matters. P sure they have nothing to say about taurs as such…?
Others have said it, but the writing is on the wall. Patreon will be killing off all non-vanilla smut on its service.
Please consider switching to a more creator-friendly service, so that you can actually make the game you want to make and that people don’t get fucked over after commissioning content, like the frostwyrm expansion.
This is what I am thinking, as well. Other creators I support have moved their work off Patreon and only link to it but the TOS will continue to tighten.
First it started with not allowing porn stuff to be found via patreon’s search engine. You needed a direct link to locate any of it. Not even google would find it for you.
Then they said no more beasty stuff or gtfo.
The belt will continue to tighten. Patreon is doing what other services that are hitting it big, that started small and thrived off “less than ideal” forms of work. They got fancy suits on and are becoming a well known name and dont want it slandered by this kind of work.
Itll slowly strangle the life out of smut producers. Depressing honestly.
Well that fuckin’ blows, I understand your reasons for pulling the content, but god. Patreon’s just been a downward spiral for me.
I hope there’ll be alternative patches that’ll keep the incest stuff as-is, they’re some of my favorite scenes in the entire game. Hell, if you guys decide to jump ship onto a different platform that’ll let you keep it, I’d gladly support it.
Why can’t folks just leave eachother alone? I can fully understand wanting to protect your loved ones’ livelyhood but bowing to censorship is NEVER the right answer, especially in this industry. I highly suggest looking for alternate services if patreon is making a big stink about this. The stuff you guys do here is magic, not just to our collective loins, but because works of fiction such as CoC and TiTS push the boundries of what society considers morally wrong, and what society unfairly demonizes.
I’m not going to argue whether incest is acceptable in the real world because that’s clearly not the point of it appearing in CoC and TiTs. To say that having sex with mystical dragons that are the children of your virual character is equal to a flesh and blood human parent banging their child is clearly fucking stupid and to say it endorses incest in the real world is so ignorant that it’s almost funny. These games exist to fulfill a niche FANTASY. The vast majority of people who play these games want to fuck their daughter just as much as people who play GTA want to kill people, which is to say not at all.
Please don’t follow this path you are taking Fenoxo and co. I can’t support a group that lets other people bully them into changing their ideals. It hurts to see a community shoot itself in the foot just because someone who clearly doesn’t want us around (Patreon in this case) is throwing vague threats. Others in the comments have suggested various alternative subscription services; please look into whether they are viable.
Hey Fen, how long till we can recruit Cum slut penny?
Ah well, I’ll move on then. It’s your call so not gonna complain. If you decide to revert the choice I’ll be back. Peace
Sucks to hear patreon is forceing you to go down this route you do what you have to do to not screw people out of their lifelyhoods. Now I have a question that could maybe help with this issue (or be to much time to make) would it be possible to add to like the codec or something in the game like a scene viewer that when you go to it lets you open up a file with the scenes in it so we can maybe see some of these older removed scenes (kinda like them being stories) and have these types of files stored off site and not directly tied in a way to makes patreon upset this way the scenes don’t have to be fully thrown out (mostly the unedited version people could view later you are and still going to need to mess with current stuff). This would allow also for possible scenes you want but can’t due to patreon then it could just be a seperate file some offsite outside patreon stuff that could be done. Just an exploritive idea for the most part to maybe allow some freedom back after all this nonsense that you guys shouldn’t have to deal with (just absurd to me that would shut you down for a small number of incest scenes). This could just be to annoying to make or not possible or not care just felt like throwing an idea out that could deal with this screwing of writeing freedom
No. You can always just go on the forum and view the original documents, or play an older version of the game.
I’m disappointed by patreon yet again. I dislike all forms of censorship and they keep slapping increasing restrictions on their clients because it makes some guy at a desk somewhere feel weird between the legs. The point of a concept in fiction is to play a fictitious character capable of playing out fictitious acts. At the rate things are going lewd acts are going to be abolished outright anyways.
Bear in mind that Patreon has as little choice in the matter as me. Payment processing companies are enormously prudish and will blacklist people taking payments for incest. There’s a reason all the stuff on porn sites is “step-whatever” and it’s not because the people running the sites personally care. It’s because they’d run out of money and have to close their doors if they did.
I would go even further and say this isn’t really the credit card companies’ problem either. They’re being leaned on by reactionary, religious elements within their various governments to illegalise hardcore pornography of all types, so that it falls into the same category as weapon trafficking or whatever. Nobody’s pushing back against it because which lawmaker wants to be seen making a stand for porn?
So if this move really bites you, you’d do better to politically organise and pressure whoever represents you to protect your right to whack off to whatever you choose – as long as it doesn’t harm others – rather than self-righteously boycott Fen over it. If we *did* move to another platform, we’d very quickly run into the same problems.
I mean you can escalate the problem’s source ad nauseum but it doesn’t really change the end result. Most people I would assume aren’t necessarily mad about this SPECIFIC fetish. They’re mad about what it represents. TiTs is a work of artistic fiction, erotic fiction yes, but that isn’t illegal under United State’s law. To clarify, I’m not upset with Fen in any way, but rather I am upset about the stupidity of the situation.
Same here
Well, look on the bright side.
The inner circle coupling was the reason there was no pregnancy content with the Frostwyrmlings outside the rule Uveto ending. Maybe we’ll see some Nykke pregnancy content once she’s back in the game since she won’t be Steele’s child anymore.
Nykke recruitment/pregnancy would get me back, I suspect.
For people that are unsubscribing from Patreon:
You are hurting Fen and his content producers; you are not hurting Patreon. Please keep that in mind.
For people that are defending their fetishes, i.e. incest:
Parent/Child incest got the axe, this is true. But incest as a whole has not been blacklisted. Anno/Syri is still on the table. Fen making Kiro and Kally stepsisters is only a precautionary thing he’s doing on his own terms (which I agree is silly, but it’s his decision).
For people that feel bad for me (if any):
Thanks, I appreciate it, but I had accepted that, if parent/child incest were to ever get the axe, the Frostwyrmlings were the first on the chopping block. It sucked, but I’m over it.
For people that just really liked the Frostwyrmling content:
Nykke will return. She may not be your daughter, but think about it: without the incest getting in the way, this opens up the possibility of breeding her and making her a crewmate, both of which were previously stonewalled because she was your daughter.
What makes you think this is exclusive to parent/child? Patreon’s own ToS generalizes the world ‘incest.’ and lumps it together with necrophilia as a ‘fringe fetish’. Not trying to sound dickish here. If you have evidence to the contrary I would genuinely like to hear it.
>Incest being anywhere near necrophilia
I may resub if future content additions add more things I enjoy, but as it is one of my draws to CoC and TiTS was put on the backburner for a very long time when they had the staffer responsible for it leave and now this. The balance of things I enjoy in this game has been changed and I don’t feel I should be required to subsidize someone else’s kinks. The team may find that sponsorship increases as the game becomes more mainstream in its appeal, I cannot say.
If a strict reading of the Patreon TOS is used, much of TiTS will have to be cut to make it comply and I do not feel my donation should be used for that process.
I’m kind of curious who you’re talking about? We’ve never laid off a staff member yet.
It was a long while ago, but I recall that there was a time no writing was happening on the NPC pregnancies because the creator interested in had left the project.
Then again I could be wrong and misremembering.
I cant remember anyone ever being made to leave, and if they thought they were being pushed away after getting any amount of real content into the game then it was all in their head
Any chance we’ll be able to flavour future Nykke stuff how we’d like? It’d be swell to keep a similar theme with her, even if it’s not literally incest
First of all, I’m sorry to hear some of your content got cut. Based on the quality of the writing and coding it appears you put a lot of time and work into it. Hopefully there can be some kind of workaround to add it back into the game.
As for why I felt I had to respond to this, I think you misunderstand why many people are considering leaving. I myself am on the fence, but I have hopes that we can see a turnaround for this kind of censorship and people can add whatever content within reason once again. Many people are choosing to cancel their subscription because in a community such as ours, we have been subjected to censorship and riticule pretty much perpetually. Subjects such as fur, S&M, rape, incest, pregnancy, and most other fetishes in the game are banned pretty much universally except on a few fringe sites and other media. Although some subscribers are simply irked because their fetish got removed from a game that accepts pretty much all fetishes, many are irked simply because this censorship exsists at all. I’m not trying to say Fen is cold-hearted and casting out incest as a sacrifice, it’s pretty clear hes doing it for the well-being of his employees. The reason myself and others are upset is because who is to say patreon won’t eventually crack down on other content? We can call most of the content in TiTS dub-con (or whatever) and fur, but when push comes to shove and the mainstream sees the content as what they want. They see Steele win a battle and have sex with a beaten down opponent and to them thats rape. They see Syri who has dog-features have sex with Steele and it’s beatiality. They see Steele have sex with a half-breed race that doesn’t even exist IRL and since the lore says that species is Steele’s spawn, it’s incest. This is why some people aren’t going to budge on Patreon’s ultimatum. The writing’s in the water that TiTS isn’t allowed on patreon and we need to act sooner rather than later.
If you ended up reading this, thank you for taking the time to do so. I think this is a much bigger problem than it is being made out to be.
Censorship will only lead to more censorship.
>For people that are unsubscribing from Patreon:
You are hurting Fen and his content producers; you are not hurting Patreon. Please keep that in mind.
Well Fen removing stuff that us patrons have paid for hurts us too. I’ll be glad to chip back in when he gets an alternative payment option and ditches this course of action.
It does suck that they’re being forced to change it, but I won’t stop donating just because of it. Like you said, it just hurts Fen and co. I’ll gladly swap though if they find a different platform instead.
I would genuinely like to know if you’d keep supporting once say, 30-50% of current content had to be remade or cut. How many fetishes have to go before it’s too much? Is it just because incest isn’t a huge portion of the content that you’re fine with paying out, or would you pay out if Fen was forced by Patreon to put out a game that looks nothing like what it currently does?
Finding a service that’s an alternative to Patreon is the only choice at this point, and it’ll be a long haul until it can support the staff, so it’s best to get started now. This isn’t the first time Patreon’s expanded its ‘this is wrong get off our site’ rulings, and it will not be the last by far.
So then will Nykke will be Steph Irson’s Daughter now?
If people are no longer getting the content they want to support the game for, what obligation do they have to keep supporting it financially? Sure, it’s no fault of Fen and Co.’s, but people have every right to stop paying for something if they’re not getting what they were individually paying for anymore.
…just how many people supported the game *specifically and exclusively* for incest content anyway, though? Because that’s not exactly a big theme from what I can see; off the top of my head I can count like the Tanuki siblings, Shade and the dragonbrats – all of which are relatively to very recent scene additions. Did I miss anything?
Those somewhat hypothetical backers sure weren’t getting very much bang (sic) for their buck in the first place… ¯\(ツ)/¯
You’re a fucking retard if that’s your reaction to this. God damn people are trying to be amicable, it isn’t Fen’s fault, but content is being cut. Fen’s never cut content before you monumentally moronic motherfucker. Stop trying to act like some edgy fucker “oh why are pepel mad and shit.” Fucking dimwit.
Your reading comprehension is an inspiration to us all.
There’s always the option of keeping the game ‘clean’ for patreon, and having a ‘patch’ available somewhere to re-add the cut content. Games have done that on steam for quite a while when they were being dickish about some content.
Patreon is reportedly more aggressive about “officially unofficial” versions.
I’d like to take a moment out of this concerning time to appreciate that sexy pic of tentacle fucking~
i like it c:
Agreed. Always wanted more stuff involving the seer!
First of all i want to ask you, do you realize you just ended up pulling (at least in the confines of this community) a Diablo : Immortal level of BS on us? Its almost middle of November and there is no nice way to say it You couldn’t pick a worse’r time to announce something like this. Don’t usually living costs for families in USA spike through the roof close to Christmas season? And i almost can garantee with you bending in Patreons Unfriendly “CENSURE POLICIES” will “ass” fuck you cause by beginning of December you may lose 1/5th if not even 1/4th of your backers.
I came here for a game you Fenoxo And Your Team and even the Community writes together, NOT FOR A GAME THAT YOU WRITE FOR PATREON! So with saddened heart and hope for best i will have to cancel my pledge on Patreon, until a more suitable and supporting of freedom of expression and writing payment platform will be selected.
With all best Regards RevekXLR
“First of all i want to ask you, do you realize you just ended up pulling (at least in the confines of this community) a Diablo : Immortal level of BS on us?”
Dude… not even close! LOL.
Yeah in retrospect that was a bad comparison Sorry! But i firmly believe this is a first step on a really bad road.
And would you make up for the loss of earnings if the game was taken off Patreon becuase of an infringement. No? Didn’t think so. Stop acting like an entitled brat because something happened you don’t like.
Well Fen isn’t entitled to our money if we don’t like the direction the game is headed.
words like those got EA the way they are today
you are blowing this waaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion
Also, yes, Fen will undoubtedly lose some patrons this way, but I’m doubting it’s as severe as you think. And as he said before, unsubbing from Fen does little against Patreon, as they themselves don’t really have much control over the stuff they limit either, so it’s only hurting Fen and his staff in the end of things. It had very little to do with both major parties involved and more to do with the payment processing companies being prudish on what they finance.
Fen’s only doing it as a precaution so that he and his staff doesn’t get potentially get screwed out of a job if they DID take action and suddenly ban him and his income. Think about it from their point of view. I’m sure they didn’t want things to come to that at all, but what can you or Patreon do? At best, right now it’s only a few scenes that has to be altered for the game to go on. It sucks, hard, but it’s not the end of the world.
Corporate politics of any kind ruin entertainment, and Patreon is so arbitrary in their enforcement of rules. It’s really disgusting and disheartening to see their tentacles slither into this beautiful project. Guess I’ll be downloading the previous version, lubing up with tears, and wanking over lost dreams of Syri x Anno content :/
While i am sad that Syri x Anno now has little chance to happen, it is very sad to see people reacting so poorly about such a small portion of the game that will be better for everyone involved in the long run.
Keep up the good work my dude!
It’s not necessarily going to be better. Pateron’s ToS warns against even potentially ambiguous consent. I think people aren’t as upset about this slight as the potential future damages to come. It’s why a lot of people are urging Fen to jump ship. it’s not necessarily about the now, it’s about the future to come. Sure it’s seemingly minor today, but as Patreon continues to grow and feels increasing pressure from payment processing companies, the situation will undoubtedly worsen.
stop talking for everyone.ty.
What makes you think this will be better for everyone in the long run? It is clear that this game breaks other parts of patreon’s ToS too, so it’s only a matter of time until patreon censor things even more.
So what can be done with Shade as she has close enough DNA to activate the pod? Maybe have her be the illegitimate granddaughter of Maximillian Steele (Jill/Jack’s dad). The two dads obviously used mods to extend their lifespan dramatically so it is possible that one of them had grandkids before the PC was born. That’d make her a first cousin once removed. Might be able to go back further and have her be a second cousin. I don’t know at what point its not considered incest.
Might be better to remove all the sex scenes and put them on the daughter. If you want the daughter to take over, you could make her Shade’s nephew that was adopted after her parents died on Uveto. She was stuck with the Uvetan natives until Shade got the news and was able to arrive. Then the daughter wouldn’t have any Steele blood in her. Shade’s daughter could even have the same father (the herm black void captain), while Shade was her mistress anytime the father came to visit [insert name here] , Shade’s half sister (no Steele) and the daughter’s mother. So everyone keeps their dialogues for the most part.
Honestly it’s entirely possible Shade’s always been Max’s kid. She and the PC have just been assuming they’re both Vic’s; she probably doesn’t even realize Max exists.
I actually really like that Idea.
Uncle Max didn’t sound like half the flamboyant playboy his brother was and hence presumably has made far fewer headlines, so his name’s probably only readily recognizable to people who actually pay attention to the business news and such – and Shade doesn’t really seem the type. Certainly sounds plausible that the only members of the Steele clan she knows of are the MC and that old goat Vic.
In the case of having to remove incest content from the game, would it be possible to allow a mod to exist that re-adds this content into the game without causing problems with the development team or patreon?
As a programmer, let me say the current TiTS code base is not in good shape for pluggable runtime mods. At a minimum, they would need to have a concept of namespaces so that the flags unique to one module would not conflict with those raised by another and to rewrite the items, events, holidays, quests, TFs, save/load logic, etc. in modular OOP style instead of if-elseif-elseif-elseif… logic.
It’s a doable job, but not a fun one and not a sexy one for backers because Fenoxo up to now seems to have prioritized content delivery over architectural niceness. I think CoC2 is in better shape, but it’s tiresome to read all that optimized JS.
One of the benefits of modularity is that authorware such as a test suite of PC profiles could be run against the prototype scenes to make sure that girly-girls don’t get told that the have a 404 error when the scene wants to praise their man-meat.
Unfortunately, I’ve never beaten the frostwyrm to see the content but that sucks that it has to be removed. Hopefully you find a better site or maybe make it in silly mode?
Older versions of the game are still available online so you can still see these scenes.
Wasn’t my cup of tea to begin with, but i can sympathize with those that liked it. In the end though, you gotta do what you gotta do to keep yourselves fed. Hope this doesn’t cause too much trouble for anybody.
so what is going to happen to all my cute wrymlings :{
You can keep ’em. You can talk to ’em. You can’t fuck ’em.
All the changes is the removal of the sex scenes.
can I still have snuggles though
Steph Irson would be, can be Nykke’s new Qim
Wow okay one specific fetish? Screw you man. Now there won’t be any final rival scene that has had such a build up. Really glad I’ve supported you on patreon all this time just so you could kick me in the balls. You have rape and beastialty yet you get rid of the mild content. Just mive to a different platform like everyone else is suggesting. I’ll support you again if that happens.
My Rival is a entitled, spoiled brat. (S)he doesn’t deserve the best that the Steele line has to offer!
It was something Patreon’s made them do, my dude. Fen and Co. didn’t personally hunt down what your fetishes were and decided to fuck you over in particular. It was “Change this part of the game, or be kicked off the site.”
well, i’m out of everything on patreon now. fuck ’em.
if you get an alternative service up and running please post it, now that i’m not using patreon i’ve got a little bit i can throw elsewhere.
Personally, I was never a big fan of incest but I would just bite the bullet since I liked the characters so much. This is going to let me more comfortably explore these scenes, however I know some people are going to be disappointed. So I’m looking forward to the changes, but to each their own. 🙂
Well if we are going to go there technically 70-80% of TiTS and CoC break the ToS. Well I guess we can only hope for a better future where there is a kink friendly alternative to Patreon.
I do have a question however out of actual honest to goodness genuine curiosity: Had dickgirls been banned what would have been done?
Taken a long walk up to a sunset-lightened cliff, knelt down in a line from corporate seniority to newest employee, and committed ritual seppuku.
best answer ever?
No chance of something along the lines of an “unofficial” patch? Plenty of games out there where incest is 90% of the focus that get around that patreon rule by simply making the core game that’s available incest-free, and then host the patch elsewhere.
It already has been said, but I also think it would be worth checking out subscribestar. And unlike me actually read the ToS to see, if switching might be worth it. There would of course almost certainly be a drop in income for you, but seeing how patreon keeps on cutting more off and more porn creators it just might be a valid choice.
Furthermore you will probably have to take down the old versions from your site. Since it still contains the unwanted content. I’ve seen it with Crittermatic, he had to take everything down from all his sites that wasn’t fit for Patreon to avoid being suspended there. So grab your good versions now, while they are still there.
+1 If they slowly transition to something like subscribestar or payments on this website and then restore all cut content when the transition is done I believe they won’t lose too much in the long run, will make most people happy and will have the freedom to do what they want again.
hmm, how about a “dedicated fan” who releases a “all in the family” patch on reddit or something
“sorry patreon, we have no control over what this individual is doing to our game, its outside of our control, but don’t worry! OUR releases that are released on PATREON will be incest free!”
+1 this is exactly what should happen for now.
Don’t forget the incestuous scenes with Jill on Tavros (Belle – Exhibitionism scene) or the bad end in which you choose to keep her for yourself when losing to Taivra
You could perhaps make it so that she has stolen your/your relative’s DNA and is not actually family?
I don’t think patreon is quite familiar with the content if sex between two consenting blood-related adults is what breaks the rules
Idk, I get the feeling Patreon is slowly going to end up like Paypal in soon to be future. Sure a lot of NSFW artists, sex workers, etc have Patreon accounts. However it takes just one high positioned person in that company to turn it around by deciding they don’t want anything related with NSFW accounts and content creators.
It’s almost like Patreon uses PayPal and is beholden to their random dictates 🙁
A good example how you could release all content, still being there right in the game files is using the same method that was used by a free furry Dating VN called Amorous when it was released. Steam doesn’t allow any NSFW content in the VN games and developers had to change the game to comply with SFW standards and >Locked< all genital parts from character creator and also censored all animated sex scenes. However Devs anonymously tipped the community that adding a blank .txt file made on notepad called into games main folder and then removing the .txt extension making it a simply blank File, that will unlock all of the NSFW content and previous dialogue lines in game.
*called (ShowMeSomeBooty)
I Don’t know why the comment section Didn’t show the file name in the original post.
Either this, keeping most of the scenes and giving the player the option to call them whatever we want (mom, sister, step-sis .ect) or just changing the names themselves but leaving an option in the code/files to change things back via a save editor or something similar.
when it comes to jill..
you could just say that steeles dad and jills dad are step brothers…
I think patron is trying to do this “Advertiser friendly!” mindset that many companies are adapting… they basically want to be a blank canvas…
a shame about the incest stuff… but hopeful we will get jill content even if she wont be our biological cousin…
You could make a Patreon version so you can keep up with there rules and then turn around and make a fuck all version and upload that to AllTheFallen but that would make some extra work
Looks like it’s time for me to leave for a few years and hope everything goes back to normal
Honestly I feel the same. Less because I am pissed now but this has effectively ruined Kiro/Kally for me as well as Nykke and all the other affected content. I mean the incest was a neat kink I dabble in but it will just piss me off every time I see them “neutered” because of bullshit that Fen had no control over.
As far as Kiro/Kally go, we all know how they were originally written. That’s the easiest change to ignore because it’s basically “yeah, they’re *wink wink* step-sisters.” Those of us who knew them when will always know what’s up. It’s sharing a secret. Only new players will ever see them as steps.
The Frostwyrm-related stuff, which I’ve never seen because I’ve never beaten the dragon, sucks for B and for incest-fetish people. But Kiro and Kally are still Kiro and Kally as far as I’m concerned.
Don’t know if that helps you, but it’s how I’ll see them. Same-same if they have to retcon Syri and Anno or your cousin/rival or whatever else I’m forgetting.
i was about to throw a tantrum,but as long as Shade stays i can live with it.
Shade’s not going anywhere.
Hey I know this might not be the best place to gripe, but why can the cyberpunks hack my weapons when I’m using a bow? I would think a flexible stick, a string, and a pointy stick would be immune to wireless interference
So is this gonna affect CoC2 at all?
almost definitely
yes,since CoC and incest are in relationship.
No. With the advantage of foresight, we’re not including questionable content in CoC2.
Pretty sure that counts as affecting it. Just preemptively.
So by no you mean yes.
just because from this point onward there will be no incest (and wasnt to begin with because coc2 just started,what content we are even talking about here ?) doesnt mean wanst planned or considered along the line.
Does that mean you will include almost nothing that’s similar to anything in CoC or tits considering a massive amount of content in both are questionable and break Patreon’s ToS?
G…glad you enjoyed the new Sera content guys.
Hey I fucking loved it. Probably what kept me from being too angry was I too busy fapping to demon smut.
+1. That tender fuck scene was super awesome 🙂 Wasn’t able to proc her shower prank though. Any specific conditions for that ?
I’m glad you enjoyed it!
If you crushed her merchant dreams she’ll do the pranks more frequently. She has about five chosen from randomly. Honestly, it’s kind of a fringe case to avoid the aggro it caused, it’s not really worth seeking out on its own.
I see, thanks for your reply.
And don’t worry, Sera’s content will always be much appreciated 😉 Definitely one of my favorite characters in the game.
she always pranks me with the purple shower constantly making my shark purple and then I need to try and remember my original colors
I’m looking forward to seeing it, I just got the update.
Added Sera content was indeed one of the very good things to come out of this. If it had been the only content change, I probably would have offered my appreciation sooner. Sorry about that. Any new content for our purple (pink?) demon is greatly treasured.
Jee, this sucks.
*FACEPALM* Apparently movies can get away with incest but Adults only games can’t…….SLAANESH DOES NOT APPROVE!
Apparently Anime can get away with this but Adults only games can’t………Papa Nurgle is Sad.
Anime imports aren’t exactly funded through Patreon and PayPal and whatnot.
Didn’t Savin have plans for the Dorna sister cest eventually? Will that bite the bullet to?
Right now the only ban is on Parent/Child stuff. I’m going to wait and see for a bit but hopefully we can still have out puppercest.
Puppercest is now my new fetish, you can’t take that away from me, because you taught me the word. I have never needed something more and never known it.
im keep the old games for the cut content and i hope you keep a eye out for an alternative before Patreon kicks you off, it going to happen hope you dont lose any people over this
The saddest part is that you know that Patreon is going to keep pushing my slimy feelers into the game, altering it to their tastes as much as possible, before eventually giving it the axe.
its slimy feelers* (Mine aren’t actually all that slimy and smell a little bit like cinnamon.)
I’ll admit that while this is rather unfortunate news, I understand the necessity of it. Hopefully, they’ll be an alternative means of possibly restoring prior content without the fear of Patreon’s oversight in the future. You guys have pushed out quality content time and again, so I’ll look forward to what you guys come up with.
Not sure if this was mentioned but it seems like Mitzi might have a bug that prevents her avatar from displaying the outfits she has on and is just the nude avatar all the time.
Welp, as good a time as any for custom scene dialogue/mod support.
Guess I’m not bothering with those characters in future updates anymore.
Sad but true.
This is the first time I’m posting on any of your updates here.
The Frostwyrm content is some of my favorite shyt in the game. though there is plenty enough other content to keep me occupied, to have one of my favorite things cut (or cut down) sucks. BUT I do understand why it is happening.
I will continue to support you guys on Patreon because of the rest of the awesome content you dudes put out, Gonna keep my old versions just to hop back in and enjoy that content again. But I will still look forward to what you gentlemen and ladies produce in the future.
Honestly I’m becoming too tired of complaining about Patreon fucking with my porn to really rant anymore. I have no idea how no one has made a Patreon-clone site that simply allows fetish porn. If developers transitioned to that, there’d be no problem. Here’s hoping that some poor SOB spends the time to keep this game updated with LewdPatcher :\
The main problems with Paypal who Patreon answers to and who Fenexo in turn answers to.
I can empathize with a huge amount of fetishes that I don’t even have, I can even kind of get into those sometimes. But incest is the by far dumbest mainstream fetish there is. I’m so glad it is gone, or will be in the future. Even if it is for a bad reason. Incest is flooding the market it seems: pornhub, etc. ….and even fiction; I would not bad-mouthit if it was fringe, but it’s everywhere. Pornhub had to introduce an “exclude tag” feature giving “step-fantasy” as the specific example, for good reason, everything is now: step-dad, step-mom, step-sister. I really think that there should be some switches in place at the start of the game excluding certain type of scene if it is just a terrible idea for you, and incest is just the worst, even if you put ‘step’ in front of it.
tl;dr I wanted to say that not 100% of players are sad about this turn of events.
However, I also would support the game on another platform. Strict rules like that will probably get worse in the future, so its good to be prepared. I would however drop it if the incest content increased further (in proportion).
No incest scene in this game is forced on you so you just come off as a hater despite your opening line trying to make you appear open minded.
Not exactly forced on you, but you can run into them by accident: the Belle scene with your cousin for example. I expressed frustration that has been festering for years now. It’s like watching the world go insane. Take this example: given a realistic holo-deck (or really advanced VR) would you in fact simulate your Mother and have incestuous sex with her as a fantasy? Apparently a lot of people would. What I said about getting into fetishes: no amount of boredom would ever bring me to VR simulate a family member.. But, I would totally try out some things I am unsure of to see whether I can get into it — stuff that this game offers, not all, but some. I am also not fond of parasites (like cunt snakes). The good thing about cunt snakes is that it is not an insanely popular fetish with its own pornhub category and there’s only one planet where they occur. This is really about frustration with the omnipresence of incest. I don’t really want to shame anyone. I don’t hate you, or any of the writers, but I am very annoyed…
If it’s about the dominating omnipresence of a fetish why aren’t you mad about dickgirls, BBC, Interracial, Lesbianism etc. ? You only keep offering examples of why you incest isn’t your thing and apparently it should be done away with on that basis. As for running into scenes on accident you DON’T have to read them, you see what is OBVIOUSLY an incestuous encounter from the first couple lines and then you skip and reload a save if you’re that fucked up by it and call it good. Be an adult, other people have kinks that you may not enjoy and have every right to regardless of your opinion. Opinions are like asshole’s everyone has one.
Well, those things are not exactly similar, in my opinion at least. I *do* find the term BBC and the culture around it annoying as well, same with interracial, btw.. But, It’s not exactly the omnipresence alone, otherwise as you say, lots of things, even penetration would annoy me, or oral. No, it’s the omnipresence of something really negative/harmful. I feel the same about vore, puking, urethral insertion, cbt, and the like. It’s totally ok to be upset about those to some extent. It’s really ….biologically harmful behaviour. I think.. if I had this kind of kink I would consider it a miswiring of my neurons, a sotware bug of sorts. It’s a totally different class from say dickgirls or lesbians. I understand: you want me to show more solidarity and accept other people’s kinks. That’s a good direction–I’ll try. But, I find it hard. Especially seeing the other responses lamenting this terrible loss, ffs. In such cases it’s easy to be a contrarian I guess. Well it is also of course a matter of personal taste, maybe you have a different …kink scale. That’s why I would like to have the option to turn such things off. But I don’t insist on one or demand anything. I’m ok ignoring these things as best I can.
Are you insane the Futa crap is the dumbest fetish in the game i would rather have incest than that.
Futa stuff I totally get: many men like penises, we have them, we enjoy them. Some maybe would even like one on a partner. But men turn straight men off. Futas are a good way of enjoying a fantasy-penis without the man attached to it. It was not a thing for me before, but it is one of those things I can get into. I have no fundamentally moral stance on any type of sex, so this is really benign for me. Man on man sex is totally fine, but turns me off. Futas don’t, because penises don’t turn me off.
I would understand it though if you mind that kind of thing as it is also a very popular and there’s really no escaping it to an extent… in porn…
You are one of the few people who has explained this properly thank you.
I will admit I am not into dick girls but the only reason is I am just not a dick guy. which is odd as I have no problems getting with guys as long as I only deal with sweet squishy butts. anyway that is all I wanted to say with no hate or nothing I just enjoy girls and butts 😛
I dunno, as much as I nope the hell out when I see chicks with dicks, I just find the idea of incest repulsive (and not for religious reasons or anything).
Well chicks with dicks is more repulsive in my opinion.
Me i would pay way more money to this game if i had the option to turn off Futa crap.
>I want content cut bcuz like it is what I dont like, but literally everyone else does like
You people are the literal salt of the earth.
That figure of speech doesn’t mean what you seem to think it means.
A plague on human existence then.
You know Innoxia, aka the maker of lilith’s throne managed to get around the rules by putting up a disclaimer. Perhaps you should look into that for future content just so you do not need to stifle too much.
Something about all characters being adult actors and all all encounters are just then acting a scene from a script and thus no-one is actually related and all that jass. Thus all encounters were consensual in nature.
Just a throught, then again Innoxia did that from the start so might be a bit harder to pull it off.
this is horrible, censoring is horrible how do i delete my account here already got my patreon refund
This is were mods come in. When the game is done it can be modded back in. Obey now so we can play later!
I think all this PC nonsense is just that. We read and play this to escape for a small escape from those kind of people. I will still donate every month and hope this doesn’t kill the Captain Jack/Jill content as well. I will hope that Patreon grows a set and tells those forcing them to censor off but I won’t hold my breath.
Keep up the good work and glad to finally get Penny as a crewmate. Hope to get some more sub/dom content for the shop on Uveto soon too 😛
Preeeeeetty sure this has fuck-all to do with anything “PC” (that crowd has an entirely different set of issues with porn) and everything to do with the suits at the payment processors getting nervous about the possibility of the MUH TRADISHUNAL CHRISTIAN VALUES moral-guardian conservative types, who’ve been getting pretty loud over the past few years in general, starting some shit and hurting their stock value.
Well this sucks. I understand why it needs to happend but as someone who recently got back into TITS(Busy live plus wanting to replay it once the game felt significantly different) and hasn’t played those parts it’s a bit disappointment since I was looking forward to the first wyrm stuff.
With that being said would it be possible to releasing a public patch that contains all the incest content before releasing non-incest one. If only for the sake of archival purposes so that at least what is there isn’t completely lost.
It’s parent/child getting the ax, yes? Does this mean you and your cousin can still bump uglies in the future?
Assuming they don’t tighten their grip on your collective nuts, anyway.
Considering what the patreon ToS says, most of the content in this game will eventually have to be removed.
This the first time I feel I have to say something as English is not my primary language this may be rough.
To start Fen and all of you that help build this game I love the game and will keep playing even without this content, just like I have since the first unnamed build of CoC many years ago. , I am sad to see you remove content from the game as many others I know are as well as change the story of Kally and the others this saddens me a lot I’m just happy that we won’t be losing them. As for frosty stuff, to lose that much content and any ideas for more is such a shame.
I want to apologize in advance for this part it may sound like I’m being an ass. But I do have to know what will happen to tentacles or goo girls etc if Patreon cracks down on them will you remove it as well where would the line be for your team. just a little input from a nobody but Maybe you should set a poll and ask you fans if to if you were to move how many of the 6,000 something subs would be willing to change to some other means of payment. I know many of us are die-hard and follow you to the far corner of the internet just so you don’t have to change a thing.
Hoo that’s a lotta comments
Welp, that’s it for me. Been around since offbeater but I fear more than anything else this is just a sign of things to come and while I hope an alternative can be found until then I wont be a backer.
Honestly I just want shade, really that’s it. So once I see she’s going to be expanded I’ll be back but until them my favorite character may as well be left to rot by the looks of it. I respect the decision and love the work but I’m kinda at a loss here.
I liked Shade, but then I found out that she and Steele are related and noped out of that potential relationship.
For me it was really easy to ignore that part entirely(Since they may as well not be until you trigger it), shes like the perfect milf.
While I don’t want to add more work to your already crazy workload, but isn’t there a way to “Patch” it back into the game for those that want it? Personally I don’t care either way, and as long as it’s considered a mod and not talked about or shown on patreon it should be fine, yeah? Which I assume a fan or employee in their down time could potentially write a script to readd removed scenes
Not gonna lie, I feel gutted that this had to happen, But I understand it, It’s always sad when creativity gets squashed or censored, here’s hoping that all the characters involved get an acceptable change beyond being mere, “Stepsisters,” there should also be “Childhood friends” who shared a bath as kids for example, It’d be even better if Jack/Jill turns out to not be related to Steele, and the only way he/she is even opening the pods is with gene-therapy masterminded by Maximillian Steele.
I would of rather that they banned the futa shit not the incest stuff what a let down.
Geezus christcrumbs on a cracker, go support a vanilla project already man.
lol +1
Don’t be a bitch sorry i hurt your poor bitch feelings.
Go shitpost somewhere else.
Well, fruck. That was a pretty awesome feature of the writing, too. Also a pretty prominent warning flag for other potential writers and game designers in the horizon.
Pretty sure this shite sandwich is going to taste awful no matter what angle we look at it, pretty it up, or truss it up with a bow. ..Also, I don’t remember the story being about corn. Weird.
Not an enviable position to be in for sure, for Fen nor the myriad of writers in the fold.
Fen I have one more post, I am going to leave my pledge as is for now, but I do ask for more content. It has been quite awhile since our last update and it’s rewriting or completely removing content. I would like to ask for updates on the frequency we had a few months ago, please. If I have to wait the length of time the PUBLIC release would take to come out I don’t see the point of paying for early releases. I like your guys work, I would like to see it continue, but I really want to see content start rolling out and it’s been drying up.
That being said let me clarify, while this does remove some content and I am sad because of it, that doesn’t really bother me. I’ve seen game remove shit before and I’ve dumped money into them. Fallout New Vegas on my very expensive pre-order came with Mk II of all the major armors which was cut, and alot of armor got debuffed along the way. I understand restrictions and balance but I also want to see results if I put money into something. I will leave my patreon donations as is but please do get the content rolling again. Though I do find it funny that 90% of the groups that have an issue with incest have probably fucked their immediate family (Ie Cousins, siblings, ect) at some point in their life.
Cousins don’t count as “immediate family” by any measure and cousin marriages are legal in a very large chunk of the world (including a fair bit of the US; as usual for the country it’s a fucking mess – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage#United_States_2), just sayin’.
Nice ass-pull number there otherwise.
Everywhere is a fucking mess these days. The world we live in.
No, most countries actually harmonize this kind of legal shit to be more or less consistent across their geographical extent. But the US as usual never got around to organizing itself even remotely sanely.
Aren’t you an adorable little hater.
It’s an objective fact that the way legislation is all over the damn place between different US states is highly unusual even for federal systems.
I don’t disagree with that I disagree with you saying no to the world is a right mess. I never said it was all screwed in the same way but we’re all going the way of the shitter.
I have no interest whatsoever in vague and generalized doomsaying. People have been doing that approximately *at least* from as far back as we have reliable records and somehow the Apocalypse never came to pass.
I’m talking about a rather specific *legislative and organisational* mess.
I find it interesting how people think Patreon is the one pulling the strings, while there are other puppet masters pulling their strings.
I understand your decision, but I also have the same worries as a few people here who have pointed out that Patreon’s ToS state “fetish content that is hard to distinguish from non-consensual sex,” which includes other kinks in the game, as well as most of the bad ends, and the fact that losing in battle leads to “dubious consent” situations, which also fall under the umbrella of Patreon’s ToS.
I know that you want to make sure that your team gets paid for their time and effort, which is completely understandable, but in this case, I think you should take the suggestion to open a parallel campaign on a different, more open platform, encourage people to move away from Patreon to the other platform, and then when the different platform reaches the same threshold of sustainability as Patreon, cut off Patreon altogether.
This is going to lead to “give an inch, they take a mile” situations, and no, that’s not a slippery slope fallacy; looking more and more over Patreon’s ToS, the anthro characters could be construed as “encouraging bestiality,” even though they aren’t animals. Hell, Aina alone, because she’s literally half-horse, is something that Patreon could get on your case about.
So, ultimately, I’ll be keeping an older version of the game, as many others have opted, and I’ll still be looking forward to your new content. My worries are that you’ll still get banhammered off the internet if you don’t find a suitable alternative soon.
It’s not necessarily this announcement of cut content that concerns me, but the inevitable followups in the near future that are coming down the line. Because it’s only a matter of “when” not “if” those announcements of more cut content are coming.
I think the only potential cuts would be some trimming of anything not clearly sentient from any kind of sex- the cunt snakes will start talking or leave, basically. Beyond that, if Patreon’s masters make noise about the game as a whole being too close to bestiality or rape or whatever else gets their feathers ruffled, then Fen will have to make a decision about another payment service, not cutting content.
I mean, how would you ever cut everything rapey from any of these games? TiTS would be a dating sim about Steele and a fully human Fisianna on Tavros.
And the problem with a new payment service, speaking from experience, is that you always leave *a ton* of your supporters behind. It takes many moons to get back to where you were, if you ever do. And then you get to hope that your new service doesn’t become beholden to PayPal’s values, too.
What upsets me most is not the content being cut, but censorship in general.
Patreon pushing their own brand of what is acceptable on others.
Really wish another platform would gain some ground as far as fundraising.
Not upset with Fen or the other devs btw.
Agreed. Incest isn’t my thing (neither is futa, bestiality, rape, or a bunch of other things in the game), but just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean I think it should be cut. Today, incest, tomorrow, everything past holding hands while fully clothed. =(
Fucked up thing is that it probably is PayPal and other payment processors that are throwing a fit, and yet they’re the main way to pay for porn…
To all of you saying fen should jump ship and start elsewhere. It only works for a short duration, until these payment processing companies are going to check where the money is headed to and then decide to deny fen’s funding and blacklist him and affiliates.
What would be a solution is to make a ToS friendly version and host an alternate version elsewhere not affiliated with patreon or the other companies. Probably like a discord server that is unknown to patreon and post the alternative there.
However if discord would be used for it, it needs some work. I don’t imagine fen dropping mails personally to invite you and i doubt it stays off radar if he makes the site send you an automatic invite once you backed.
Just came to the realisation that you could also run a community made mod that ports older content back into the game. That way fen & co can’t be looked upon as they didn’t make it or received payment for it.
However the community would have to make it and maintain it themselves. We would have to take account that we do not distribute paid content for free so in other words we have to make it so that TiTS responds to a certain file so the stuff gets ported in.
Fuuuuuuck! Father/daughter incest (especially well-written stuff) is pretty damn rare in smut that I’ve read compared to mother/son and siblings/cousins so this freaking sucks 🙁
I didn’t just like it due to the fetish stuff, Frostwyrm culture and the reasoning for “Inner Circle Coupling” was actually really neat and interesting too. Plus daughteru gangbangs were hot as fuck 🙁
I can only hope against hope that Patreon can either get their payment processors off their back so the ban can be reversed or failing that, someone on the forums or wherever can make an unofficial patch or modded version that keeps it in like how there’s a fanmade COCRevamp mod.
Of course, if there was a flag added for the non-incest version that could then be turned off via something like TITSEd to trigger the incest content that would be cool (though I sincerely doubt that would happen due to the risks and I don’t blame Fen and co for not being willing to try something like that given the chance of discovery and the stakes involved)
So here’s the crushed but reluctant acceptance of one of your original offbeatr supporters. I won’t say I’m not disappointed as fuck and hoping you guys can find a solution but you guys do what you gotta do *hugs*
So since i read most of the other comments it seems like we are losing some folks but I for my part am staying, I am a supporter of yours for quite a while and that wont change. It is sad that Patreon is slowly but surely trying to censor all nsfw creators and is constantly changing TOS to slowly kill every single one of them one by one so that nobody who is not involved will notice. I hope you can keep the rest of the game like it is now or that things will get less intolerant in the future, till then we have to see what new obstacles mankind has to offer for us but if you should decide on having a new payment service keep the comunity posted. I hope I can keep supporting you in the future, I would be very sad if you went away completely and I believe many more would be too. Till then i hope for the best and await every single update eagerly like I always did.
I am saddened to see that events had to play out this way, but the Nykke content in particular had come with a big warning that it was being built on the thinnest ice, so I was ready for it.
However I really feel like I must now ask; Do you think there are any viable alternatives or exit strategies for the team?
As has been noted several times above there is very little stopping patreon from deciding to become more authoritarian about any questionable material. While the game my not technically cover any of the ‘major’ kinks, such as necrophilia, bestiality or, now, direct incest. So you probably are safe but we can’t assume they wont change their minds over the ‘minor’ kinks like furries for example.
It’s a necessary evil to ensure the fappening continues.
Carry on your degenerate works, we need our fix!
As long as somebody can patch the missing content in a e621 post, I’ll be fine.
Here’s to hoping a modder will eventually pick up TiTS and readd the cut content like they are with CoC and add their own stuff which would be really cool cause the incenst stuff was some of the best stuff in the games oh well at least I have other games with increst stuff I can play.
Fuck Patreon. I used to support about 100$ of projects a year ago. Dropped 90% already when they performed their first vile assault on incest. Figured TiTS was unaffected since I hadn’t heard anything. Anyway, cancelled all my other patreon pledges now. Their entire argument about payment processors is bullshit. If that was really the only thing and they genuinely cared about us they’d change processor. I’ve bought enough cartoon and written incest porn using my credit card to know for a fact that there’s processors who are fine with it.
I think they have a contract with paypal till 2020, so they can’t just jump ship. YET. A bit more than a year from now and they could switch if they’re so inclined. Though by that point Paypal may have already finished corrupting them.
Sad to see this news, but completely understandable. You guys need money to keep up the quality work, and if that means some things need to be cut/changed, then that’s what needs to happen. Gonna miss Nykke and the frostwyrmlings, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
I guess it has to be done…At least most of the scenes can survive without the fetish. HOWEVER, if you change Shade I’m pulling my support completely.
It’s sad that the incest content of Frosty had to be removed. It was well written and i really like it. I hope to see it in a changed way in the future, at least the scenes with Nykke. Like many other character content, it was kinda heartwarming in my eyes. You don’t just have sex, you talk with her about many things. Plus i hope for some psyonic content to learn from Frosty and maybe Nykke.
Aaand i’d really love to see more Azra content and a Frostwyrm TF.
Keep on the good work, guys!
Eeeeeugh. You’re right that I’m not happy, but it’s not at you guys. You’re doing the right thing, even if it cuts down on the depravity.
You and George Lucas. Smh.
Jk. It sucks, but the money lords giveth and the money lords taketh away.
Not Gonna’ lie. my favorite content as a whole has been the Frostwrym and every piece of content for her and the spawn. never really had the money to support on Patreon, but it does look like Patreon is going down the heavy censorship road. I’ve been following your teams games since early CoC and would love to see it continue, so this Subscribstar site seems to be the better road to go with. I’ve seen this kind of thing happen several times already in regards to content like this. it get slowly censured to death. I feel Patreon will do this to any adult content it hosts, after hearing of this. So I hope that all the content can be archived and reimplemented in one way or another.
Ex, out.
Or, depending on how their website is, they can just set up something on their website and then point out to backers on patreon they can shift over to this website.
Patreon is an unstable platform, especially when you’re a popular creator. They have contradictory rules that they enforce selectively. From a business perspective you’re playing Russian roulette with every post you make if you rely on them. It’s definitely worth the time and effort to find a more stable platform for supporting your content.
Definitely a disappointment. The greatest thing about fictional porn games is being able to explore real life taboos.
Real shame, though I can’t fault you for looking out for your livelihood I’m gonna have to give the game a pause until this maybe changes in some distant future. I’m the type of person who wouldn’t be able to not think about it as I played, especially getting to those scenes I know were changed. Best of luck and thanks for a great ( and free) game thus far!
To any incest fans: Solpress is releasing an incest game in the future and Mangagamer has a few too if you like that style of game.
What happens when they ban futa?
I’d likely stop supporting the game, Futa is how i found COC and TITS in the first place.
Worst case that I can totally imagine: same fate as SlaveMaker. First slower progress, then very-slow death…‽
This kills the game.
If they tried banning that the LGBT community will be at their throats. Almost guaranteed.
I have to admit I’m saddened by the news. I was greatly anticipating Anno/Siri and found the Frostwyrm content interesting and enjoyed the Kiro/Kally stuff, (Hopefully the change to Step-sisters is smooth and Steele/Rival will still be a thing.) however I understand where your coming from and find it quite commendable. So I’ll continue supporting you for the time being, because at the end of the day. Even if some of the fetish’s aren’t to my taste, I’ve still really enjoyed the game you’ve created. I can only hope you can find a workaround or something and that this isn’t a sign of things to come.
Well this blows… I get why your doing it and I see that other people have mentioned patches but what about making the relations be manually entered. I.E anno and syri are _____ with something like childhood friends as default but anything can be manually entered.
I’ll give this new setup a shot but I really hope something can be worked around because this is one of the main kinks I love to play in this game.
Well this is unfortunate, I hope you can get up an alternate soon. Seems a shame to have all the currently made content out and having to remove any flags that where heading to such a event. I know games on steam the creators have some way to re-enable the ‘naughty’ bits with a patch or a change on a file not sure if thats feasible and still complying.
So many comments!
Sorry @Fenco for this latest unpleasantness. I’ll stick around for now, though this does explain some things. It’s not right to be angry at people who don’t want to subsidize someone else’s kinks. The lack of a reasonable alternative website puts everyone in a very strange position, and all this after Patreon took steps to destroy backer anonymity.
you could have a separate download patch that would put the cut content back in
I’ve been here since even before offbeater, and its a shame to see you crumble to the overlords. Are you seriously not going to try to move to other platforms to protect your art? Are you just going to be their bitch? You should fight to protect your art, not give in without a fight. What will they demand you do next? How much further will you let them push you to the ground? I hoped you guy would be willing to fight for your art, but i guess not. I’m done supporting you. Maybe when more people drop support you will find your balls again.
When that day comes you will have my support again. Till then, good bye.
Jesus christ dude, you make it sound like they backstabbed you and now they deserve to fail because of it.
I’m 100% pro free speech and 100% against Censorship. Not much else to say.
It ain’t your livelihood at risk, duders, and since most every platform uses PayPal they’d all be using PayPal’s ToS eventually
Which would lead to the same result.
This isn’t just Fen crumbling to overlords for money, he’s a business owner, and other people’s livelihoods are at stake. It’s one thing to argue that Fen should go hungry for his art, it’s another thing entirely to tell Fen that he should make other people go hungry for his art too.
Is it really fair to ask him to screw over several other people for some subjective principles? How easily could you make the decision to cut out other people’s income to serve your own principles?
I’m going to have to stop pledging. If you move to subscribestar, I’ll come back.
Nothing quite like getting kinkshamed by smut authors, a service that processes money for smut for a game full of much worse and reprehensible scenes and kinks.
Kinda feels like I’m being told I’m an untouchable.
Whatever, this will either start the long slow death of your project or be the only time in history where ceding ground to the possible moral outrage doesn’t result in a slippery slope.
Where exactly are they kink-shaming you? It’s not like they’re cutting out this content because they want to, And if I might add, Savin is the one who commissioned Nykke in the first place. So it’s quite the thorn in his ass too. Don’t hold them personally responsible for this.
Really a shame, I enjoyed all of the content. I wish there was a separate system from paypal Patreon could use instead, one that isn’t so prudish.
I’d like to clear a few things up for people so Savin/Fen don’t need to keep repeating themselves.
1) Nykke’s getting the axe FOR NOW until they can write a new introduction for her to avoid Patreon’s eye on them a little longer. While this does remove the prospect of an incestuous relationship with her, because she is no longer your daughter this DOES open up the opportunity for her to actually get preganant and even become a crew member which was no possible earlier. A lot of her sex scenes are planned to be preserved so it is moreso a temporary removal of content for revision and not a permanent removal. Also, who is to say that a new option cannot be added for a bit of play where she refers to the PC as their parent even though she isn’t?~
2) Kiro and Kally getting changed to step-sisters doesn’t change much due to the lack of information concerning their parents. It’s as close to real incest as one can get and it still holds the incest vibe of them being family since they grew up together.
3) Shade’s staying as is due to the fact of her actual relation to Steele not being fully confirmed. There is Steele blood within her, but this easily could be Maximillian Steele instead of Victor Steele. Plus, at best, she is still your step-sister which again, like Kiro and Kally, as as close to real incest you can get in a lot of cases.
4) Rival stuff I’m sure will stay considering they’re your cousin. We all want the ultimate pleasure of fucking our cousin until they can’t even say their own name, so i doubt Fen and Co. will make that more difficult for us.
5) Anno x Syri stuff will probably still happen. While it was mentioned, there are many ways to go about this creatively and I trust Fen and Co. with how they go about this. Plus, Patreon’s rule is again Parent/Child incest, not sibling incest. Most likely the change to Kiro/Kally is a matter of a simply “just in case” scenario because they can easily be changed that way.
6) For the people in the comments advising Fen and Co. to switch to a different service or to create a separate “patch” to avoid the censorship, trust me when I say they’ve considered both. Transferring services isn’t as easy as flipping a switch and everything you have established remains. there’a a lot that goes behind it besides just making a post that says “Oh hey, support us on here instead of Patreon” with a link. It’d be like if you were told to move to a completely different state to maintain your current job or having to find a new one in a short span of time so you don’t go bankrupt. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be in that scenario. Second is the patch. Patreon has been cracking down on outside patches that ignore their guidelines for products on their site and I’m sure Fen and Co. don’t want Patreon’s eye on them like a hawk because they do so. No matter how anonymous they make the patch appear, once it is learned by Patreon that they HAVE it, all of their content will be reviewed, and Patreon will be watching them. This may as well be a death sentence so it’s best to simply take precautions and continue to skirt the rules while still providing the content in a way that tries to satisfy people.
TLDR; Some slight content changes that will make a return, perhaps with new additions to supplement, but a lot of the content is pretty much the same thing just worded differently. Nobody is losing out in the long run I imagine. Fen and Co. are trying their best to keep things as they were. We get it, censorship sucks, but it’s best to stay afloat than die trying to fight the rapids. There are many ways around this rule and I’m sure Fen and Co. are exploring them.
I trust them and I hope others continue to do so. Thanks for reading.
Don’t you take a sample of Frosty’s blood for Doctor Lessau, or is that something else? Perhaps Nykke could be from a partial clone-egg that you bring to Frosty to raise.
That’s the red myr blood.
Myr blood is for Doctor Whatshisbeard on Myrellion, Lessau’s one of the boffins you can take the Bothrioc pheromone sample to (he’s also the guy who’ll whip up the counteragent free of charge).
Re: 3) – that’s not how step-anything relatives work.
I’m not surprised. Patreon is pretty annoying and hypocritical. I don’t mind the changes to content too much, as they actually feel a bit more natural and in-tune with the theme of the game. The Frostwyrm stuff was kind of hot, but at the same time felt a little shoehorned-in. The Kiro and Kally stuff was very good, and though it doesn’t tickle me quite as much as before, it does make more sense from a story and character perspective for them to be stepsisters. I’m still super glad the Shade content hasn’t been changed, though. She’s one of my favorites and I hope she gets more content down the line.
Ok so I don’t really mind the whole incest thing being removed, since it is in the best interest of your guys’ business to rewrite/remove; but I was curious about the whole thing with the seer? It said that the creator (I assume) authorized you permission to use the art? Is there a copyright problem with that character? Would that be why she hasn’t gotten any new content? I’m not asking for any, I’m just wondering what the deal is.
Can’t wait for the Penny Quest to be finished! Hopefully that means that the siege could be worked on next! Still enjoying the bad ends the Penny Quest is adding though. 🙂
Heyo, Seer-writing-guy here.
There hasn’t been much content because I’ve been distracted doing other things since then (Akane, Maike, a whole load of unfinished expansions). I do really want to go back to the Seer and work the lesbian angle a little more buuuut things just… get in the way. :c
Did you already pull the content from the public game? I would like to grab the non cut game mostly for that frostwyrm content other than that I understand and support your decision.
My feelings on Patreon involve fire and The Critic quotes.
to tell you the truth this won’t be the end of the censoring i heard that next on the chopping block is forced Sexual content
not only sexual themed content but political content and gun based videos are all ready being chopped it would be wise to migrate to a new patreon like platform as soon as possible
“I’m not going to spit in the mouth of the company responsible for my livelihood.”-Fenoxo Fenfen
fen patreon does not pay your bills the people on patreon do if you leave they’ll follow because they are your consumers patreon’s only a means to exchange services
i did some miner internet browsing and found this best of luck
So I think an alternate version on the website is the idea while a censored on Patron. The code should the same as plug and play, well from what I know.
While I am sad to see the content go, I understand the need to bend the knee so to speak. If I may ask, what would the replacement be? Perhaps you use frostworm DNA to make a hybrid-species and they ar e raiseed on Uveto by the Frostworm as you’re incompatble with Frostworm physiology, therefore its not “technically” incest yet the Frostworm teaches them her culture?
Also, is there any planned expansion on the Frostworm itself? I wish there was an actual anal scene and not just a single line during the mating scene 🙁
Also also, with that seer artwork I assume we are getting an expansion to the big tiddy Eldritch GF?
Finally, I’m hoping once TiTs gets finished an associated “Revamp” mod is started and reverses this great injustice brought among us by the cruel Paetreon overlords.
Also, never thought I’d see this much talk of incest outside of a CK2 discussion
An idea regarding Nykke, if she comes back as a crewmember/someone met through other means besides being your offspring. What about giving her somewhat of a menu like Bess/Ben? That way you can choose a title for her to call you? Even though she wouldn’t be your daughter anymore it still gives the option for her to call you “My Qal” Or whatever else you like.
Gotta say, had no idea incest was so popular. Never understood the draw (though that goes for futa as well). Agree with those saying it’s a slippery slope and this is likely just the beginning.
You must not have parsed very many “adult” games, whether Japanese or Western. “Some Dude fucks his sis/mom/daughter/any combination thereof” is just about the single most overused scenario, the fig leaf of “not blood related so it’s totes awwwwright” optional but common.
Personally I’ve always suspected it’s at least half sheer laziness since that setup lets the author dodge most of the “how did this loser even start talking to these ladies” preliminaries; the other half is plain old fetishistic titillation, made particularly obvious in how the whole thing is rarely problematicised even for the sake of appearances. (Conversely yuri stories involving incest typically *do* remember there’s a whole bunch of complications involved; make what you will of that.)
And to quote an epic line from Genshiken: “Little-sister characters [in VNs/eroges] are written by and for people who don’t have little sisters.”
I’ve played a handful of adult games, but my interests (monster girls and supernatural stuff like vampires, werewolves, kitsune, etc.) don’t really bring me in contact with that kind of content all that often since the player character is usually human.
“And to quote an epic line from Genshiken: “Little-sister characters [in VNs/eroges] are written by and for people who don’t have little sisters.””
This is the big part for me. I actually [i]have[/i] a little sister and she’s awesome and we get along really well together, but doing something like that with her is just no. No on so many levels. Even if I found out we’re not related by blood, she’s still is and always will be my sister and I would never dream of doing anything sexual with her.
Fen you need to create your own platform (modifying your website should do it) and work out payment options because this cultural shift is NOT ending.
If you do not have your own business set up so that you can accept payments and sell product on your own terms. You will be like the refurbished Mac Book sellers on Amazon after said middle-man company’s deal with Apple cut them out of the loop after they gave Amazon a cut of their profits for years for showcasing their stuff.
Be proactive and see this as the time to start looking into how to invest in a website where you can provide products on your own terms without a middle-man. If High Tail Hall can do it, so can you.
Otherwise you will lose the ability to pay yourself and your employees whenever the folks that run Pateron decide that antho content counts as bestiality and come for you anyway.
I have followed your work since your start with COC. Do not let this get ahead of you anymore, coordinate with others and do not end up with your Patreon page being shut down and leaving you scrambling.
There is no justice except what you make, so make your own deals and get your own payment processor so that you can release content for everyone and not just for some. Or be beholden to another company to keep yours running because you have slept at the wheel on setting up other payment options or subscription services.
Oh and that ol’ “they are aliens not humanized Earth animals” will not cut it with ignorant folk when they have got you by the kui-tans like Patreon seems to.
I understand. These games are not primarily about incest, and although it sounds crude, it’s simply much more important to keep the money flowing. Patreon’s support is very valuable at this point in time.
This is a huge bummer though. I would ask, though, that the cut content be kept handy, whether it’s the wholly removed scenes or the old versions of scenes that were edited. TiTS is going to be around for a while longer, and it’s always possible that Patreon loosens its restrictions or that you move to a different funding platform with more relaxed rules, and in such a circumstance I’m sure we’d all love to see a return of the cut content. (This is probably something that’s already being done, though.)
What bothers me the absolute most about Patreon’s policies is how arbitrary they are in enforcing them. They go to crazy lengths to target certain creators who have done work that’s actually allowed per guidelines, while turning a blind eye to stuff like Paraphore – a game that features the ability to rape children and then eat them. A game that has sexual underage content on its main page.
As a creator, I’ve even tried contacting Patreon for some kind of explanation due to fears that I might be targeted, but they never respond.
Tolerably sure Patreon themselves would be plenty happy to just shut up and take your money; but if the powers that be in boardrooms – particularly those of the firms Patreon depends on to handle much of the actual transaction side – get worried about bad publicity and the wrong kind of controversy hurting the almighty Shareholder Value they need to at least look like they’re doing something to keep things appreciably squeaky clean.
Which in practice probably means interpretation and enforcement of the deliberately vague rules largely boils down to notability and whether someone starts making noise about things. Something super niche most people have never even heard about is more likely to be left alone exactly for those reasons whereas a recognizable “household name” gets that much more scrutiny (and asswipes making filing spurious complaints/reports about it for the lulz or because they’re professionally offended by it).
I have to admit that the decision to remove the incest content brought me close to removing my pledge, because it’s the thing I enjoyed the most in this game and especially losing some of the frostwyrm content really pisses me off.
That being said.. I can perfectly understand that you have little choice in this matter and that it’s not your fault at all and I still really want to support this game and the niche content it stands for.
I only hope that you might find another way to get donations without letting anyone censor you, cause then it wouldn’t feel so conflicting to send money your (or rather whoever’s responsible for this bullshit censoring) way.
okay so in general we have
no more parent/child incest
fear of evil money company clutches at our fantasy
kiro kally are now step** (wow very big difference xD)
anno syri stays
potentially more/better nykke content
your cousin is still there too
shade hasnt been killed yet (dont harm her >.>)
overall thats pretty alright still, not much loss yet *sighs in relieve
btw savin is the new sera content all stuff for her sub scenes only?
I have no idea. I haven’t read any of Sera’s stuff since she was first implemented.
ups, meant Nonesuch and wrote savin >.> well totally happens
Sub Sera only, yes.
okay thanks!
Yeah, this made me unhappy. I liked the content that was already in and this is one of the kinks I like. But I agree with the reasoning, we all got to provide for ourselves.
make two builds, the general public without incest and another on the side that you dont release to public and have people contact you via email if they really want the incest
would it be possible to keep the content on e621.net or would that cause more problems?
Won the fight against the ziltrap and picked “give oral”
[Uncaught TypeError]
Something bad happened!
Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:
Flash Player: PlugIn – Windows 10
Flash Version: WIN 31,0,0,122
Game Version: 0.7.232
Error Name: TypeError
Error Mesg: Error #1009
TypeError: Error #1009
at classes.GameData::CombatManager$/genericVictory()
at classes::TiTS/eatOutPodPennyEnding()
at classes::TiTS/buttonClick()
As disappointing as it is, it’s definitely better to be safe than sorry. Changing everything may not solve the problem either.
Recently, Jlullaby, an artist who draws NSFW Stuff (including incest), was kicked off Patreon for incest content even though they had already changed it months ago. They sent an appeal to Patreon, but the decision was final. So hopefully you guys have a backup just in case.
I understand your point of view here and will keep supporting you on patreon, but I remember the quote “you give them an inch and they take a mile”. So if any more content is cut for patreons rules I can not keep supporting you on this platform, I seen lots of games be butchered for patreons rules and I don’t want to see this game follow the same path.
But still best of luck to you and your team.
“We have zero tolerance when it comes to the glorification of sexual violence which includes bestiality, rape, and child exploitation (i.e., sexualized depiction of minors). This is true for illustrated, animated, or any other type of content. Patreon reserves the right to review and remove accounts that may violate this guideline. As a reminder, you should never post or share nude content of any individual under the age of 18, including yourself. As a strong commitment to child safety, we will work with law enforcement whenever we come across child exploitation.
We also do not allow other fringe sexual fetish content, such as incest, necrophilia, or fetish content that is hard to distinguish from non-consensual sex.”
-Patreon 2nd paragraph community guidelines on Adult Content
alright shit lords role a 12 for consent
Please do a soft transition to a different platform so that this can be avoided. I understand the money perspective but please, oh please, before they decide that another fetish isn’t acceptable either. Doing it once surely means they’re willing to do it again and more if succesful at first.
Damn. I just recently got to the Frostwyrm interactions and it feels like such a shame that a lot of it is getting removed.
Is there anyway to make a patch separate from Patreon that would put the incest back into the game?
I don’t suppose it would be possible to just disable it rather than ripping it out completely?
As someone who doesn’t like incest at all and is repulsed by it I am happy that I won’t have to worry about accidentally fucking my family anymore but as someone who cares about freedom of expression and freedom of speech I have to say that this fucking sucks and I feel sympathy for everyone who loves that incest shit who is gonna be losing out.
I totally understand, definitely a good call.
I just think it’s fucking DISGUSTING and two-faced that Patreon betrays the people who made them at all relevant with their shitty attempts to project a politically-correct image to the public eye.
Yeah, but sadly it seems this is often how things often go in businesses. Company provides a quality service or product long enough to get big, then suddenly they feel as if they don’t need the people who got them there (and sometimes they don’t anymore), so they stop caring about what they have to say in favor of listening to shareholders (understandable, but it still sucks).
TBF shareholder value is their literal reason to exist.
Man, this really sucks.
Wondering why no just change the frostwrym biology so it’s more of a goblin (from fantasy thing) where the frostwrym dna over rights the main characters dna but takes favorable traits to it’s more of they more like the spider things that are already in the game.
That’s not how the overwhelming majority of fantasy goblins work. Most aren’t even interfertile with other species (unlike, for whatever reason, elves and orcs).
That also isn’t how natural selection works. “Favorable traits” are 200% context-sensitive which is specifically why heredity just scattershots the whole gamut and leaves it to the environment to sort out the fitness or lack thereof of the various resulting combinations.
Kinda disappointed this didn’t happen on the 5th of November because well…remember remember…
You could make a second version on another website and have that as an option for those who want it, just as an option I personally don’t care either way but I am giving suggestions for alternatives.
Patreon would not allow that and then there would be two code branches to maintain
I’m probably in the minority that I’d rather sacrifice the sexy scenes with nykke in order to preserve the parent/child dynamic. I was really hopeful for being able to see her step out into the world, the way she wanted to stand out in her own way and not just because of her scales being different, and help her see more of the universe she was so curious about. There’s such a lack of meaningful offspring interactions in the game too. While I understand it’s hard to raise kids traditionally while jetting around the universe, here we had pretty much the only steelekid that matured fast enough to potentially join you on your adventure without having to be literally babysat (though I fully expect her naivete to have caused more than a couple interesting misunderstandings).
I have a vague idea that might serve as a compromise, depending on how the company defines incest. Instead of being your blood child, you find nykke’s egg abandoned and in stasis due to the absence of the parents. Either by taking it back to your ship or to the frostwyrm, (whichever way works out better) it basically attaches to you as a surrogate psionic bond instead of her original parents and begins to grow, but the disturbance in the natural growth process and being out in the elements for so long could have unforseen side effects, i.e. the black scales and anything else that seems fitting to add to that. If it’s made clear that it’s not a blood relation, would that put it in the same camp as kiro and kally being step siblings?
“Risking my friend’s jobs (and my own paycheck) isn’t worth indulging one specific fetish.”
Cool cool cool. Just don’t forget to apply that same argument if/when Patreon cracks down on futas. I’m sure risking your and your friends’ jobs isn’t worth indulging that “specific fetishes” either.
How the hell do you win the second fight in Penny Quest and not get Penny’s libido up? I’ve been trying, being able to crit one of the traps at one point, but one always manages to get her turned on. Is there a way to do it? Though what is the scene exactly anyway?
One aspect cut, fine, whatever. You do this twice, you’re actively attacking the game and lose my money. It would be monumentally stupid to continue cutting content for a site that clearly doesn’t want you on there, and I’m hoping you aren’t that stupid.
wait wait wait…No!!! Don’t do it!! TTwTT
I only care about one issue here. It’s a deal breaker for me so I’d really appreciate and answer.
Will we still be able to fuck Our rival? Because that’s one of the primary motivators for me with tits.
Like seriously it’s the main selling point.
If you have to remove it and never make any content with the rival that would really suck, but I understand if that’s the case.
Rival scenes are still planned.
I like Nykke and I’m a sucker for dragon-girls, but the incest thing WAS creepy. I’m looking forward to her re-implementation!
Welp, I’m giving up on the game. Only Fenoxo could take a game about sex with space aliens and make it vanilla and boring. I’d ask for a refund, but my last payment was so long ago I doubt I’d get one. Still, this is not the product I paid for. I bet if I come back next year the game will only have missionary with the lights off and you can’t unlock it until marriage. Then the year after that first base will finally be removed and it’ll just be a game about holding hands. You prudes have fun fapping to Amish porn. I’m out of here.
Just because the game doesn’t have incest anymore doesn’t make it “Vanilla and boring”.
Are you seriously blind to everything else fetishy this game has? Or do you seriously think incest was the focus that makes the game less vanilla, not the bimbofication/mindbreak, gender TF, dubcon, hyper, and all that other shit? ://///
*close circle incest I mean.
There’s still gonna be incest, but it won’t be the cases of father/daughter like with the Kips and similar. Cousin fucking and Shade’s still on the table, so chill
We can still get the version of the game with that yeah? It’s really disappointing and I hate that Patreon can just hold your livelihood hostage. I understand though. Maybe just leave that stuff in the code just sectioned off so people can renable it themselves by doing some digging?